• @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    Zoom: “wE cAnT cOlAbOrAtE iF wErE nOt In PeRsOn. We NeEd EmPloYeEs To ReTuRn tO tHe OfFiCe.”

    They have stiff competition but this has to be one of the most incompetent boners I have ever seen pulled by a major corporation. Stating very clearly to the entire world that you have no confidence in your own product. If Eric Yuan (Zoom’s CEO) wasn’t the principle shareholder he probably would have been fired out of a cannon by now.

    • @[email protected]
      92 years ago

      And what are zoom employees using from the office to sell their product? Why no other than a fine Zoom call, from our desk to yours!

        • @[email protected]
          72 years ago

          Well nothing in particular, I’ve been done with the rate of MTG product releases for a while now, hate the universe beyond as for me it damages the feel of the game significantly, and the overall price increase is just rude at this point.

        • @[email protected]
          72 years ago

          Despite previous promises that they would not, they did something similar to Unity and tried to retroactively change their Open Gaming License to force creators of Dungeons & Dragons derived products to give up ownership of their products unless they pay exorbitant sums.

          They also sent the Pinkertons to intimate a guy who got shiped some unreleased Magic the Gathering cards by accident.

  • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
    862 years ago

    Literally every company is doing this. There was a time when, for example, Apple could reverse engineer the Word document format and make their own word processor that uses them. This was very common and resulted in things like IBM PC clones that sped up innovation.

    Now companies use litigation and corporate buyouts to reduce their competition, then set up ways to extract rents on customers rather than providing a service. Business folks love this because it means a consistent stream of revenue that won’t go away. And now you’ve got carmakers looking to charge by the month for features.

    For more details, read Chokepoint Capitalism.

    • tuxrandom
      272 years ago

      And now you’ve got carmakers looking to charge by the month for features.

      When I reach the point at which I am forced to buy a car like that, I’d just find out from where the feature gets controlled and hack in my own controller and a good 'ol switch.

      • @[email protected]
        382 years ago

        Right now it’s your right to do what you want to your car as long as it still passes vehicle inspection, but it appears that car makers want new laws that prevent you from modifying your own car.

        If we just sit on our hands now, well likely move into a future where we will be forced to either pay subscription or take public transit, which requires subscriptions.

        • @[email protected]
          142 years ago

          The Library of Congress added “software that runs land vehicles” to their copyright exceptions somewhat recently. That’s why farmers are legally allowed to use cracked software from Ukrainian grain farmers to run/repair their tractors

        • @[email protected]
          72 years ago

          Even allowed now I would never ever modify my car firmware due to huge liability in case of any incident. Literally any insurance company figuring out you tempered with car software would try to take all the money paid for damages back from you.

          • @[email protected]
            62 years ago

            You can inject CAN bus commands if you can sniff what they’re sending. No firmware modification necessary. Not saying it’s a good idea to do so, but it is possible to do so.

        • loobkoob
          32 years ago

          At least public transit is an ongoing service. I’m far less opposed to subscriptions when I’m actually being provided with something for them.

          Car manufacturers trying to charge subscriptions for features in the car you own feels like racketeering. They’re not providing an ongoing service, they’re asking me to keep paying them to not remove a feature.

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      Cory Doctorow’s new book delves into this as well. I’m 2/3 through but it defines the problem very well for laymen and prescribes how to solve it.

    • @[email protected]
      12 years ago

      This was very common and resulted in things like IBM PC clones that sped up innovation.

      i don’t think it was due to reverse engineering but bcz of releasing specification by IBM them self due to which other manufacturer where able to make identical clone and can run extracted BIOS from IBM PC without any modification!

  • TimeSquirrel
    722 years ago

    Microsoft. They’ve been itching to go to a fully cloud-dependent subscription-only model for Windows for a while now.

    • The Picard ManeuverOP
      752 years ago

      I could’ve sworn that they said win 10 was going to be the last windows and it would just receive updates.

      • @[email protected]
        382 years ago

        the surprising thing there isn’t that they went back on their word, but that they said it in the first place.

        Seriously, how could an OS company seriously believe they’d never need or want to release a new major version

        • @[email protected]
          142 years ago

          It was to keep everyone in their eco system and just update it as they found more ways to extract revenue

          • @[email protected]
            112 years ago

            Right but they could have done that without promising that 10 would be the last Windows version. Let’s be honest, everyone is already locked into their ecosystem outside of enthusiasts and people with Apple Hardware. If you want a non-mac laptop/desktop, unless you go well out of your way, you’re almost certain to end up with a Windows PC, they didn’t need the “last version” gimmick to keep people on Windows.

