Whoever made this comic has never actually seen millennials and zoomers interact. We all cool.
Yeah word.
As a millennial I can say that Gen Z is bussin fr fr no cap
As a genx I can say like, whatever man.
We are the only generation to acknowledge just how fucked the next generation is regardless of whether they “get a job” or not. We’ve also experienced enough bald-faced ignorance from previous generations that we have the humility to acknowledge that there might be things as we grow that we just won’t understand, and we can tolerate it either way. Or at least that’s been my experience among my age group. In fact I’ve never been more supportive and proud of the younger millennials and zoomers. Our racist octogenary and parent is handcuffed to the wheel and dead set on speeding the car up as fast as possible toward a firework factory and we all in the car calm and holding each other like, “well, we’re fucked but they’re dying soon and we might have time to hit the brakes”.
No kidding I think half my friends are zoomers with a sprinkle of gen x.
Millenials and Gen Z are tight. It’s Gen Alpha that has Millenials… concerned. We are watching with bated breath.
Fr, I am born in 90 and some very good friends of Mine are born in the early 2000s. They are just as chill as my same age friends.
The circle has already been broken, as ~zoomer, the vast majority of millennials I interacted with were really nice people.
As a millennial, the vast majority of zoomers I’ve interacted with have been cool.
Yeah that’s been my experience as well and I work for a bar. Most of my coworkers in that generation have been easier to get along with, easier to communicate with and don’t visibly panic at a “dead inside” joke. Direct contrast to my last workplace with more millennials/boomers. Ive yet to cop inter-generational shit talking from zoomers so they sure won’t get it from me. Plus look what they did with memes.
Same, I’m not sure who this meme is really intended for
I’m a millennial and I love you guys, my aim is to be kinder and more helpful to y’all than our predecessors were to us
Gen Xers have always been pretty cool, as long as you don’t expect them to care about much. I get the feeling that the close proximity to the Boomers really took it out of them.
I have a lot of sympathy for them in general and plenty of them are pretty cool, but the product of not caring is that there a lot of selfish asshole xers, I don’t hold it as a rule, but they certainly didn’t try to support or guide us much in my experience
Edit: to be clear when I say predecessors I mean boomers because they are the age group with the most representation in power since I was born
I think boomers to millennials would make more sense. Boomers are so hateful and desperate to keep what was promised to them that they will hold on to it even if it costs 3 generations of people almost everything.
They were hating on us Gen Xers while we were still in grade school. Giving us shit for the participation ribbons, they imagined, designed, bought, and handed out to us
They invented participation ribbons and trophies, I’m almost convinced, just so they could give them to us millenials and you Xers on field day and immediately shit on us for involuntarily receiving them in fucking kindergarten as though we didn’t hate how transparently bullshit they were. I destroyed mine in creative, almost ceremonial ways.
Let’s normalise calling boomers the participation trophy generation
We did the work so you don’t have to. 😝
I’m a really young zoomer and most millenials I interacted with were also really nice.
But there were also a few jerks
Life, in a nutshell haha.
This comment brought to you by the-people-who-got-blamed-for-playing-video-games-instead-of-buying-houses.com
I am that dude they were complaining about. They used me as some sort of representative to attack the rest of you with.
I came really close to owning a home one time. It was just outside of this really terrible neighborhood and only cost 20k. This was in 2015. The house was small, but it had a barn, a chicken coop, a big area for horses that the neighbor was using (and I agreed to continue to let them use it if they’d teach my kids to ride the horses). A drive down the hillside led to trash and drugs. Somehow it didn’t extend up the hill yet.
Actually I know why it didn’t. In 2001 the neighborhood below it was flooded. The folks who lived there for years and kept it nice took the fema bucks and rolled out. The houses sold for 4-6k and the people who migrated over from the poorest part of West Virginia didn’t even bother repairing them. They just moved right in.
That killed the property value all around it, which was fine with me.
We were all set to close on the loan when I caught my ex cheating and my whole life caved in. Oh well, such is life.
It kind of stings to think I’d own it right now and a chance like that probably won’t ever happen again. The problems would have probably spread up that way eventually though and I’d regret moving there. That helps a bit.
