I hope that it’s revealed the trailer was a realistic texture pack gag and that the rest of the movie is in Mizuno’s 16 Craft.
I saw that trailer and hoped they were trolling. Because both my kids said they love Minecraft but that trailer is garbage.
It literally looks like a College Humor sketch right down to Jason Momoa’s ridiculous outfit and the fact Jack Black didn’t even change his hair and beard for this.
Right, I like Jack black but dang dude, don’t gotta say yes to every role. Do less. Did fantastic in the Mario movie, didn’t bother to see borderlands (should’ve used cl4p-tp’s original VA), this should’ve been animated too.
Wouldn’t be surprised if he got a bit stir-crazy after the lockdowns and said yes to many projects just to work again.
Thanks for the tip, that’s a good texturepack (:
I haven’t seen it, but is it possible that we as grown ups are looking at a kids movie meant for kids without considering that it’s meant for kids?
Again, haven’t seen it, but it’s just a thought.
Edit: okay, I’ve seen it, and I definitely think it suffers from being live action. Can’t know much about the actual story from the teaser, but it definitely took an “interesting” stylistic approach.
I saw the trailer and thought it might be a sort of weird, silly movie.
My kids saw the trailer and were immediately incensed that someone would do this to Minecraft.
One of my kids was interested and the other was completely horrified. They’re not doing a great job at targeting their audience.
Damn. Okay maybe I was wrong. I’ll have to look at it.
Making a Minecraft movie only for kids because you can’t be arsed to produce something actually worthwhile must be one of the greatest missed opportunities in movie adaption history.
Not everyone can be Illumination with the Super Mario Movie I guess.
I never thought I would say or think those words. I think I need a shower.
The production companies on this one have made good movies in the past though
I’ve still only seen the sheep screenshots, it does kinda give me OG sonic movie treatment
Maybe they’re going that Jack Black will make it awesome. He nailed Bowser.
Jack Black is one of those actors that can make even the worst script at least moderately entertaining. I guess we’ll have to see.
He’s on a bit of thin ice though, lately.
I guess I’m out of the loop. I’m definitely biased, but I would be very surprised to hear that Jack Black did anything that would warrant my skepticism.
I’m only tangentially familiar with this, and more information may have come out lately, but I don’t think the above comment was related to anything he’s done in film lately.
Recently Tenacious D did a show (shortly after a shooting at a Trump rally) and Kyle Gass was presented with a birthday cake. He is reported to have said “Please don’t miss next time” before blowing out the candles. Jack Black has stated that all plans and tours for Tenacious D have been put on hold indefinitely and that he was “completely blindsided” by this move from Kyle. Some fans have themselves claimed to be blindsided by Jack’s response, arguing that he should have had Kyle’s back.
I tried to relay that with as little bias as possible, but I am no journalist. For my part I understand cancelling tours - saying that kind of thing tends to put a target on your back for people with more guns than brain cells, but I think cancelling EVERYTHING Tenacious D related may have been a step too far. Also, again, more information may have come out since I read about this.
I was gonna say the same thing. What all has he been in lately? I know some people just don’t like his style, but I feel like he does a great job for the genre he’s popular in.
It’s my understanding he was great in SMB movie, though I haven’t had the chance to see it myself, and I know it’s an unpopular opinion but I thought he was funny in The Mandalorian.
I dunno the borderlands movie could have been based on the first game and leaned heavily into the setting for a kind of gritty sci-fi alternative to mad max that really shows the underlying horror of the borderlands setting. Instead we got… whatever the thing we got is.
It has the same vibe as the borderlands trailer/movie.
It’s not that it’s for kids so much so that the quality is just shit.
All I’ve seen so far is the one pink sheep screenshot, and it definitely gives me OG sonic movie vibes.
What sucks is that it looks really detailed, so it was probably really expensive and time intensive to animate, but the art style just seems strange.
Just saw the trailer, the enviromental art/design looks great to me.
It’s just really shitty compositing? Of the live action stuff over the cgi that makes it look so bad visually.
This is probably the most favorable thing I can say about the trailer.
The lego movies are meant for kids and they are absolutely fucking amazing. This is… Something else.
Totally a fair comparison, I’ll watch it when I get the chance, maybe I’ll have to post an apology lol
I think that would be true, sure. The biggest issue I’ve seen, and after reading some of your comments about the SMB movie, they could’ve knocked it out of the park by:
1: Taking the IP, and it’s respective audience, seriously and making sure it is faithful enough.
