To be fair on the deer, no natural predator is going to be chasing them at that kind of speed, so their instincts have no reason to be adapted to understanding objects moving that fast
Same for primates but we still jump out of the way. Stupid fuckin artiodactyla.
Maybe, but freeze is one of the reactions along with fight and flight.
Nah dude, that don’t make no sense. Do animals only ever run from predators? Do they not have an instinct to avoid colliding with objects? Do they simply let 2 tons of steel smash into them just because it doesn’t look like anything they know that would want to eat them?
no natural predator is going to be chasing them at that kind of speed, so their instincts have no reason to be adapted
Nonsense. Deer, including wild deer, live in parts of the world where that threat exists.
Adaptation being beneficial for survival is about what IS, not only what’s natural. As far as reasons go, survival is kind of a big one for “instincts to be adapted”.
Sure, but evolution takes a long time and cars have been a common enough threat to potentially cause selection pressure for what, a century or so maybe?
Being that many deer impacts happen at night, I believe I read a long while ago, that their delay in response is because the headlights temporarily blind them since they’re in the dark and suddenly are looking right into light. That period of freezing is them waiting for their eyes to adjust so they can decide on the action to take.
I don’t blame them, ever walked when it was dark out? Headlights are blinding and I’d freeze too.
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Yeah but they do the same shit when it’s broad daylight / no headlights
I don’t know if you have ever encountered deers on the road in daylight, but they usually jump away.
I live in a fairly rural area with a very healthy population of deer. I have a dashcam video of a doe jumping out in front of my vehicle and just freezing there. Thankfully I was alert and had just enough time to to stop but came within 1-2 feet of hitting her. This was about 4 pm on the summer, so broad daylight. No headlights. But yeah a lot of times they do jump away, especially if they’re not already in the road.
It’s actually a very reasonable behavior if cars were normal predators: wait for the last moment before jumping out of the way so that the predator has to do a 180° and you’ve already left.
It would be really nice if they’d actually jump away tho :(
You hear that Mr. Anderson?.. That is the sound of inevitability…
“There was a time where they cared nothing for General Motors when their only experience of humanity was a Volkswagen golf 1974 coming at them down a steel corridor.” -Gman
Humans when they see a vaguely humanoid shape in the dark: your upper picture
Humans when they are actively destroying the very basis of their existence, causing large, currently inhabited areas, to be uninhabitable in a few decades: this is fine meme, photoshopped to see the rain forest burning and cities flooding.
A successful hunt is a successful hunt
They are just giant rodents.
Humans when they hear a gunshot vs Humans when Great Beast Gltheth arises from the Deep Slumber 😂🤣😂😂
God is watching–atching-atching God is watching-atching-atching
87 mph in american, btw.