Ah that good old persecution fetish…
So strong, being unashamed to proclaim your belief in the dominant religion in the country. So brave.
I wonder if they’d be so willing to advertise this if they were, for instance, in the middle east.
If they were in the middle east they would be Muslim. These people did not choose Christianity from a multiple choice option. They were led down a path. If they lived in a different area they would have been led down a different path and the end result would remain the same, just with a different name.
What if they are in the middle east on vacation?
They’d try to preach the christian “word” and then promptly die. Or they’d leave racist social media posts
The politically, religiously, economically, and socially dominate people love to act like they’re being persecuted. Fucking idiots every single conservative Christian. I’m going up go further since I’m half a beer in, all Christians in the West.
It’s like they are saying ‘I know I should feel ashamed for believing in this silliness, but I don’t’.
I’m pretty sure it’s a reference to molesting kids.
“Yeah I know what the church did and it doesn’t bother me in the least. If those kids didn’t want to be molested, they shouldn’t have been near priests.”
Tuna shaming is bullying people with those tuna fish stickers on their car.
Lmao clipart memes need to be a thing
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He’yar! She loves me fish sticks!
Still don’t know what’s it’s trying to say
Unashamed. Took me a second
I was pronouncing the una like tuna and could not figure it out
Their religion values pubes
Chewbacca is their god
I was tuna shamed in school because that’s the only sandwich my mother ever put in my lunchbox.
You can tune a guitar and tune a car but you just can’t tuna-fish.
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A subset of the kerning problem. Space layout is important.
I don’t know why they’d be ashamed of a lower case t though…
And the lord SAID-AH. Do not feast upon the tuna salad! (AMEN!) Do not FEAST-AH upon the devils nigiri! Do not be TUNA SHAMED!
(Overly energetic song about Jesus fighting tunas here)What that really means is “I should be ashamed to believe this ridiculous book of fairy tales, but I’m weak minded.”
It’s not a tuna
Dishonor! Dishonor on you, dishonor on your tuna!
“it’s a prank you idiot, it’s too much tunaaaa”
So much insecurity in their own shitty beliefs.
They’re just broadcasting that they’re a fascist, let’s be real.
Is there the same insecurity shown with lgbt/trans with various flags and symbols? I’m not trying to be inflammatory about the morality of either but I see similarities in symbology. One half of culture sees it as normal, the other half sees it as not for them. Both have been persecuted or treated differently at points in history. Just interesting to see it though they are very different in many other ways.
LGBT community generally gets shamed for existing, Christians generally get shamed because they shame others for existing.
Christians have a persecution complex despite being one of the biggest religions in the world and being largely unpersecuted, LGBT groups are actively persecuted throughout the world.
LGBT groups have no choice in being the way they are, Christians do.
LGBT groups show pride to fight actual persecution, Christians use pride to battle make-believe persecution.
There really is a huge difference.