Take this fist bump, fellow cheating-partner-cost-me-a-house human.
sad fist bump
Sucks don’t it?
I learned a lot about life through all that mess though.
I’d forgive her, she’d do it again. She’d say she loved me, then sit up in the bed in the middle of the night and say, “I just don’t love you anymore.” The chaos would start again. I’d go crash with my mom, she’d ask me to come back, then she’d make me leave again after a week or so. This dragged on for about 3 years. The last time I was driving her to work, leaned in to kiss her, seen a mark on her neck. I rolled out, she was fine with that. I met someone else, she lost her damn mind. Ended up being committed, finally settled down with the last guy she cheated with, was diagnosed with breast cancer and died at 33.
Fortunately for her, he is a great dude. He took care of her and stayed by her side through all of that hell. He still maintains an active role in my daughter’s life and he doesn’t have to do that. She’s there now actually. She’s been there for a couple weeks.
I learned that I have control over nothing. Every aspect of my life is one moment away from pure chaos and destruction, so I’m thankful for what I have while I have it. Nothing is promised, nothing is permanent. I find meaning and comfort in exactly this moment and I’m ok with that. When the hard times come, I will survive them until I eventually don’t. That is reality for all of us, I’m not special, and anyone who finds me special will find me special for a time. Believe it or not, I have peace.
Sorry for all involved. But yeah, we all just… Exist. We choose to make meaning for ourselves, if we want to.
It’s crazy. She was my meaning for so long. I started seeing her when she was 14 (lied and said she was 15) and I was just about to turn 18. The final split happened when she was 30 and I was 34.
It’s funny. She told me she was moving in with me when she turned 18. She did. She packed her bags and came to stay. About 3 days in I got a call at work, “If you don’t bring my daughter home, you and your roommate are going to jail.” I stupidly replied, “Well, she’s 18 so you can kiss my ass.” Her mother was abusive as hell, or so she said. The girl couldn’t tell the truth, seriously. I learned to take everything she said with a grain of salt and loved her any way. Everywhere she went she had some big story though. Anyway, I hung up the phone and less than a minute later it rang again, “I don’t know what Miss Lie About Everything told you, but she just turned 17. Bring her home or go to jail.”
I confronted her, “I’m so sorry, I was just so into you and I knew you wouldn’t be interested if I told you the truth, and what’s one year? At this point I was too embarrassed and I didn’t know what to do. I hoped she just wouldn’t care that I was gone.” (Which is an indicator that her stories of abuse were true).
A couple months later I had forgiven her, a year later she packed her bags and came again.
Her mom and grandma showed up and tried to get her to leave. Right to my face her mom said, “He’s worthless honey. Is this the life you want?” Her grandma chimed in, “Please come home. We love you so much.”
She stayed. Nearly 15 years, not counting the time we spent close before that. I literally didn’t believe she’d ever cheat. I was special her. I meant something. I really didn’t think she’d do it.
But she did.
Somehow I’m doing better than ever despite all of that chaos. I’m with someone that I really get along with, someone who I love to go out of my way for. It’s a whole different world. I hope she never leaves, but if she does, I know I’ll make it.
Take care bud.
There’s a thin line between anguished despair and nihilistic optimism.
A thin, intentional line.
It can be alluded to, highlighted, charted, and otherwise discussed ad-infinitum, but it’s damn near impossible to lead another to.
Only have one comment to read (and I’m sorry how much it cost) but it looks like you’re at peace indeed.
Kudos to you, but remember you can backslide in acceptance and working back out is okay too!
Is the inheritance of generational hatred depicted here even real? Some of the nicest people I’ve interacted with in my entire life were Baby Boomers. I’ve met shittier Gen Xers and Millennials than Baby Boomers.
It’s all bullshit, just generated for people to hate someone other then the ones they should be.
As a millennial, the only humans I hate are the rich. The rest of you are cool, even if some of you are dumb as rocks.
Millenial here, I don’t hate the rich, I hate the rich who has enough money to treat earning money as just a highscore challange.
