I think it’s the sunglasses.
What is the middle gif from?
Kate. It’s a movie on Netflix where an assassin is slipped polonium on a job in Tokyo and has a night to track down the ones responsible before she dies. It’s a fun movie.
Thank you!
Kate. Ever since that above scene pictured, it has been, as the kids say, #goals.
Thank you! Goals indeed haha
The film stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead
If the gif hadn’t already sold me on this then that would’ve pushed it over the line. I am seeing this.
The movie itself (obviously) isn’t on par with Terminator 2 or The Matrix, but Winstead is fucking incredible. The movie can’t do a sequel, but I want to see her in more roles similar to this.
Yeah, the other two are so iconic I gotta know who else made the cut.
Didn’t she lose all the time?
She had the conviction to try, despite the odds.
And as awesome as Alice Krige was at the role, her existence completely ruined what made the Borg unique and scary.
They were a collective without individuals. Having a leader just made them another generic villain of the week. And boy did Voyager and Picard run with that.
Maybe it’s a commentary on how any system of domination is going to coalesce into a centralised hierarchy of domination which will always be more fragile than a non-coercive system.
Or maybe it was lazy TV writers who needed to put a face on the threat so audiences “got” it.
But I can still apply my aggressive reading.
Doesn’t she always come back?
What is this from?
Ghost in the Shell maybe?
Thanks. I’ve been meaning to watch that for a long time anyway. Might have to make some time.
“I am a lifeform.”
Whatever you do, DO NOT mess with the inhabitants of Infant Island.
Off-humor, if anyone wants another “inspiring female character” that doesn’t achieve it with a mix of sexy/masculine-badass, watch Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Nausicaa is charming, thoughtful, kind to everyone, as well as her adventurous and brave personality being the only hope of stopping a pointless and deadly war.
It’s also Miyazaki’s first original film before making Studio Ghibli, and is willing to take on a slightly darker tone than most others.
Most, if not all Ghibli women and girls are awesome IMO. And Nausicaa just might be the most badass. Maybe next to Mononoke.
Ripley is way up there, almost like Arni in predator.
What am I looking at?
Courtney, Love interrupting Madonna during the 1995 MTV awards. She just showed up and took over the interview. And it was beautiful.
Clever girl
For inspiration for strong women, let me offer:
Spiders (actually most invertebrates) are the dominant sex. Yes, the females sometimes – not always – eat the males, but then spider children eat the mother. Protein is in very high demand at that scale.
Lionesses do all the hunting, and when they’re in heat, the Lion (who chased out all the other males) is jolly sorry, and welcome all the other boys to the yard.
Bonobos, in which the females run the matriarchy, and the males love it. Also sex for everybody!
My own street block is run by a queen feral cat and her gang. We keep trying to catch her for TNR but she’s too wily.
Human men, especially our leaders and pundits (Donald Trump, Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro) have completely lost the plot. They don’t act like wolves, but ungulates: They fight each other to be the dominant who (allegedly) gets all the females. Even dominant chimps might have one or two partners, while others males woo the rest away with kindness (pets and food) to elope in secret (I’m simplifying. Chimp relationships are pretty complex.)
We human men should aspire to be like eagles, who share in the upbringing of the young (without the threat of the -40° – C or F? Does it matter) that penguins have to suffer.
The whole strong women in media question, as Lindsay Ellis observed with the Transformers movies, speaks ill of men that we can’t bear to let women hunt and war with the rest of us without feeling offended. We’re pathetic and can totally do better, as Governor Walz has shown us.
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What’s top left? Is that motha? Mothra? The bug from godzilla? My next guess is Butterfree
It’s a fluffy boi
That doesn’t make sense. It’s inspiration, not insporation. You don’t change letters in a word just because you’ve shortened it.
Welcome to slang, where the rules are made up and the points don’t matter. “Inspo” is better than “inspi”.
Right you are, friendo
You go queen!