Russia has started supplying oil directly to North Korea in defiance of UN sanctions ⠀
“For the past seven years, Pyongyang has had to pay a high premium for the oil products it needs, as it relied on a complex and expensive network of criminal brokers and mid-sea ship-to-ship transfers,” said Go.
“But now, it appears it has secured a steady supply of oil either at a heavy discount or as direct payment for the munitions it is supplying to Moscow,” he added. “That is going to free up resources for North Korea’s armed forces and its nuclear weapons programme.”
two countries trading on the free market™? imagine the horror! —the us probably
Oh, but we have a pathological need to smash people we don’t like! Of course we don’t want the free market because then the free market doesn’t need us.
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You mean the country that the US killed 20% of the population and destroyed all infrastructure of? Then proceeded to sanction to hell because it dared to not be capitalist and allow the US’s capitalist class to extract from it?
Every day the US regime — the most warmongering nation in the world that’s currently committing a genocide in Palestine right now — survives is a crime against humanity. What has the DPRK done other than trying to survive under the brutal US sanctions that does nothing but harm its working class population?
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So are you concerned about the people in the DPRK then? You realize sanctions do nothing but harm those people right?
Or do you think the supposed dictators of the country would take the damage from the sanctions instead of pushing it onto the working class population?
They do realize sanctions do nothing but harm.
That’s their cruel point.
Ok, I agree the us is fucked up in many ways just like the next person. But NK doesn’t need any help in harming its working class.
Yet the US is doing a great job at that with its sanctions that do nothing but harm that working class.
I wonder what could’ve caused this?
Obviously the Russian economy is now so well that they can sell discounted oil to NK as an act of friendship (although they never gave a fuck about them in past). Because it can’t be true that Russia is desperate and even getting just a small amount of money for their oilis better than nothing at all…
It’s almost as if Russia wanted to integrate with the west since USSR dissolved, and now they’re realizing that the west is just a bunch of petulant children.
US Imperials about to seethe
Hope this keeps up and makes US sanctions useless on Cuba and Afganistan too lol
Seems there’s a broad trend of America getting its head pushed under the water. It’s a beautiful sight to see.
Also Iran. That would be quite the sight. An unhindered Iran might very well bring down the US colony in Palestine and other US proxies in the region.
So now we have proof that both the sanctions against North Korea and Russia work.
Before the sanctions against Russia there was very little interest from Russia in selling oil to North Korea. Suddenly Russia is all for trading with North Korea even though the Russian economy is booming (at least according to Putin and his friends).
If things were all a-okey in Russia, why would they even bother buying artillery ammunition from North Korea one might wonder.
sanctions work
Did not realize the goal of sanctions was to strengthen ties between Russia and north Korea, and provide NK with economic relief.
Why would you believe that the sanctions against Russia would in any way include North Korea?
Funny thing, the sanctions against Russia doesn’t include North Korea and the sanctions against North Korea never included Russia.
Happy to help you learn.
Sorry I’m not following your point
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They’re probably not paying much for the oil though.
And it is likely an act of desperation
So now north Korea, an economically suffocated country, can get some cheap oil as relief.
LoL. What a ridiculous take. The answer is because DPRK, like Ukraine, occupies a buffer zone between Russia and the West. The stronger DPRK is, the safer Russia is, simple as that.
What question that was never asked did you feel compelled to answer?
Why would they even bother buying artillery ammunition from North Korea
The question you literally ended your comment with
“one might wonder”. It literally didn’t say that someone did ask.
Fuck outta here you miscreant
…and when you don’t have anything left to say, you lash out / try to steer away from the facts.
Nice try.
Fucking moron. You literally wrote a question and turned into a rhetorical question, grammatically incorrectly, and you think that’s a valid dodge. Fuck off, you have nothing to give except regurgitated propaganda and the arrogance of ignorance.
I love how all the mainstream western media openly admits that Russian economy is in fact doing fine, and Russia is producing 3x more shells than all of the west combined, but here you are with your galaxy brain take.
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