Checking if any Lemmy users dig this interesting game, and also looking for people to game with!
Felt like a mobile game on PS5. Gave it 30 minutes and dipped. Was not engaging at all
It is a mobile game. They ported it recently IIRC.
Why does it remind me of Journey?
It looks like it’s made by the same team that made Journey
It is made by the same team!
I feel like all my expectations from these comments were granted.
I’m not a big fan but my SO is really into it. They have the audio/visual presentation down but I feel like there isn’t enough depth to the gameplay to keep my attention. Plus I don’t like microtransaction games; it makes me feel like I’m playing a game that keeps reminding me it’s actually a storefront. All the customization options I want but don’t have keep turning out to be paywalled or require excessive grinding.
Playing multiplayer makes it more enjoyable though. Having a partner who is super into it helps me have fun by proxy.
I never quite understood what this game is about.
For me it’s about exploring new realms, and discovering new spirits and doing missions given by said spirits. Collecting items such as clothes and accessories is fun as well. I guess it’s not as intense as other games, but I like that you can do stuff your own pace - there’s no pressure or stress, just lots of beautiful visuals and wonderful soundtrack. Befriending fellow players and doing missions together is a plus as well.
do stuff your own pace
This is the core of all their games. The guy who founded the company wrote his senior thesis on flow in gaming and every game they’ve made has been about helping you achieve flow while playing. The (very) short version is that the mechanics of the game let you intuitively set your own challenge level, which enables everyone to naturally reach a flow state no matter their skill level.
I am a really big fan of thatgamecompany. I didn’t really like Sky though.
Anyway, bottom line is that the more you play the more you find out the story of the Sky universe. A playable story, if you will.
collect candles, engage with spirits, collect rewards
No, but I’ve now heard it recommended enough times that I think I’ll check it out. It looks like it’s a free download for the Switch. Are there micro transactions, or subscriptions, or some such thing?
There are purchases within the app - such as buying more candles (the game currency), or a “Season Pass” that gives you exclusive stuff whenever a new season in the game begins. You absolutely don’t need to pay for anything to enjoy the game, there are no limitations as far as in-game interactions go.
Beta tested it on android and played the snot out of it for a few months before i got tired of how much they had to limit the graphics (despite still being beautiful) in order to get it running reasonably well on mobile. Super super excited for the steam release, will definitely play more then
Yes, a lot, even have the founder cape :) It’s a very nice game to play when you want to calm down. It’s also nice you cant directly talk to players; You have to befriend them first by emoting with them and improving the friend level first.
Still waiting for the “to be announced” steam release date. I’ve tried getting into it on mobile twice, but it’s not really the type of game I’m looking for on that platform.
Damn I’m feeling old!
For me “Sky” was the 90s SkyRoads game. It was quite fun, you can play it on the browser now.