Pretty clear neither of these imperialists give a fuck about the people, and only care about its effects on the election. Reps make a big deal out of nothing to use against dems, and dems concede to them.
Just the usual ratchet effect
Go back and look at the '90s. Conservative Democrats are practically progressives by comparison.
90s Democrats gave us the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and they had previously agreed that yes, conservatives need a bigger voice in media and government. They literally laid the groundwork for fascism, like handing Hitler his PA system
Wait isn’t the stop in this diagram set up so that the ratchet will loosen?
It seems that the nut will only move to the left. All the spinning on the right will just be a bunch of loud clatter but it’s barely gonna nudge the nut. All it’s gonna do is give the hand more room to turn the nut to the left.
I don’t think this diagram conveys what you want it to.
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How are democrats blocking movement back left? Unless it’s refusing to play dirty, like freezing out a Supreme Court nominee for almost a year, or passing knowingly constitutionally dubious laws to let the courts essentially legislate from the bench, I just don’t see it that way at all.
They keep actually leftist politicians out of the race by not having real primaries, instead selecting milquetoast right-of-center candidates that manage to lose against current republicans.
Sanders 2020!
Biden wants to massively increase ICE’s budget. Most folks on the left would rather ICE not exist at all.
It’s not even refusing to play dirty. Liberals haven’t had all 3, POTUS, Senate, and House, at the same time in my lifetime.
They were within a couple seats in Biden’s first 2 years. Manchin and Sinema gave Democrats a majority, but they still didn’t have a liberal majority. And with the extremely politicized SCOTUS, there are major limits to what liberals can accomplish.
Not only that, but conservative propaganda works really well. It’s not even always policy. Identity politics are actively working against Democrats. So when something that is policy like immigration gets national attention, Democrats cannot afford to ignore it. If they do, THEY WILL LOSE to the people who are radicals.
You know what’s easy though?
Not bypassing congress to sell arms to a country specifically for genocide. (Biden and Israel)
Democrats will break rules / norms, it’s just almost never for causes that help people.
He could have simply not done anything, and it would have been better.
If “Don’t go out of your way to support genocide.” is asking too much, then don’t be surprised when people aren’t excited to vote for your candidate.
I agree his attachment to Israel is fucked up. I don’t like it. It might cost him the election. He helped with the pause and hostage negotiation and pressed for a ceasefire and that’s about it. I know Trump would be worse, but that’s not a lot of solace.
Biden has pressed a lot of student debt forgiveness. And it seems like he pushes a new loophole every day. They have fought like hell to keep abortions legal (travel, medication, etc). They replaced a Breyer to keep the court from becoming even more radicalized. They have pushed against the Texas shit like their death traps and state law enforcement. Pushing the boundaries of what is allowed in the Budget Reconciliation.
That along with my civil rights being actively attacked by the GOP makes me eager to vote for Biden. And if we ever want abortion rights back in all states, we need a LIBERAL majority everywhere, not just a Democratic majority.
I think he has done a lot by pushing the boundaries. It’s just not sexy to talk about because it’s not hurting people.
Student debt has only been folks who should already have received forgiveness. He’s not doing shit for most borrowers.
He’s blocking ceasefire resolutions at the UN.
He has a conservative Republican for an AG.
I mean, he’s milquetoast at best. Most progressive in decades ain’t shit when they’re all right wing.
So you are less than 14 years old?
2009-2011, they had all 4, POTUS, Senate (59 seats), House and SCOTUS.
Seriously learn some damn history. And it’s extremely disingenious to claim that the Dems didn’t have all 3 from 2021-2023.
Further the last time the GOP has had all 3 was in 2007. Yet, somehow they manage to get their agenda through.
I’m 34.
I said liberals not Dems.
I said liberals not Dems.
And learn some damn history yourself. Trump replaced 2 liberal justices which only requires POTUS and Senate. And we learned under Trump that it’s much, MUCH easier to hurt people than to help people. Thanks everyone who refused to vote for Hillary. You did this.
You want change? Vote more liberals in. Don’t want change? Keep bitching.
Yet again, with the disingenious bullshit.
Liberals = Dems
And learn some damn history yourself. Trump replaced 2 liberal justices which only requires POTUS and Senate. And we learned under Trump that it’s much, MUCH easier to hurt people than to help people. Thanks everyone who refused to vote for Hillary. You did this.
You just proved my point, dude. Look you don’t need all three branches to actual produce results for your base. The Dems don’t produce the results we want because they do not want to not because they’re powerless.
I assume his point is that calling Manchin or Sinema “liberal” isn’t super accurate.
Liberals = Dems
If you think that, you probably shouldn’t talk politics. And it’s probably not worth the time to talk politics with you.
I’ve got bad news for you. The democrats are indeed liberals, and so are the Republicans. Perhaps it’s you who doesn’t understand politics?
