These pranks are a great way to teach critical thinking to impressionable youth, I don’t think we give 4chan enough credit for the valuable work they do.
I don’t even think this is the fast charging prank, I think she thought it was be a cool tiktok dance shot.
Oooh! That’s a fun idea.
- Drill a hole in the floor of an old microwave.
- Put a camera on a stick through the hole. So you can spin it manually. -Make a tiktok video of people dancing in front of the microwave on some catchy tune. Different people every revolution of the camera, of course.
- go viral and teach kids a valuable lesson
People can just modify an old microwave by taking out the microwave bits and just connecting power for the lights and turntable and just have to find the correct noises online to edit in
Yeah, they make about 2,000 volts to run the magnetron. Very dangerous.
Only if it’s plugged in while you’re opening it… Remember kids, always unplug appliances before you disassemble them.
Go learn about capacitors and why its still dangerous as fuck to mess around with the ones in a microwave even if its unplugged
Old Tube TV as well. Honestly any of those old high voltage requiring machines are DANGEROUS. Capacitors are nuts man, and not something you should be playing around or with. The manual turn-table microwave honestly sounds like a great, safe way to troll the kids.
I have an excessively OP theater amp and repaired it myself. I let those caps chill for weeks and routinly flipped the power switch on and off to drain them. Was still scared. I’m also a bit of a pussy when it comes to electricity.
I believe the magnetron is dangerous for a time after unplugged. I may be wrong. Don’t test it.
Months! wow.
Aye, but that’s just another part of the learning lesson, right?
If you die while learning, is it really learning… :)
it’s comments like these that get people killed.
This is the scary part - it will kill you even when unplugged!
Thats a great way to potentiall electrocute yourself.
Hmm, if I put my phone in the microwave then it should become a microphone! I’m a jeenyus!
But how else are you going to charge your phone 🙄
sorry I don’t have iOS 8 wave on my android
I’m watching this video on VLC on my phone and the way it goes back to the Lemmy app is very trippy, as if the glitching extended beyond the video…
7 days…
Omfg! People like her gets promoted in most workplaces.
Would flash memory survive in a microwave? How has she managed to get this footage to post if the camera died?
Could be live streaming it
Aren’t microwaves Faraday cages? Can a phone get a signal out of one?
Plus 2.4 GHz wifi and 2.45 GHz microwaves might interfere with each other.
I think 5ghz could pass
The front is glass.
If you ever feel stupid, just remember… people like this do exist
Faraday cages don’t work how you think they do op
If signals can get out so can microwaves and microwaves wouldn’t even be allowed on the market
It’s more logical that the video is fake and that microwave has been modified and they are just providing external power to the lights and turntable, yes the door switch for the lights can be included in a modified circuit
Does that mean my microwave is defective when the music I’m listening to on my bluetooth headphones gets interrupted when I stand close to it while it’s on? Is that dangerous for me?
There is a small amount of leakage expected but that should be below the safe limit
If you’re worried you can check the grid on the door for any holes and dont have anything in between the door and the microwave body as that might compromise the seal
What distance are you standing from the microwave ?
Idk if it’s dangerous but it doesn’t sound good.
This guy stuck his face inside a microwave and he seems probably fine:
It’s normal, no microwave holds the beam 100% in the box.
Just remember that there is also beam forming in microwaves. It doesn’t have to be 100% Farady cage, 5 out of 6 sides is enough.
hmmmmm i wonder what the metal mesh in the glass panel does hmmmmmmmmmm what could it possibly be for hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
It is for that, but it’s not 100% fullproof. You don’t believe me? Try it. Put your phone in a plugged off microwave, see if the wifi and network drop to 0.
The transparent area has that dotted coating which blocks electromagnetic waves of the ~2.4GHz frequency (microwave), same as 2.4GHz wifi. A lot of 5GHz would be probably blocked too, though I’m not sure how much.
That is true, but try and put your phone in a microwave and see if the wifi or the network drop to 0. I have and they don’t. They are weak, but not at 0.
A plugged off microwave, of course.
A good way to go viral like this is to go to Walmart pick up a $20 smart phone and act like you just cooked your real phone…
whenever I feel stupid I just remember that it took Kirk Cameron 15 years to think “but what if water instead of trees”
Do you mean James Cameron?
Do you mean Cameron Diaz?
I think Kirk Cameron was the one that thought “bananas prove god”. If you can be generous enough to call that a thought.
He reminds me of the guy who put the camera in the washing machine
I don’t understand this photograph. Did this young woman open a microwave to discover a dwarf, inside, filming her?
It’s a video
Oh, it only loaded as a still pic for me last night.
She stuck her phone in a microwave I think
That reminds me, it’s time for another full wipe.
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