            Hell, a lot of non-techy people who are already used to using Windows would rather not use a computer than learn to use a new OS. It’s easy to forget how tech illiterate the average person is

            • @[email protected]
              2 years ago

              I’m probably one of the less technically literate people here and in my case, you’re absolutely right. I assume Linux involves typing commands somewhere and I, frankly, have to look up how to do a vlookup in excel every time it happens.

              I would probably prefer to use my phone (an old ass iPhone) instead of a computer with a totally new os. I’m not a huge fan of macs, but it’s still basically the same on the user end. I suspect linux is more different.

              Inb4: I straight up don’t have time to switch my os for at least a year, I just wanted to support the above comment. I am well aware that my assumptions are probably wrong, just wanted to share what the reputation of Linux is among non tech people (if they’ve ever even heard of it).

              • @[email protected]
                2 years ago

                I assume Linux involves typing commands somewhere

                It doesn’t, it’s akin to command prompt/poweshell on Windows albeit less verbose or Terminal in Mac. It’s just something you can do but if you don’t use it on Windows then you aren’t going to need it on Linux

                I would probably prefer to use my phone instead of a computer with a totally new os

                Android/Chrome OS are Linux, I think this is the easiest way to show people how little “command typing” is needed

                just wanted to share what the reputation of Linux is among non tech people

                Tech people use that reputation as well, a bunch of people think it makes them smarter but Linux is better for non tech people than Windows because it has a natural defense against scammers/viruses.

                I switched to it because Windows was too complicated and I couldn’t get anything to run well <- Linux has less overhead but that wasn’t my issue

                • @[email protected]
                  22 years ago

                  it’s akin to command prompt/poweshell on Windows albeit less verbose or Terminal in Mac. It’s just something you can do but if you don’t use it on Windows then you are going to need it on Linux.

                  You just lost 99% of windows and Mac users right there.

              • @[email protected]
                2 years ago

                You should read up the Halloween documents to get a better understanding of where some of those assumptions (which to be fair have since become something of a self fulfilling prophecy…) originate from.

              • @[email protected]
                12 years ago

                I am well aware that my assumptions are probably wrong

                No, no, this is entirely accurate. It’s just that the Linux-a-boos would love to tell you otherwise. But it’s all a bunch of circle jerking. The people who are willing to deal with that and have already dived need justification and will tell you it’s simple.

                Sure, some distros are a bit more hands off and “works out of the box”. But you still have to find the box. And figure out how to open the box. And figure out how to get it out of the box. And then it just works. Until it doesn’t.

                It’s not as hard as it used to be, but anyone telling you “any normie can just do it and never look back” is full of shit. It still has its hurdles and you’ll still be occasionally troubleshooting your own PC. Most people don’t want that. But the people who do are already running Linux.

                • @[email protected]
                  22 years ago

                  My grandmother has been running under Linux for about 6 years now after constantly needing people to fix her Windows install. She can barely use Facebook.

            • @[email protected]
              22 years ago

              Some people stay on previous versions though and that means less of a base to send advertisements to

              It’s not a worry of people going to Linux, it’s a worry of people staying on 10 instead of going to 11

              • @[email protected]
                22 years ago

                As a lifelong windows user, 10 is my last windows, I’ve heard nothing but garbage from those I know running win11.

                I will be switching, it’s just a matter of distros, better support for gaming/vr/drivers etc.

                I’ve been messing around with Ubuntu on an Orange Pi 5 and so far, apart from gnome (even with extensions) I’m really pleased and feel much more in control of my hardware.

                The moment I heard of ads in the start menu on 11 I vowed it won’t happen, and yet the bing bar showed up on my desktop last week after am update. Needless to say I’ve already been into the registry to fix that issue, but yes, that basically sums up how I feel, and I know most I know feel the same re: MS Windows at this point.

        • @[email protected]
          22 years ago

          I assumed what they ment where that with W10 they would transition from point releases to a rolling release model.

          This is common in the Linux world, Arch being the most well known example.

      • @[email protected]
        202 years ago

        Yeah then MacOS 11 came out after 20 years. The idea was to have the same version number for the dumb dumbs. It’s why the Xbox 2 was called Xbox 360 so it’d match PlayStation 3, but bigger.

        • @[email protected]
          52 years ago

          Firefox did the same bullshit. Was on version 5 for ages, saw chrome do insane version numbers, „oh no they might think we are outdated“. Now firefox v110.