You should probably learn political terms before telling people not to talk politics. Liberalism as defined by Oxford.
Democrats have made it a point to block or stifle any leftist candidates and progressive ideals. They constantly capitulate to the right while telling the left (i.e. Eisenhower Republicans) to fuck off. Adam Schiff’s bid to block Katie Porter from a Senate seat is the most recent example of this. They were stunned when Hillary lost to Obama, and furious when Biden was challenged by Sanders. They have ALWAYS backed conservative candidates over even centrist ones, and only propose popular bills when they know they can’t pass them. There will never be a challenge to Citizens United because they benefit directly from it, and the SCOTUS gives them an excuse to never challenge. They refused to codify Roe when they KNEW it would be overturned because they still think it’s a cash cow. They will give every excuse imaginable for inaction but never a plan for action.
Didn’t Biden call the dude and enemy of the state on a few occasions?
Impeachment… Colluding with enemies of the state…
I’m being facetious of course, I’d rather they break the tradition of trying to impeach every president on their way out the door, but still, how you gonna have a meeting with someone you yourself called an enemy of the state?
Because he knows Trump is going to Trump and refuse to work with him. Biden’s perspective= win win and shows the orange broke dumb shit is all smoke and mirrors.
Trump’s supporters don’t care, so all it shows that Biden is a fascist collaborator.
Anyone paying attention has known that for decades. When Biden eulogized Strom Thurmond, he certainly didn’t do it out of a dislike for fascists.
How long have you believed Joe Biden is a fascist collaborator?
Since he collaborated on genociding Palestinians by bypassing Congress to ensure Israel got more weapons.
Now he’s trying collaborate on a fascist anti-refugee border deal with the fascists and their fascist leader.
If you’re not voting, why haven’t you done something already to stop him?
What would make me think that with your track record of doing nothing in the past, that you would start now?
Because I’m not as brave as Aaron Bushnell.
And what did he accomplish for the broader left, except eliminate somebody who could have been participating in direct action?
I think that’s a little too advanced for Biden, but it wouldn’t surprise me that hear a staffer suggested exactly that… Don’t think much of Biden, but the current white house is doing damned well IMHO.
I do sincerely hope trump opts out. None of his fan base is going to be affected in the slightest either way, because cult, but trump will think he’s god gift for participating, and his head is already way too fucking big.
He probably doesn’t remember.
The GOP as a whole is actively antagonistic with America. But you have to work with them if you want to get anything done.
Please explain how.
The exact same way the GOP keeps getting things done: do not capitulate, and tell the people why the other side is wrong. Don’t say stupid shit like “we have to pass it to see what’s in it!!”
Super easy, barely an inconveninece.
The GOP is mostly into destroying things through inaction, which needs very little work.
To have a functional government to do good things is necessary.
I think your ideas are a naive.
The French have a nifty invention just for such a problem.
Yes, we have one party here. But so does America. Except, with typical extravagance, they have two of them!
-Julius Nyerere
There was bound to be a huge overlap between 100% Hitler and 99% Hitler.
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Don’t talk with insurrectionists
Hindenburg reaches across the aisle for bipartisan legislation 2024 edition
They’re totally different though guys I swear
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Are you suggesting BOTH SIDES might have terminal flaws contributing directly to the downfall of the American society?
If this were true I’d vote twice for both of them.
It’s good you noticed that one is a fascist, racist, misogynist piece of shit and the other is just old and bordering on senile. I, for one, will take old and senile over selfish and willful destruction of my country, thanks.
If a third, viable option that doesn’t split votes and guarantee a Trump win, happens to come about, then I’d be happy to vote for him or her. Until then, I’ll be voting for the most viable opponent to Trump — and right now that’s Grandfather Octogenarian.
He’s clearly just jerking the guy’s chain after he told his fellow magats to block the last border bill.
Just because you dislike both, doesn’t mean they’re the same.
If Trump gets elected, he’s going to be reinstalling those deadly traps Texas put up. He’s going to shut down all the crossings he can. Closed border. He’s going to steal migrant children again. He’s going to come after DACA kids.
They are not the same.
Texas can reinstall the “Traps” on their own, and probably already have. They have also reinstalled the razor wire etc they had too. Is Turmp actually already president or something? Why are you conflating the actions of a state with the president?
Either you don’t pay attention to the news or you’re a plant trying to make Democrats stay home. Have fun with your wall. Enjoy watching kids get ripped away from their parents. Enjoy watching kids who only know English get deported to a country they don’t understand. Enjoy watching people drown in the ocean. That’s what you’re advocating for. If you think it’s bad now, it’s going to be so much worse if Trump gets elected. The president can’t always force it one way or another. But they can help or hinder these actions.
Apparently you don’t pay attention either.
There’s more issues than just razor wire. But feel free to ignore that and let Trump make this much worse.
