They knew.
I fucking love this
They are two oven mitts, for anyone wondering. A little bit of pen and voilà - you have a goatse
Are they oven mitts or mittens? Mittens makes more sense to me.
Mittens, as if they were holding their hands out palm up. The thumb portions of the mitts (aka the hands spreading the cheeks) were drawn on, it seems.
Yeah that’s fair, I saw McDonald’s and I thought of ovens, so my brain accepted it as oven mitts.
What else could that have possibly been other than a goatse?
The original without the fingers drawn on.
It’s two mittens. The fingers are drawn on
Can’t believe they skipped a snowflake behind the ‘m’ in ‘Warmest’
Goatse, if you’re too young to know, was a domain that hosted a photo of a man’s prolapsed anus. It was a common troll link (before Rick-rolling).