I think when most people say “the rich” it’s shorthand for super rich like the people you’re talking about.
“The .1%” “Billionaires” “Trust Fund babies”
I think you can be a “trust fund baby” and still only have like millions or 10s of millions. Which is enough to squander in your lifetime…. I can be jealous of people in that situation and not hate. It’s the billionaires with more money than their families could use in 5 generations and who are still accumulating more. Those people can get guillotined.
Yeah but a lot of non rich people supported policies and individuals who were just fine with a system that allowed for the Uber rich goofs to exist.
And pretty much an equal amount actively fought against those policies, but were not politically effective in doing so as a result of complex historical and political factors. The Baby Boomers were and are complicated, just as everyone is, and it’s kind of incorrect to treat them monolithically because as a generational cohort, the Boomers were ludicrously massive. So much so that there can actually be considered two dominant sub-cohorts within that generation. Early boomers protested Vietnam and made huge contributions to American racial, gender, reproductive, and sexual rights. Late generation Baby Boomers, sometimes referred to as “Generation Jones” grew up in an era of political malaise, and lived through the economic recession of the 1970s, Watergate, the Iranian hostage crisis, and a bunch of other things that helped to shape their more generally conservative political identities.
That’s what I meant by some being dumb as rocks. They face a lot of propaganda and algorithms on the daily and it’s probably real hard for them to see through.
A lot of them were essentially tricked into supporting things against their interests by a powerful media machine.
As they say never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.
It’s hard to draw a line on who’s to blame. But I’d say the evil people tricking stupid people are much worse.
I think these go into OP’s “dumb as rocks” category.
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Yes. I totally agree, I just try to remember that they’re constantly being bombarded with propaganda and that it takes a lot of mental gymnastics to keep supporting their daddy’s favorite
football teampolitical party.
Gen X: “Forgotten again. Whatever.”
We like it that way. If anyone needs us? Don’t.
Yes, but …
Setting aside the polarized nature of named generations, as a class; for these are entirely arbitrary and designed to create polarization …
There’s fun theory on the “Gen X are forgotten” meme. Yes yes, you Gen Xers got shafted, here’s a cookie 🍪 Please hear me out.
Most people fall on the cusps of their “generation” and Gen X is no different - in this case, you’re either old enough to identify with boomers, and are shouting “snowflake millennial” with them; or you’re young enough to identify with millennials, but still too old to identify with Gen Z, so you’re shouting “cringe zoomer” with the millennials, they who are cuspers themselves and too old to identify with Gen Z. The quintessential Gen Xer is uncommon, but exceptionally kind. You always know when one is around though, because they are quick with a self deprecation point out that Gen X was “forgotten again.” 😉
The sad thing is that many of the so-called boomers are being replaced by Gen Xers. And the millennials shouting the same inter-generational slurs will eventually take the throne of generational bully.
On the other hand, there is hope inspired by this meme - all we need to do to stop inter-generational trauma is stop perpetrating it.
Gen-X is a much smaller group than either Boomers or Millennials. It is treated differently mostly because of this. I don’t think we’re going to start treating Gen-X as the bully, because it just doesn’t have the numbers to be an effective bully
The only millennials I give a shit about are the ones who made my life painful as they entered the working world and even then, away from the office as long as they are not trying to police speech we are chill.
What do you mean by “police speech?”
Came here to say the same thing brother.
As if we want this attention. I’m just gonna go to my empty latchkey home and play Nintendo.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again.
Thanks for forgetting Gen X. We’ll be over in the corner playing video games. If anyone needs us? Don’t.
I’m a millennial. I love my zoomer comrades. Even if I don’t understand their stuff, I still respect their whole thing and the fact that they’re inheriting a different world with different experiences than what I did, which is really all my generation was ever asking for and never received. I feel more like a significantly older sibling to gen z than a do an entire generational step older. We generally agree on a lot of the same shit. They’re paying more attention to current events than I was when I was younger, and unfortunately it’s kinda more necessary for them to because we didn’t do a good enough job at that until maybe 5-10 years ago.