          What a pile of shit

          • @[email protected]
            32 years ago

            LOL why do you care what version number it is? They could switch to using letters, I wouldn’t give a shit.

            The part that’s cool is rolling updates. It just doesn’t make sense to have a release schedule like they did. The reason why software had that in the first place was for marketing: you’re supposed to get excited for the new version 6.0 or whatever and run down to the computer store and buy it to replace your old, outdated version 5.0. That model doesn’t make sense for software that’s free, though. Incremental updates make more sense. Features get rolled out gradually instead of being all bundled together for a big, splashy upgrade.

            • @[email protected]
              52 years ago

              I do not care about the version numbers, i care about „oh no, chrome is doing something, quick we need to adjust or we will be laughed upon“.

              Copying chrome is the pile of shit.

              Rolling updates makes sense, i agree with that.

  • @[email protected]
    722 years ago

    This is a turning point and I’m here for it

    Twitter, Reddit, Facebook => Fediverse

    Unity => Godot

    AAA Studios => Indie devs

      • @[email protected]
        52 years ago

        They completely botched the WotLK server situation launch as well.

        I waited for that shit for years, and me and many others couldn’t play no matter how much money we were willing to spend to do so. I don’t know if they ever fixed the servers, but back in December they were still a hot mess.

        Also, to a lesser degree, SC2.

        They certainly lost a loyal customer in me, at least.

    • The Picard ManeuverOP
      362 years ago

      Well this year was overwatch 2, which was pretty much the same game but wrapped in skeezy monetization, with the excuse that they needed to drop a sequel (and delete the original) for their new PVE content. Then a few months later, they announced they weren’t even going to do the PVE content, but they were keeping the new monetization.

      • @[email protected]
        232 years ago

        Seriously fuck them to death for this. And their “new maps” is just like the same fucking maps but at nighttime or daytime instead! OoO what a sequel! The company deserves to crash and burn.

        Also I PAID for one of the call of duty games and after a year they one day just said I can’t play it anymore because they ended support for older versions of windows, of course they also refused to refund me. I didn’t buy “one year” of gameplay I bought the fucking game. Never making that mistake again.

        Just relentlessly fucking greedy and shitty. It’s a shame people enable this bullshit by spending $30 on character skins and paying out the ass for lootboxes. We need to answer them with the loss of our business. I did my part and uninstalled all their IP and refuse to give them another dollar of my money ever again until/unless I see a 180 in their policies and practices.

        • TrenchcoatFullOfBats
          62 years ago

          I didn’t buy “one year” of gameplay I bought the fucking game.

          That right there is the root of the overall problems we’re seeing: licensing, and the increasing willingness of assholes with MBAs to use licensing as a weapon to increase profits.

          When you pay your money, you’re not getting anything but the right to use the thing for as long as the company decides to let you keep using it. They take your money AND they retain the right to revoke or change the license whenever and however they want.

          The only way to win this kind of game is to a) not play it, and/or b) take to the high seas.

      • @[email protected]
        82 years ago

        This year was also Diablo 4. And they have been driving that one further and further into the ground. The OW2 lore shit is another turd on the pile. Dragonflight is continuing a “more of the same but we told it’d be different” trend, but is honestly their smallest fuck up in a list of fuck ups.

        Was HotS dying last year? OW1 was basically on life support for the past two years in order to support the OW2 fiasco so I feel like that should count as it’s own entity… Once we’re into last year, there’s Diablo Immoral

        The list goes on.

      • @[email protected]
        72 years ago

        They took the dev team away from hots (only blizzard game/moba worth playing) so they could work on their pve

        • The Picard ManeuverOP
          52 years ago

          Maybe? It’s all blurring together for me. It was at least this year that they cancelled the PVE stuff.

          • @[email protected]
            32 years ago

            That’d make sense, I just remember visiting my brother in-law around christmas last year and he was playing it and telling me about the controversy about it being the same game.

            But yeah everything blurs together lately, don’t know if it’s because everything is so chaotic, or just because I’m getting old lol

    • M137
      22 years ago

      Seriously? They’ve been one of the most shitty companies for years. They’ve been on the top of the most talked about and widely shown because of all their bad decisions. How does anyone who has even a remote idea and interest about this not know that?

  • @[email protected]
    582 years ago

    Twitter Reddit Unity Blizzard Microsoft Epic Google All of the Movie industry. All of the animation industry. All of the Gaming publishers.

    Basically, everything, everywhere.