As opposed to Biden who is much superior because he’s only going to do 99% of that. You know the concentration camps are still running right? The same ones the dems performatively denounced when Trump was in power?
You are the correct one here. The US lost thousands of children from that kids and cages Trump bullshit. Literally lost them. One father hung himself to death after losing his child to the Trump family torture bs.
People don’t remember how fucked up Trump was.
That or there are SOME pro-Trump people in here feigning offense or manipulating the votes.
Trump: There’s no “me” in “work together.”
Biden might as well try to convince a rock that it can jump if it tries really hard.
I love it. Make Trump and the GOP look like the obstructionists that they are.
Both red and blue governors want some sort of way to handle the record number of people crossing right now. That bipartisan bill would’ve easily passed if it was brought to the floor. But if the border started to chill out, Trump wouldn’t be able to complain about the border at the podium.
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“gonna own the people I keep calling a threat to democracy by doing exactly what they want and then telling them they’re stupid for not voting for it”
Biden HAS TO listen to the American people. And the American people are demanding that he do something. If he doesn’t, they will put in someone who does.
Sure the GOP has forced the issue into people’s heads. But Biden HAS TO face that reality.
The American people are demanding a ceasefire but he doesn’t seem to be listening to that.
He’s fucked up with Gaza. It’s the one thing I think he has absolutely failed on. But I don’t think the politics are that straightforward with it. Demanding a total ceasefire probably isn’t good politics. And they wouldn’t stop anyways.
Demanding a stoppage to the genocide is definitely good politics. But Biden has been a behind the scenes president which works better for influencing Republicans who will dig their heels in if called out. But it has failed here and he needs to acknowledge that. They haven’t listened to anything from him since the hostage release.
A total ceasefire is the only way to stop the genocide. Surely you realize this?
Also, we can’t possibly know what’s happening behind the scenes. What his administration is saying is happening behind the scenes could very well be a total lie. Until I hear him publicly demand a ceasefire I’m going to assume that he supports the genocide.
Surely you can see how this comment is a severe contradiction to your original assertion, yes?
Biden HAS TO listen to the American people.
Does he ‘HAVE TO’ or not?
Wait, so now the GOP is reflecting reality that Biden has to face? Getting really confused over here and starting to feel like I don’t live in a democracy.
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Did you just discover narratives? I can’t really telling because you said “GOP is reflecting” which isn’t really true and not what I said. But maybe that’s what you meant?
Biden has to respond to the narrative. The narrative is there because of the GOP. They’re setting it.
Democrats do the same. But they’re usually not as good at it since they are expected to be truthful.
(eg GOP lies about immigrants being evil. DNC gives warnings about abortion that come true.)
Any why is the response to the narrative to do what the GOP wants based on the narrative?
They don’t do what the GOP wants. But they do have to respond to the narrative in some way. Otherwise the people will elect the GOP who will make things MUCH, MUCH worse.
Same way that the GOP is now freaking out about IVF. Suddenly their anti-choice policies look so much worse. And if they don’t do something, more Democrats will be elected and we will enact more pro-choice legislation.
Democrats gave Republicans everything they wanted on the border in exchange for funding Ukraine
And then orange man said no, so the Republicans said “well now I am not doing it”
And so here we are, with both sidesists screaming that Biden has to do something about the “border crisis” when the Republicans have shot down their own bills
Both sides of voters were already screaming at Biden.
If you think Republicans got everything they wanted, you’re really not paying attention to what they want.
“record number”
Propaganda works, I see. Every election year.
There is no border crisis and never has been.
Search for the public records around “US southern border encounters.” All of this stuff has been logged and quantified for decades. We’re up around 2.4m annual encounters. Previous large peaks hit 1.6m annually. During the Obama years it was floating around 0.4m annually.
Pew has a good breakdown, but it hasn’t been updated for 2023. It ends at 2021, and things have only gone up since then.
Many towns / states that support sanctuary are hitting budget ceilings for helping refugees and asylum-seekers. Racists and xenophobes have been crying wolf for decades, and unfortunately, that has made many people dismiss any “border crisis” claims they hear, even when the data supports the claim.
Chart really makes it looks like this happens every 10-20 years, and I doubt anything was changed those times it happened. The huge spike this time is because we had a global pandemic that started in 2020 and kept everything low
A lot of natural disasters drove people out of their own countries too. And they’re only becoming more frequent.
To bad that Americans are lazy worthless shits who wont fucking work. Let them in already; our fields need tending; our homes beed cleaning; and I need a taco truck on my street corner.
There is no border crisis, and never has been.
Instituting far right border policy to… own the Republicans? Good plan.
Anyone got the “tankies and the burden of being right all the time” meme on hand?
Socialism with Cassandra characteristics
"For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: ‘Tankies right again!’ "
Our politicians may not always get along, but at least they agree about hating brown people.
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None of the quotes from Biden mention Trump?
Their puppet master told them to do so.