Wish we would just keep it at Standard, instead of this DST shit.
We are currently on DST. Standard is what we are moving to this weekend. Many states are passing laws to make DST (summer time) permanent. But federally it’s not legal yet so only if it becomes legal federally then we can stop changing the clock. There was a bill passed in the Senate at the beginning of this year called Sunshine Protection Act. But it has yet to be put on the house floor. And it probably never will since the house is a shit show right now
I don’t even gaf. Whichever way. I can get used to it. Just split the difference and shift a half hour and leave it. I just want to quit changing twice a year.
Arizona hasn’t done DST since 1968. What’s preventing other states from doing the same?
The idea that people like the extra hour of sunlight in the evening in the summer
The idea is that businesses like the extra hour because people don’t shop as much after dark.
Are you trying to say businesses control everything?
If that was the case we’d say on DST always because businesses could use an extra hour of sunlight again in the winter as well.
That’s not exactly what I’m saying. People generally don’t like switching between daylight and standard times. Any state could switch to standard time today, but they don’t because retailers want more sales hours. Instead they’re pushing for a change to allow more sales hours year round.
Also the sun rising at 4:30am during the summer also kinda sucks for your sleep
IIRC the issue was we can’t pass “permanent standard time” laws but we could pass “permanent daylight time”. I could be wrong though
The states are actually allowed to switch to permanent standard time any time they want without any objections from the federal government.
Permanent DST requires laws to be changed.
Can’t wait to be blinded by the sun in the morning, and blinded on the drive home with all these super fucking bright LED headlights.
I can’t say I miss incandescent bulbs, but holy fuck I miss the warm lighting they provided. Why does everything have to be so damn blue?
Newer cars are coming with warmer LEDs. I have a '24 impreza and it’s almost perfect white now.
The projector housings definitely help too. Those LED retrofits are the dangerous ones. The halogen style housings just spill light everywhere.
That’s good to hear!
What are you considering “perfect white”? Old headlights were a very warm white. Probably ~2500k or maybe even lower. Daylight is about 4800k
Halogen headlights were usually about 3000k or up. 2500k is very orange. Peak Daylight is about 5000k to 6000k, sunrise and sunset are around 2000k to 3000k.
Perfect, or Natural White, is right about 5000k.
Pro tip: Be unemployed so you don’t have to worry about getting up for work.
That is literally unprofessional
It’s a pro tip though.
We’re just getting back the hour that was stolen from us in the spring.
No daylight savings time change masterrace saskatchewan representing
But you have to live in Saskatchewan…
That sounds cold
Or Arizona…
Or Hawaii.
Or Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory (Australia)…
They went back last week?
It varies by country.
US it’s this weekend
Don’t worry, it only sounds like an SCP. In reality it’s far more stupid.
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As a bartender, I can’t wait to work an extra hour…
Make sure you get paid for it
I did like drinking an extra hour though
Anyone remember when the US Senate decided to let DST be on all year and it passed, then the House fucked it up because they are stupid dumb fuckers thinking they had more important things to do and did nothing note worthy? I remember… I am so sick of moving the clock, especially in spring… it hurts.
Already clocked back here.
Wouldn’t mind doing it again this weekend.
We should just do it every weekend.
A whole 60 minutes of regretting your life choices! What a drag it only comes once a year.
To me it just means a week of getting up and getting hungry one hour too early. My body hates daylight saving.
Daylight savings time ends for the season this weekend as we’re switching back to “Standard” time.
Switching in general sucks terribly though. I agree with you there.
Yeah I meant switching back and forth between ST and DST. We almost got rid of it in the EU! Then COVID came so we had more pressing matters I guess.
Don’t forget s other chance for the sun to be in the eyes while commuting in the morning!
I’m at work during the rollback. I won’t even get an extra hours pay, either.
damn, how’s that even legal
I feel like it’s not legal but they just aren’t rocking the boat.
Pretty much. When clocks go forward in the spring we get paid for an hour we didn’t work if we end up on shift that night, so it all balances out over the years.
Weird shifts as a firefighter. It’s legal because everyone agreed ages back it was too big of a pita to mess with and over the years it should end up being a wash. If we work over in the spring when the clocks move forward, we get a free hours pay.
I can’t wait to be at work during the rollback and think “it’s only 3:30? I swear it was 2:30 like 2 hours ago”