Is there anybody, literally anybody, who thinks lips like that look attractive? She looks like she’s been punched in the mouth one too many times.
Probably those who get them…
I mean, I like them and also want to get them one day. So n is at least 1. In the end you should do body mods because you like them, not because others do…
Body modding is lame, i want horns damn it
Like subdermal horn implants?
No, I want actual horns that look like horns
And thus, ska was born
There’s a lemmy community dedicated to it
Edit: found it:
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: [email protected]
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Maybe (assuming this is real) this is the look she always wanted. Who knows?
ITT: men on lemmy attacking women for looking how they want whilst pretending to support women
To be fair, I think it’s important to examine the social trends that influence people’s body images and contribute to them wanting to get a lot of plastic surgery done. I don’t think that’s healthy and it’s a lot more complicated than just “looking how they want”
“I think it’s not mentally healthy (no source required) and so we should adjust society so people don’t want it” is the same thing, no?
I mean given that mental health issues stemming from unrealistic body standards is an epidemic at this point, yeah I’d say so
We want women to look like that? Fucking hell, I knew not going to those meetings would bite me in the ass one day
Who’s “we”? I support women looking how they want, and I’m not going to decide that only applies if I think it looks good
men on lemmy
Though I think I misunderstood you. “men on lemmy attacking women for looking how they want”, I thought the “they” here meant the men. I was thinking wow, who wanted her to look like that
haha i see the misunderstanding now. but tbf there are a lot of men that like this look,. i think someone else in this thread linked a lemmy community for it
Those probably wouldn’t be shitting on her though
She doesn’t look like that: the picture is heavilly retouched.
Looks horrible. What’s wrong with girls these days, thinking this looks good?
Hey, Hasbro put a lot of effort into that. Let girls be plastic if that’s what they want.
Just because you don’t want to play with plastic potatoes doesn’t mean that everyone should be denied the opportunity to play with plastic potatoes.
Where’s the hat though
They don’t have a bleach blonde attachment for the potato
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