this is my favorite christmas song. i would always get excited when this song came on when i was working retail. true shit. i listen to this year round. deal with it
playlist link:
I refuse to believe that someone can work retail during Christmas and not be driven into a blood rage by this song
Working retail induced a deep burning hatred for Christmas music, 2 months of non stop Christmas jingles paired with the rudest customers.
That same fucking Christmas music played on a loop so you hear it at least 4 times through an 8 hour shift
it was the shitty ass covers of this song (and shitty ass covers of last christmas by WHAM!) that drove me into a blood rage. i love maiah carey
With how big this song is, I truly cannot imagine what it was like when it came out.
Did it take time for it to start getting played nonstop at Christmas, or did people jump on it immediately?
it was a pretty big success and heralded as a already classic christmas song, but it didnt reach its highest heights until 25 years after its release when it finally hit number 1 (breaking the record for longest time between release and number 1)
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
36 people missed the upvote button is what im just going to think 😂