Sorry if I’m wrong and I’m the exception rather than the rule. Keep zoomin’, zoomers 🤙
Idk man, Zoomers got broccoli heads though.
Jk they’re cool.
I grew my broccoli head out and now I have luscious curly locks 👍
Much better imo
They may have broccoli, but at least we have Celery Man.
I don’t really get the skibidi toilet, but I can appreciate it when someone posts an ai recreation of Micheal Jackson singing it.
I feel the actual “skibidi toilet” is more of a gen alpha thing, what you see from gen z is mostly just people satirizing it
I teach Gen Alpha and most that reference it do so “ironically”, and many think it’s dumb or overdone at this point.
or profiting off of it on many different fronts
i’ve seen a couple pretty dumb (and successful!) attempts on roblox lmao
Millenials in the coments talking about how the millenials are actualy cool and already stopped generational trauma:
We think we’re Ricks but we’re actually Jerrys.
I, for one, think Jerry is the best. I take pride in accepting a simple life.
“I just kept crawling and it just kept working…”
I hope that anyone who thinks they’re a Rick spends a lot of time in therapy and on self-reflection, working to change that.
Alcohol is cheaper than therapy.
Yeah, I get this is kinda cringe, but let’s not do the thing where we insult the people that we want to change and help us. That’s very boomer.
I think you misunderstood me…
What millennials pick on zoomers, where?
I don’t have a problem with zoomers, but I will make fun of them for using TikTok. It’s an unhealthy social environment. I know a zoomer who struggles with tiktok addiction and always does more poorly after using that app. They’ve been braver and kinder since they quit it.
So instead of building a better platform for them, you denigrate them for conforming to the world you left behind for them.
You are exactly the boomer you claim to hate
So if they’re not going to save the world, nothing they ever do amounts to anything. Worse, the whole thing worked (the Zoomer quit Tiktok and they feel better now) so that was obviously bad.
And now, and please do mind that has nothing to do with age: Your argument is dumb and you should feel bad. In fact the first thing is Boomer talk, the shit they tried to get us with. Fuck that.
Feel free to waste your time beating up that strawman all you like; the rest of us have actual important shit to do.
At some point further down in your life you’re going to look back, in regret, thinking “Why did I become the me version of Ben Shapiro”.
And now the projection starts.
Tell you what. I’ll just block you now and you waste my time again never.
They don’t know how to use the shift key to make capital letters. They are lost.
Jesus Christ, and when boomers say the same about you, you have the nerve to act like a victim
I’m not a fan of the tiktok Insta influencer culture and communicating in 90% emojis but other than that it’s all good.
Picking on younger generations is healthy and natural: They’re still figuring stuff out and it’s a good way to give some teachings while everyone has a chuckle. What’s not healthy and natural is leaving them with neuroses where silent expectations, judgements, unwillingness to see their side etc. are the usual weapons: Don’t carry a dagger behind your back, doubly so don’t be unconscious of it, instead, open-carry a super soaker.
Said the dumbass craven bully who needs to pick on people weaker than themselves to feel better
So you wouldn’t pick a snowball fight with a whole primary school because you’re oh so moral, not because you’re scared. Makes sense.
Unlike you I do not, in fact, fear five-year-olds. And it’s not because of fear or principle. It is because I am not a craven, sadistic lunatic who feels the need to harm children to prove a point.
I shall look forward towards your experience report picking that snowball fight with a whole primary school, then. Also primary school is like 6-10, at least over here. They can throw.
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Why is it on the kids to fix the shitty situation other generations have created?
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Hey Google what’s the definition of nihilism?
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I’m making fun of you if that wasn’t clear. No, the next generation are not weak, incapable or any other sort of negative generalization that you might think they are. They are people as diverse any other generation and the whole point of this post is to espouse that generational stereotypes only serve to hurt us and divide us from accomplishing better things for humanity.
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I’m a millennial and I don’t understand why anyone from my generation would have a problem with zoomers. Y’all are good people.
I think a lot of the millennial drama is manufactured. The generational drama in general is.
