Boring is good. I don’t want to be surprised by the software I use.
Zsh is a nice balance of modern features and backwards compatibility with bash.
A lot of folks don’t know that you can do this. They just stick with the default install for whatever distro they’re using. Articles like this aren’t really for seasoned users, they’re for relative newbies who didn’t know.
The article just describes the how, but gives no reasons for a why.
So, why would anyone move away from the de-facto standard bash, except for some rare circumstances like having a small system and using busybox?
You probably never used fish shell.
Yeah, and I suspect most reading the article haven’t either, so the above guy’s question stands - what’s wrong with Bash in comparison to the others?
Nothing wrong with it, it’s just boring. Fish shell has some new features that make it nice to use. So does zsh. Tab completions, history navigation, plugins and such.
I don’t use anything other than BASH, but I hear that ZSH has command tab-completion (not just directory tab-autocomplete) similar to PowerShell and also some other cool shit I’m not really bothered to check out since bash is the GOAT.
Why does something have to be wrong with Bash for Fish to be better?
Because you’re bored. It says so right in the title.
Personally I don’t see the point of changing the shell either. Bash is more than good enough for my use and any other shell is going to have the disadvantage of not being the ubiquitous standard so it is always going to have an uphill battle to dislodge bash.
That said, if people want to play around with a new shell just for the sake of it, why not? I like to play around with exotic window managers myself, not because my regular plasma desktop doesn’t suffice, but because I like to try something different every now and then.
Fish is actually user friendly and easy to learn. The interactive completions are better than any other shell and are something I don’t want to live without.
It differs from bash in some esoteric ways, but any issues you might encounter as a result are easily worked around by putting shebangs in your scrips, which you should be doing anyway, and
bash -c 'your command'
.Honorable mention for
, but that one differs from bash a little too much to pick up quickly. However, having an object-oriented shell is pretty sick.
Bored with driving your car with a wheel and pedals? Change the default handling device in your vehicle
ZSH 4 lyf
Honestly I prefer it’s damn nice. Not that it’s a different shell, but makes any shell look nice
It looks pretty, but IMO one of the selling points of zsh is that it allows async updating of the prompt, allowing you to use slow commands like “git status” without adding a delay every time the prompt needs to be printed.
E.g. the default prompt from prezto is quite light and responsive, but when inside a git repo adds the info on the right side (shows when you have commits ahead/behind the remote branch, stashes, modified/deleted/added/staged files, etc) when that becomes available.
Didn’t look like any of the example themes on had the $RPROMPT stuff, which I guess would be difficult support for a cross-shell theming engine.
tip: don’t install fish or whatever, change your default shell, THEN uninstall fish because you don’t like it.
Change your default shell back first.
I have seen way too many support posts where people paint their self I to a corner doing that.
or just don’t change the default shell.
as needed, thenexit
back to bash when done.I have
Nice. But I want to change the default terminal in gnome but gnome-files doesn’t respect my choice. …
Ive been using zsh for most of my linux time cause it is trendy.
Im actually planning a move to bash. All else being equal, i prefer gpl-style to mit-style. (Tried fish didnt like it.)
Dyk the “monopoly man” illustration was created by the grandparent of the original developer of bash? And was uncredited by the company who owns Monopoly until a relative publicized this recently.
I am in the process of learning about/choosing shells for my new setup. Can you please elaborate on gpl-vs-mit style - what do you mean? Is it just about licences?
yes it is just about the license. i think gpl is better for humanity.
i don’t have a better argument than that. i guess i am just turning into that kind of person lol
More importantly: did you know the “monopoly man” does not in fact wear a monocle? We live in trying times.
i use nushell
I use fish
Stop posting these clickbait pajeet articles
I don’t see the clickbait. The title references how to change the shell, the article then shows exactly that.
I think you’re using clickbait as a meaningless buzzword for something you don’t like, rather than its actual meaning.
No one gets “bored” with a fucking shell. This is just cheap clickbait instead of adding a bland title.
You could have complained about the clickbait with racist slurs.