I feel like not many people under the age of 30 will get this. I think I may have even forgotten to force my own kids to watch it.
Drag saw Herbie and didn’t like it. Brum has much more character.
I’m over 30 and was only vaguely aware of it because it was mentioned once in a youtube video.
I’m in my early 20s and I have this super vague memory of a beetle car being sentient. The only scene I remember is it spraying oil cus it didn’t like someone or something like that
Am I thinking of the right movie
Most likely you are, but there were like 4 original movies, and then Lindsay Lohan did a remake around 2005 that i forgot existed, so you might be thinking of that one.
Just researched it up. The first Herbie movie (which was a huge hit and awesome) came out in 1968. Then there were like 3 more up to 1980, then a bad made for TV movie in 1997, and the Lohans pretty bad one in 2005.
The only self driving car that can be trusted.
Idk man Herbie had some serious attitude. Feisty lil bug
I mean, look how bad he fucked up Lindsay Lohan.
Feisty, sure, but that’s his style. He’s the love bug, unlike Horace.
Yeah more trustworthy, until it’s mating season.
Maybe this one is better, has great security features I’ve heard
I don’t think I need to say much else here.
Calling KITT self driving is like calling a modern smartphone a phone. It’s a super computer AI on wheels, where Herby was just cursed
KITT is self driving in the same way that people are self walking.
However, this probably does.
I got a GPS that speaks with KITT’s voice, and my name is the same as the character’s (along with about half the male population lol)
NGL if VW made modernized versions of their classic cars (ie: newer interior, classic looking exterior, maybe w/o all the stainless steel) I would be all over it
To borrow Jeremy Clarkson’s joke - VAG do still also make the Porsche 911!
This threw me off for a hot minute. I used to know a guy who went by the nickname “Vag” (with a hard “g”), so when I read this, I thought to myself, “Vag! I wonder how Vag is doing?” But you’re talking about VAG, not Vag. Now I’m just trying to cram as much vag as I can into this paragraph. So much vag. Vag vag vag. Thank you.
Hmm, I don’t know… I think it needs more VAG-bell.
Mexico still makes the classic beetle. Not sure about the minibus. I see a lot of them, but those may be actual antiques.
They stopped making the original in 2003 and all models in 2019.
Well that sucks :(
It’d likely be yet another instance of spyware on wheels, tho
There od a modern beetle.
They said “classic looking exterior” which the new beetle doesn’t have. But problem is, you can’t really have that, largely due to safety regulations, etc.
I thought it looks similar, but yeah, it’s not direct copy. Still, I really like the look of new beetle.
There’s a lot of old designs that still look better, or at least more unique then the newer stuff. Hell, even the 1997 version of the Beetle looks pretty good, but the shape became blanderized over time. Every car company is making the same car because they’re all designed by community and focus groups.
Hell, what’s the deal with the electric Ford Mustang? It’s fine on it’s own, but it’s not even the same body as the gas Mustang of the same year. Why call it a Mustang instead of putting an EV drive train into the actual one?
I wouldn’t own one because it doesn’t fit my lifestyle, but I know people who would love an aluminum bodied EV Beetle. I’d love an aluminum/EV version of the original DeLorean. The new ones looks too much like genetic super cars.
Much more likely to happen though is I’m going to get an Edison conversion kit for my 80’s C10 pickup.
“Their” with huge quotation marks
That looks more like the first SAAB to me than a VW.
Fuck it VW lets see it
deleted by creator
No, it’s Ocho!
The number of people who will get the reference can be counted on one hand, probably.
Fuck, I don’t wanna marry! I just wanna fuck around. I’m already married, what, who’s this thing wanting to marry this time?
Loved all those movies when I was a kid. 5+3=8…I’ll call you Ocho! (This memory is decades old and is probably not 100% accurate)
Good movie, solid 10/10
groan there’s STIGs for cars now?
(STIG: Secure Technical Implementation Guide)
🎶 the love bug is a little old car that we can ride together 🎵
I want a K.I.T.T. car from the knight rider show.
It is shipped with a fullsize lifeguard from Baywatch if you need one.
Alright, if it’s been looking for Freedom for so long, I’ll be happy to take him.
Oh god! Herbie! I thought you were all forgotten!
What kind of kit does it come with? I like mine Fully Loaded.
No, KITT was a Pontiac.
Old looking shit with modern interior should actually happen
The challenger/mustang/camaro pulled this off fairly well for a while. There have been others, like the Thunderbird, but they never sold well.
These days, if it’s not a crossover it seems like no one will buy it. I am blissfully unaware of interesting looking old SUVs, but surely one is out there. Maybe the bronco qualifies? Too bad it’s suffering from size and price inflation.
When they announce a self driving Plymouth Fury, I’m out.
Why? At least that one can heal itself.
Don’t trust it, it got Lindsay Lohan on drugs!
Nah, you’re thinking of the 2005 model year. This 1969 model is perfect.
I’ll buy a Herbie all day long!!!
A Volkswagen with a mind of its own!
It can lie about it’s own emissions levels!
It works fine for a while, but eventually it Goes Bananas.