Not that generation gaps don’t exist, but generally we’re pretty tolerant of each other at the younger/lefter end. Even most of the disagreement around Gaza is more fueled by political position than age imo, once you allowed the newcomers to the conflict the time to get up to speed on it. Which did take a little time. It’s kinda complicated.
There are definitely large numbers of people trying to manufacture conflict in pretty much every way they can think of, though. Some bots, some volunteers, probably even some paid people, world is a big place and labor can be cheap. Fortunately Lemmings generally seem to be a harder target.
Gen-x erasure as usual.
Eh who cares.
Whatever 🙄
previously known as gen twitter
Gen-x? Is that like an X-men comic book or something?
The greatest trick gen-x ever pulled was convincing the world it didn’t exist.
I love it; GenX just outside the frame, having our TV dinner, and watching it all go down. We should just change our name to the forgotten generation, or the latchkey generation. Meh. That’ll be forgotten too.
As an X’er married to a Millennial that fights her Boomer folks, this is the way.
Nah, there was that beanie baby movie. People remember us. Totally.
Never been called a snowflake or saw someone call another a cringe zoomer outside of toxic online communities.
Get out more, the real world is different
Somebody called Skibidi toilet “the Generation Alpha’s first cultural contribution”.
Gen alpha is using source film maker? I’m not down with latest machinina tech but that seems to me like millennials using vinyl. Rad.
SFM has been the patron saint of shitpost videos for decades. It has a certain je ne sais quoi that’s not easily replicated, you can always tell when something has been made in SFM and I think it’s become a part of the DNA of that subset of memes.
Was that J.J. McCullough?
In these comments it’s just more generation vs generation BS. We’re attacking the wrong group. Like 10 people have 90% of the money in the world. Someone dancing on Tiktok or being on their phone more isn’t the problem.
As a millennial, I do not understand Skibidy Toilet, but will embrace the weird because it is actual art in its purest form and makes people feel differently in almost every possible way when you see it; renaissance painters would have killed to see people respond to their art the way everyone in contemporary times react to this shit.
Skibidy toilet is just part of the modernist version of dada. I’ve (a millennial) always loved dadaism and absurdism as art and my zoomer kids make me so proud showing me their humor.
I honestly think it’s kind of funny. It’s just so stupid. Reminds me of early YouTube
The plot though, its got plot!
As another millenial, this thread is the first time I’ve heard of Skibidy Toilet, and I’m wondering if I should bother to look up what it is.
Trust me, it’s like the dumb shit we watched when we discovered the weird internet, just using half-life characters and 3d animation. If you’ve ever enjoyed “All your base”, you have no right to complain!
Do or don’t, we just gotta be good to our fellow peeps as the earth keeps spinning. I still haven’t looked it up, and it’s fine 😉
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Another millenial here. I didn’t know what it was until this thread either. After just now finishing binge-ing through all of the episodes (not that bad as they’re all shorts), I’m going to recommend watching it.
It IS fucking weird and absurdist (and I don’t care for the music style, so, was near mute). Honestly though, especially for something produced by a teenager, the cinematography and cohesive visual storytelling is really impressive.
I hope they continue to hone their skills and maintain their artistic interest. And, possibly, take their talent to directing.
i disown and disavow all millennials who give zoomers a hard time
zoomers are fucking priceless
gen-α needs the strongest possible start and the best support we can offer
let’s NOT act like those FUCKING BOOMERS.
Any millennial that gives their succeeding generations any shit is a wannabe boomer.
This also applies to Gen-X.
Are you sure you didn’t mean succeeding?
Isn’t this skibidi toilet stuff for Generation Alpha? The one after the zoomers?
I give absurd humor, even if it seems low effort, a pass.
Imagine how gross/dumb Monty Python sketches were to the Lost Generation. How much did The Kids In The Hall rile up Boomers?
How terrible does early South Park and Beavis and Butthead look to me now that I have a couple decades to reflect on them.
Zoomers are potentially the most existentially detached generation we have seen in a while, and I’m excited to see what they create, if my old Xennial ass lives that long.
Zoomers are great and all, but their brains don’t seem to stay on for more than 20 consecutive seconds at times.