2: Keeping it FULLY 3D animated.
The fact they felt the need to pay these people for their faces, and (debatable) talent, they could’ve made the entire movie in animation and THAT would have definitely kept the respective audience more interested.
I’ve been saying it since the '10s, but not everything needs “real” actors and live action acting. Voice actors with quality animation can do just as good, if not better, for these types of movies. It’s just that it’s a cash grab, and the fact that culture seems to be dead, that we can sit here and objectively shit on it as adults.
I finally got around to watching it, and yeah you kinda hit it on the nose.
I think it definitely suffers from being live action. It looks like it cost millions to animate, only for them to use the cheapest green screen tech available to overlay the actors.
If you feel you’ve outgrown MC, check out Vintage Story. It’s sort of TerraFirmaCraft, or its TerraFirmaPunk modpack, but as a standalone game with its own ideas and mods (excluding the insane metal tier grind).
And no, it’s not made my the TFC devs, since that rumor keeps on popping up. It’s made by the devs of Vintage Craft, which quickly saw the limitations of MC and moved to work on their own engine. But it takes a lot of inspiration from TFC and many mechanics will seem familiar.
I don’t feel I’ve out grown it, in fact I was just trying a new mod pack last weekend, and honestly I don’t think that’s possible. I’m just saying the primary audience (and the most influencial audience ofc.) is definitely children.
I will look into Vintage Story though, it sounds interesting!
Not that MC was meant to be an adult game, but I’d say it adhered more to a general audience in the past. At some point, likely after the MS takeover, this changed. I personally got really turned off when they started the whole chibi look thingy (during their presentations, or the fat bees…), which really opened my eyes to the direction the game was going - very much a complete opposite to what I hoped & wanted. Mods & modpacks became mandatory, rather than a nice bonus, but most great mods & modders already left long before I did and many major versions mod packs were a shadow of the great days. I think aside from a few good things (like the new & long overdue terrain gen), most updates and their content are not great, or even add things I very much dislike.
Yeah I can understand that. There was definitely a noticable shift in direction after the buyout, for better or for worse. The game 100% feels much more corporate than it used to. Its definitely not the same small scale indie game that became famous 10-15 years ago
Fucking hell, 15 years. Feels like just yesterday they released the 10 year map. Worse is that it feels like the 20 year milestone is forever away, when in reality it’s just around the corner.
I think for me it is 14 years. Ever since the takeover I keep wondering if MS would still adhere to the free DLC promise for early buyers that Notch gave, assuming they ever go that route with the game.
Given that microtransactions exist on bedrock edition… I’m guessing not
We bought the Java edition though.
I think one of the bigger reasons that the modding scene has dwindled is due to competing versions of the game. Bedrock didn’t even support mods until a few years ago, and even then it was in a very limited capacity. As such, a whole generation became exposed to and grew up with Bedrock being what they played. Meanwhile, the playerbase for Java Edition slowly lost its playerbase and subsequently their modding community.
That’s just how I’ve viewed it, anyway. I could be wrong, it’s been several years since I last played in earnest. I’m sure the game simply just getting older and more modern games replicating–and in some cases even improving–many of its features has also contributed to its decline. Regardless, it’s my understanding that the game is still massively popular.
Maybe? But in my opinion, judging from the trailer, this just feels like a cash grab made with horrible CGI.
Tbf even crappy looking CGI can cost a shitload to produce. Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantamania had a budget of about $325 million before tax credits, the most expensive non Avengers movie Marvel Studios ever released (at least at the time idk about now)
Disney’s Wish cost about $175-$200 million to produce, which is about average for an animated Disney film, but one of its biggest criticisms on release was how cheap it looked.
I don’t wanna defend studios making shitty decisions, I’m just saying, similar to the current state of the videogame market, there’s real people with real passion for their craft working on these movies, and it’s unfortunate that decisions which they likely have no say in force them to something which reflects poorly on them.
For Wish they wanted to make it look like it was made with water color. Problem was that it made it look like a Disney XD show. That’s when you only look at the rendering. The animations themselves are definitely on the level of a typical big budget Disney animation. The budget of a CG animation is more then just the rendering, lighting and shading department.
It’s for kids so we can just feed them garbage.
