In case y’all wondering how the whole operation Prosperity Guardian is going.
They should keep it up though until isisrael stops
Why? It’s not like terrorist attacks on ships hurts Israel to any significant degree. It’s hurting Yemen more, in practice.
Actually, pissing off the United States is a clear demonstration that it is working.
Israel gets their guns from whom? Whom suffers the most from this situation? Sure it didn’t end the bombing of Gaza because israel is a fascist State. Punching the wealthy in the purse might be the only thing they actually care about. Telling the ghouls that supporting genocide is going to cost you is actually good. Fuck you for saying it’s not.
It’s disrupted badly needed aid to Yemen by making one of their ports too dangerous to deliver to. It’s also disrupting aid flows to Ethiopia and Sudan. In normal times, 15% of world trade flows through the Red Sea, much of it involving countries that have no involvement in the Israel-Palestine conflict or which have sided with Palestine. Despite what they say, the Houthis still have been hitting neutral vessels. making insurance rates too expensive for many trips. Obviously the US is partly just defending its own interests, but the Houthis are also just being destructive against the wrong targets.
Sure, but what about the 500,000 people facing genocide and famine conditions in Gaza while the world just sends ships right on by into Israeli ports? It’s not great. I’m sure there’s food and medicine that’s really needed not getting to the people who do. However, foreign aid hasn’t fixed any of the issues in these regions and it’s wrong to assume that will change in the future.
Furthermore, westerners will always pour out sympathies now that it’s a problem for them. In the past decade we’ve seen the Saudis ruthlessly murder the yemeni people at the behest of the United States. I’m not saying yours are, but most of this is crocodile tears and to pretend otherwise is deliberately ignorant or dangerously naive.
From what I understand, the most effective way to get aid in at this point would be land-based aid through the Rafah entrance. Unfortunately, Israel has apparently been slow walking inspections. Some shipments have gotten aid in, though that is likely to lessen after the World Central Kitchen attack. It isn’t the enormous volume that is capable through a larger land crossing, though.
Edit: Also, sending aid through Israeli ports is a bad idea. Right wingers in Israel have been blocking aid trucks trying to get in. Whatever route is chosen, it needs to not be beholden to extremists.
The fact that the US is pissed off to the point of considering this means it’s working.
And why wouldn’t it? It’s directly stopping ships from supplying israel, and israel gets most of its imports from ships.
And why wouldn’t it? It’s directly stopping ships from supplying israel, and israel gets most of its imports from ships.
You’re half right, in that it prevents shipments to the Red Sea port of Eilat. The problem is that that is not where most of Israel’s cargo flows through. Most of its cargo is brought in through ports along the Mediterranean Sea in the north. If that’s the aim, they’re failing.
@[email protected] @[email protected] lol see what I mean?
No I don’t. I have no idea who you are or what you mean
Guys guys guys pretty please, if you stop fighting against the genocide we’ll turn down helping the Saudis bomb you by 3.67%!
The Saudis have a peace deal.
We’re the ones directly bombing them now. The Saudis stopped when Yemen showed they could hit the Saudis refineries at will.
I missed that, thanks! That’s even more pathetic then!
It’s a bit disingenuous to frame the houthis as fighting solely for Palestine…
Tell me, when did they start their operations in the Red Sea? And why did they clearly state, and act upon, only attacking allies of Israel?
And if you’re not gonna listen to me, take it from the horse’s mouth:
First, reread my comment. Where did I say they don’t support Palestine? I never said anything about their attacks in the red sea being unrelated. However, them attacking cargo ships in the red sea, isn’t the only reason for this…
Then your comment is even dumber. The only thing the US has requested to take Ansarallah off the terrorist list is for them to stop their anti genocide action. Absolutely nothing else.
Yeah you’re right, they should keep bombing ships and wasting resources they could be using in their actual war effort and continue not affecting the Israeli destruction of Palestine.
At least they are doing what they can to uphold international law. What are you doing other than complaining about that?
Upholding international law by attacking unrelated commercial trade? Or by using child soldiers and human shields, or when they diverted international aid away from those in need and kept it for themselves, or when they blocked women in their controlled areas from travelling without a man, or when they tortured and raped female prisoners, or when they sentenced dozens of people to death for being gay, or when they raped, tortured and killed migrants from Africa. Were they doing what they could to uphold international law then too?
Why bother when the US will just re-label them terrorists 5 minutes later?
Common USA L
Put an end to your effective strategy with material impacts and we will stop calling you mean names
WHAT THE FRESH HELL IS THIS? The equivalent of giving your NEET chicken tendies?
No they won’t.
terrorism is cool, actually.
These guys you’re cheering on are attacking civilians and have killed some. This isn’t the first time I have seen you post some article with your smug comment about this situation. Do you really think the US military is going all out in attacking the Houthis? Of course you do, you’re a stable genius!
An opinion that can only be had by someone that doesn’t view 100k Palestinians as human or civilians.
Ansarallahs sanctions against Israel have so far been some of the most effective anti genocide measures taken. The only other contender is Hezbollah achieving SEAD against Israel along the northern border.