      • Izzy
        102 years ago

        Cars are going to get really terrible really soon if not already. They are becoming less of mechanical machines on wheels and more of computers on wheels. Car companies like Tesla are already harvesting every tiny bit of personal data from you as they possibly can. Other car manufacturers aren’t much better. It is truly a privacy nightmare. Any new car you get you will basically have to gut it and cut out the part that tracks everything you do.

      • @[email protected]
        152 years ago

        Epic is trying to make every game exclusive so they don’t have to compete on the market, instead of providing a service that is actually competitive.


        Tldr: Epic waits until a game with hype annouces a launch date on Steam, then contacts the developer saying “We would love to have you on our platform” and offers an exclusivity deal.
        Dev turns down exclusivity deal because backers were promised a Steam release.
        Sudddenly Epic has no interest in making the game available on their store if they have to actually compete with another store. Despite saying previously they would “love to have it”.

        Having it on their store as well would provide a better service for their users but that’s not what Epic is interested in.

        • Sabre363
          12 years ago

          Oh, I see, they have been doing that for years though. I thought maybe they did something new to spice it up this year.

        • @[email protected]
          22 years ago

          This is silly. Epic Megagames out out some ridiculously great products. Jazz jackrabbit, omf, zzt, freaking UNREAL and unreal tournament. If y’all wanna hate on their recent decisions that’s fine not everyone stays good, but to say that simply existing is a reason to hate on them is redacted.

    • Cosmic Cleric
      12 years ago

      All of the animation industry.

      Corporate enshitification and the Woke/anti-Woke debate are two very different things.

  • Radioactive Radio
    532 years ago

    “Why don’t you pay for every damn bullet you fire in the game you fucking peasants!!??” -Unity CEO

    • @[email protected]
      42 years ago

      Well, shares are company value, not product value. And companies are valued by their ability to create value. A terrible decision usually doesn’t mean much, and share price fluctuation is mainly speculative in nature. A large company may survive a bad CEO, and create value down the road. Even a crashing company has value, as it may be split and sold with a profit, turning shares into cash.

      All in all, as much as I hate, EA for example, they have a strong position and can easily eat up failed releases for years to come. Many of their releases are payed off with only pre-orders.

  • Dame
    442 years ago

    Unfortunately and admittedly, we are the problem. These companies know that people pay for convenience and stick to what they know. If we were less likely to do so companies would have to raise their standards. Take Twitter for example, even with Musks over inflated numbers other sources indicate there’s still hundreds of millions of Twitter users. They see all of the things Musk has done and it hasn’t buried his business thus they are now taking pages out of his book.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Blaming individuals for not performing collective consumerist acts against corporations is liberal bullshit that only excuses corporate wrongdoing.

      EDIT: To spare other people from having to read the smug corpo clown buffoonery beneath this post, I’ll put the most relevant part I wanted to stress up here instead:

      The eight hour day, the end of widescale child labor, the concept of minimum wage, and much more that improved the lot of the working class and of society as a whole were not the products of “vote with your wallet” nonsense. Slavery wasn’t abolished in the United States (it still isnt if you count the prison system, and you should, but stay with me here) by cotton buyers coming together to only buy “ethical” cotton.

      • Dame
        -52 years ago

        It’s not liberal bs. It’s lazy thinking on your part and people are agreeing with you to shuck accountability. None of the services are essential services. We could easily drop them and it have nearly zero material impact on our lives. Spare me the BS. Just say you’re too lazy to pull away from comfort. People vote with their dollars all of the time. It’s also not liberal, there’s been conservative stances against businesses and corporations as well. As humans some of the biggest influences we have in society is our votes and our dollars. Quit being lazy and just state you’re fine with things as long as it doesn’t disrupt your comforts. That’s better than calling it “liberal”

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          2 years ago

          It’s not liberal bs

          It is.

          It’s lazy thinking on your part

          No, blaming individuals for not coming together in some magical way and putting all the responsibility on them for what corporations do is your lazy thinking. Next you’ll say that blood diamonds are entirely the fault of people buying them and not the DeBeers corporation enforcing artificial scarcity with them while performing atrocities at the same time, with the implication that atrocities just happen until a magical moment that people stop buying the artificially scarce diamonds, and because that is materialistically highly unlikely in the present system, that just allows smuglords like you to shame the masses while at the same time feeling idealistically superior to them while doing nothing.


          Stop saying “we.” You are licking the boot and blaming the masses for not being as enlightened as you so you can feel superior to them.