I mean, yeah, that’s common philosophy these days
Don’t forget Cocomelon got a Netflix TV show
I don’t get it, people literally have that first Steve at home lol
Yeah, and some people don’t, they have the knockoff version, hence the meme
…nobody has the Minecraft movie at home
Well I just think the Drake meme would’ve worked better, this one’s a bit of weird choice.
Not really, it fits pretty perfectly
what’s he doing here, how did he get in??
Well it looks like the type of movie to watch it after a shit week at work just to zone out
Yeah that’s backwards; my Java modded MC is at home. If anything we need the Invincible meme with “look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power.”
Side note, movie looks like the more recent Jumanji release. Bad, heavy on CGI, and not nearly a good as the original inspiration, and includes a tough Polynesian actor just because.
I’d settle for the “Netflix Adaptation” format
I dunno. From what I saw it looked intriguing - lots of very bold choices.
Something of a sidenote: It’s interesting that there’s so much complaining at large about cookie-cutter movies coming out of hollywood, but when something strange or different from the expectation is even hinted at, there’s big outcries like this. Wonder why the studios so rarely take risks…🧐
Sure, this is different in that we don’t specifically have a Minecraft live action movie yet. It’s one of the most successful IPs though. It’s not creative. It’s just some rich people seeing a popular IP and likely making a shitty generic movie in it with big name actors. We want to see new creative things in new IPs, not just the same few IPs everywhere.
“Bold” is certainly one way of putting it.
It’s not exactly fair to pretend like this is a good risk to take. If you take a beloved IP you better make something that the people who love it would like. From the trailer I don’t think they even knew who their audience is. From the humour to visuals this was not made for the people who love Minecraft.
You mean kids, right? It’s definitely not adults having a midlife crisis
Is this a crack at people who like minecraft and aren’t children or at studio Execs? Lol
I think they’re taking a crack at the idea it’s anything other than a kids movie targeted at kids and people are acting like it needs to appeal to the adults who played release Minecraft.
The complaints feel like someone complaining that a SpongeBob movie is silly or animated.
Hey, that’s not fair! I barely played release MC. I mostly played pre-release!
Strange or different? The trailer makes the movie look like bland cookie-cutter junk. They want to play it safe and hope Jack Black can carry the box office numbers.
Making a movie licensed after one of the best selling videogames of all times, with a trailer that screams “Jumanji but with Jack Black” (maybe it won’t actually be like that but that’s the vibes I got from the trailer) is hardly a bold move in my book.
with a trailer that screams “Jumanji but with Jack Black”
Not super familiar with that movie, eh?
No I’m not haha, I’ve seen parts of all of them but somehow forgot he was in the 2019 one. I think that says a lot about the impact these movies had on me…
It looks silly and I don’t have to hear or see crisp rat in it. People getting worked up over it not being serious or looking odd. It’s Minecraft, it was never going to be serious.
Can I get an ELI50?
TL;DR Trailer Steve looks bad
This dialogue is an established meme, with the punchline that “thing at home” is a worse version of the thing you want (i.e. Can we get McDonalds? No, we have food at home).
The teaser trailer for “A Minecraft Movie” just dropped, and shows Jack Black as the game’s default character, Steve.
So, the original conceit of the meme doesn’t apply (the “Steve at home” is already the better version) but rather it’s saying that trailer Steve looks bad.
Back when I started Minecraft, the character was called Steve?, not just Steve.
Deepest lore
Jack Black is the only reason I want to see this movie after the trailer
Movies cannot be saved by one, two or even three good actors. For example, the borderlands movie.
I’m not going in expecting to see citizen cane. I’m looking forward to see Jack Black perform. If he’s a small cameo I’ll be sad I watched it, but I’m hoping they do a respawn joke so he is there the whole time
Got it. And which ones were the three good actors in that again?
Assuming you are counting Jack Black because of the comment chain
Cate Blanchett
Jamie Lee Curtis
Ariana Greenblatt
Gina Gershon
Jack Black
Holy shit, those are some decent actors. Damn.
I’m not a Minecraft player so I skipped the trailer until seeing this post and…wow. that first shot of them walking is so bad it made me think of those car commercial edits with that Mark guy.
Imagine one of those “realistic Minecraft” videos from… idk 2013 or something?
Now compare them to this. I see very few differences.
They are making a movie about Minecraft? Lmao
Steve ain’t no poser. Steve knows how to rock. Unlike SOME people.
My eight year old just watched the trailer and said it looked cool. So I guess we’ll go and see it when it comes out.
But why is the mum so hot