Problem is they have gained psychological warfare tactics, hahaha.
yeah food science creates a helluva drug. fat,salt,sugar dopamine addiction.
Where’d you study tactics, boy?
Eat these French fries or you’ll be alone forever
I mean unironically this is how fasting and dieting works lol. Just don’t eat it
Also crippling anorexia :D
Unless it comes from the anorexia region of France it’s just sparkling weight loss.
Sparkling eating disorder
Fucking anorexic vampires.
Pics or it didn’t happen
At the risk of un-funning the meme, this is hard as hell. Took some health issues to snap me out of it and start taking care of myself. I know some folks that aren’t stopped by health issues. Food addiction really sucks and erodes your willingness to deny it. Consent is a small part of the picture, though important.
They say quitting smoking is very hard, but quitting food abuse is harder.
I quit smoking years ago. It was rough, but at least I never need to smoke another cigarette for the rest of my life. It’s a lot easier to maintain “never” than to maintain “daily but not too much”.
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it definitely can
Suck it back in, don’t let your own poop make you it’s bitch
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Like with my mouth or do I suck with my butt?
Whichever you feel most comfortable with, but sending it back the way it came is some “you shall not pass” energy
Shame your wisdom came too late to help that poor fellow.
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thin people just have a way of shutting that whole thing down
Their mouths?
I understand that food is delicious and it is enjoyable to eat but have you considered that the combination of being either poor or cheap, while also being lazy can make you skinny?
I seriously don’t even want to go to the grocery store, pay for all these groceries, unload all that shit from my car, prepare a meal, eat it (the only nice part), do the dishes, put the dishes away, take out the trash, clean the kitchen.
Eating less food less often is way easier than doing all that stuff, and its way cheaper. Fast food isn’t even inexpensive nowadays and its so bad for you.
Don’t be fat, be cheap and lazy.
That just makes you skinny-fat though. Source: am normal BMI with the strength of a wet paper towel.
Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good enough.
Well isn’t that fucking hilarious. Here you are saying that shit, and the time stamps prove you then go shit alll over someone else for not being perfect.
I’m going to double down here and say that you don’t have to be perfect, but you should really strive to do better than McDonalds as your healthy option.
Ah sweet, we got comment history readers here.
Marshmallow biceps unite!
I’d raise my glass to you but it heavy
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Ironically eating takeout, fast food like McDonald’s is one of the more reliable low calorie meals. Chicken Burger, diet drink and 6 nugs is 700 cals where the norm seems to be around 1000 by me. Subway is probably the best for me with a 200 cal salad but I’m not craving take out to eat a salad
What’s ironic is that you think that eating garbage is the healthiest way to go about feeding yourself.
“the bad food is bad and eating it makes you bad”
They clearly are managing their food intake just fine. Why do you gotta make a rude value judgement based on what, your own preferences? Go count your own calories instead of worrying about how someone else gets theirs.
Their justification for eating highly processed food and drinking artificial sweetener solution is that it’s the only way they can control their calorie intake. Call me rude if you want, but it’s ridiculous.
You don’t have to eat organic vegan everything to be healthy but a McDonalds centric diet isn’t the way to go.
The eight fake spiders you eat in your sleep every year have entered the chat.
I’m going to need … Whatever the appropriate number of tiny handcuffs is. That’s illegal.
Why is the left burger on top of a sliced tomato and a piece of lettuce?
They should replace that would onion rings and bbq sauce.
I’m a little calorie whore
Be careful, little calorie whores quickly become big calorie whores …
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The human body has a way to shut that down /s
Dare to resist!
How can I lose weight if lettuce keeps falling out of my burger?
The coke is the unhealthiest part ironically. The burger is the healthiest part because if you don’t put loads of sauce, it’s pure beef, lettuce and tomato with a roll. All healthy ingredients.
The chips are medium- healthy, the problem being the oil. So only have a few if you can, preferably without salt.
Something like KFC is far worse because the chicken is coated in crumbs and deep fried - LOADS of bad oil.
The burger is also a bun. It’s a lot of calories from carbohydrates.
Yes but it’s not as bad as you think. Just eat the bottom half.
I’m on dialysis and the Dietician says I can eat it, but just half the bun. If it’s ok for me, it’ll be fine for your if your kidneys are ok.
*dietitian. Just think off tit
Processed meat is a known carcinogen so unless that’s a vegan patty the chips are probbaly healthier.
Wished you had shared this with that vegan chick who died.
WHAT? Died due to not eating?? There’s enough vegan food in the world?
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This is my strat for dinner as I broil bacon and filet mignon
The great thing about eating the rich is the multitude of uses their rendered fat has. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)