          Quit being lazy

          Quit being a smug liberal bootlicker. smuglord farquaad-point

          • Dame
            -42 years ago

            It’s not liberal then what do you call conservatives that make the same decisions? You’re just weak. I love how you gloss over the protections of your comforts. It’s not lazy thinking to hold businesses and government accountable. How tf do you think we do that? People have protested, use their votes and used their dollars. YOU are the lazy one. I’m glad we live in a different world because people and those that agree with you would still have us in the slave days and civil rights wouldn’t be fought for at all. You do understand it was peoples protests, voting and their dollars that forced many of the major movements of the world right? Not people just waiting for businesses and governments to magically do the right thing. Having people ban together despite their comforts is not magical nor lazy. You are just weird.

            • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
              112 years ago

              Conservatives are liberals based upon the meaning of words. Do you know what liberalism is? It’s not gay rights and lattes.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              2 years ago

              You’ve already showed your whole ass and at this point there’s no meaningful way to continue replying to you. Continue tooting your self-aggrandizing horn of self-superiority and roll around on a unicycle like the corpo clown that you are. 🤡

              For anyone else reading this far, remember this: the eight hour day, the end of widescale child labor, the concept of minimum wage, and much more were not the products of the “vote with your wallet” masses-blaming clownishness you see above this post. Slavery wasn’t abolished in the United States (it still isnt if you count the prison system, and you should, but stay with me here) by cotton buyers coming together and only buying “ethical” cotton.

    • @[email protected]
      112 years ago

      I just think people shouldn’t be chided for doing what is convenient when so much of our economy is attention based. Kind of like hating the players instead of the game.

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      Agreed on convenience being enough for most people. Unity isn’t going anywhere. They are priced above Unreal now but they have the market share to justify it. There are a million other game engines with newer approaches than “coke and pepsi” but they take more work and there’s less community to pull from. There are just so many assets and abilities pre built in those game engines that allow a young developer to be productive. If you don’t need all of that then you have a wide pick of frameworks to apply your code chops to. I’d love for Godot to become Dr Pepper but it’s got a long way to go for even that slot. If unity had done this in a year or two from now it might be a different story but it takes a long time to reach a status like Blender, and even Blender isn’t the go-to for industry professionals. I love LibreOffice but I’ve never worked at a company that is willing to tolerate those little rough edges.

      Twitter is still the centralized place for a mainstream figure/organization to engage from. They have all researched mastodon and the like, opened accounts, and can’t get the same engagement. It takes people more work to find their accounts in other places and most lay-users just aren’t going to put in the effort. They’re only in it for the lulz. This may reach a critical mass someday like with myspace but any alternative still needs a central point to funnel them to. Reddit doesn’t benefit from centralization the same way and I think Lemmy/ap will scratch the itch for major topics, but it’s still harder to grow smaller communities that aren’t risa.

      Blizzard has been being blizzard for years, that’s not just a 2023 thing!

      I wish it was different. We all hate nodding to authority. But there’s a certain momentum that carries with popularity and they can surf that on their enshittification for years to come.

    • @[email protected]
      142 years ago

      I’m surprised they made it this long. Never bought into their cutesy signaling.

      But also, that place felt oppressive with a smiling face.

      • @[email protected]
        72 years ago

        Moderation there is worse than a joke. I gave them a motherlode of screenshots, discord links, timestamps to Nazi content being posted on a single server, and their employees would simply pretend I didn’t give it to them and keep asking for discord links, as though they were unable to follow up on it otherwise.

    • Cosmic Cleric
      32 years ago

      I hear Discord is due for its enshitification

      I’d really like to be able to use it without having to give up my cell phone number to do so, especially when I’m on my PC / web browser.

      • Lev_Astov
        32 years ago

        But how else would they tie your account to your real identity for marketing data collection purposes?

    • Radioactive Radio
      2 years ago

      The streaming industry has been slowly burning down for a while now. I see more and more people pirating than buying another subscription for another fucking streaming platform that has like one good show to watch.

  • Gnome Kat
    372 years ago

    Companies can no longer continue to grow through innovating their products or services. Companies are no longer competing in that domain because they have already conquered it completely.

    Companies can no longer grow through marketing and branding. Branding is everything and everywhere now, even normal people have personal brands, they have already conquered that domain and most people have grown to disdain marketing and branding so its less effective than ever.

    Companies can no longer grow through data collection and advertising. All data is collected, ads are everywhere and they are always listening to everything we say and do. They have already conquered that domain.

    Now all that’s left is competition through exploitation. It’s the only way companies can continue to grow. That is the stage of capitalism we are entering.

    • @[email protected]
      142 years ago

      Also, for a long time back until this year, money used to be close to free. Now interest is way up and suddenly companies are forced with the prospect of needing more revenue.