LOL wtf. They made a traffic circle, and then said ‘fuck it, they’ll never get it right’
I learned from Real Civil Engineer that these are called “hamburger roundabouts.” According to the OSM wiki, “throughabout” is another name for them.
That is no where near the worst traffic circle in NJ. There was one way worse near where I lived. It had like 3 lanes and a stop sign that gave priority to people entering the circle vs people already in it. I’ve heard of so many crashes happening there
Fun fact: the main difference between “traffic circles” (which are terrible) and “modern roundabouts” (which are much better, although still not so great for pedestrians and cyclists) is that the former gives entering traffic priority while the latter gives people already in it priority.
And in America, there would be no difference, because over here it’s “everybody always go, at all times, and give the finger to everybody else”.
Remember, when you’re driving, facts and laws don’t matter. You’re ALWAYS right. And if anyone, ANYONE AT ALL, tries to challenge that, you pull out one of your many pants guns.
Here’s an even weirder one, in the Netherlands:
How about the people who go the wrong way around because it is quicker
Or the old people who stop in the circle thinking they’re being polite by letting you go first
There is a rotary in the next state over that have stop signs in the middle, and yields in the entry… think about that. It used to be one of the top 10 most dangerous rotaries in the world, probably still is.
There are hundreds like that in Europe with traffic lights in the middle
But our average IQ is more that 23.4 so it doesn’t seem to be a problem
Well I have seen someone that followed those instructions:
This video always comes to my mind when talking about roundabouts
And watch out for the Sukhoi Su-35.
There is a non-zero number of people that do this. I’ve seen the evidence of this myself.
Cleveland put roundabouts in an old neighborhood which is very compact. The circle is not only very small but there is nothing in the center and the curb is less jarring than your average speed bump. When they first opened they left orange barrels in the center so you could even tell it was a roundabout
I had a friend who did that.
Unintentionally, of course. The fog that morning was incredibly thick, he didn’t see the roundabout and drove onto it full bore. Clipped a direction sign and damn near grated one side of the bodywork off.
There are some roundabouts by where I live with just a paved circle in the center. So many people do just this.
They installed two of these in my town a couple years ago, people still don’t know how to use them. They’re especially entertaining in the winter.
Me in Forza Horizon 2…
Poland moment
Wtf is a roundabout? This ain’t Europe.
Also check if you got a co driver that goes YOUR BREAKING THE CAR SAMIR
Learned a while ago, that was actually an edited together video by a competitor to defame the driver and their privateer rally group. Samir is/was actually a very good driver and it was purely defamation marketing.