They’re very portable, so you can carry them around with you in case you come up with an idea of something to write on your Tesla while you’re out and about. They stick to the surface quite well and don’t wash off in the rain.

(Please try not to succumb to the temptation to write “F**k off Nazi Scum” or similar on somebody else’s though like other people are suggesting. That might encourage people not to buy Teslas, which is a shame, because they’re great American cars.)

  • @[email protected]
    17 days ago

    What happened to “See a Nazi punch a Nazi”? Why are we playing coy?

    See a Tesla, vandalize a Tesla.

    Anyone driving one is at best Nazi adjacent and need to learn a lesson on why they shouldn’t be.


    It is actually disturbing how many people here are okay with supporting a Nazi. Every one of you needs to get your head right.

    Fucking disgraceful.

    • ALQ
      7518 days ago

      While I think this is a fair opinion for all recent swastikars, I know several people who bought a Tesla a decade ago when it still seemed like a positive. They all abhor Musk but are not in a financial position to trade in their paid-off cars for anything else.

        • @[email protected]
          517 days ago

          I think I read somewhere that brake fluid is a fairly reliable means of stripping paint. A design or message of some type might emerge from a judicious application of such liquid.

      • @[email protected]
        2617 days ago

        Telling random people to “just buy another car” is such an elitist, out of touch take. Also, who’s supposed to buy those used Teslas? If nobody wants to buy them, nobody can sell them.

        • OtterM
          17 days ago

          I hadn’t considered that one before

          Someone who bought a Tesla before, who is trying to sell it now, may have to sell it to someone who supports Musk. At a loss at that

          Sell their houses to who Ben? FUCKING AQUAMAN!?

      • @[email protected]
        17 days ago

        They made a stupid mistake ten years ago when they bought a car from a conman sex pest pedo-guy.

        Edit: I assume every downvote is some poor fool who fell for Elon, and I’m sorry for you :'(

        • @[email protected]
          1717 days ago

          Yes because Lemmy is so full of people praising Elon. Couldn’t be because you’re acting like an ass.

          • @[email protected]
            -216 days ago

            Go ahead, then, explain to me the issue with my comment. Where is your dividing line where supporting Elon was ok? Or do you just not think he’s a sex pest? What’s triggering you?

              • @[email protected]
                116 days ago

                But that’s not what I’m responding to nor is it the content of my post. The content of my post is clearly saying people who say “I couldn’t have possibly known better because it was ten years ago and nObOdY knew Elon was evil” are deluding themselves and are on the wrong side of history because he was clearly evil 10, 15, 20 years ago.

        • @[email protected]OP
          17 days ago

          (a) There were far fewer detractors of Musk 10 years ago. I thought he was pretty cool for trying to make spaceships and electric cars. Yes of course there were plenty of signs, and I should have noticed them. Besides that, one could also be forgiven for not thinking he was literally a fascist back then.

          (b) What major company isn’t headed by someone on the asshole spectrum somewhere? There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but we still need cars since we ripped up all our train tracks.

          • @[email protected]
            217 days ago

            No, Musk was a leftist 10 years ago. I saw posts on Twitter of him defending LGBT. He completely went crazy maybe 5-6 years back and went full MAGA. I suspect it was his girlfriend of 4 years dumping him.

            • @[email protected]
              217 days ago

              Mush was never a fucking “leftist.” He was born extremely wealthy to a family that owned an emerald mine. He’s done nothing but exploit people his entire life.

              • @[email protected]
                316 days ago

                His Twitter posts say otherwise. When he trolled back in the day, he trolled Republicans.

                Here was his turning point. In 2020, standing in an LGBT friendly company he mocked those same people he once defended.

                I agree it all could have been an act before this point … but the fact remains even if it was … he actually cared enough to act back then.

                • @[email protected]
                  016 days ago

                  If youre busy paying attention to who he is trolling rather than what he actually does, you will never ever ever ever be able to defend against con artists like Elon and trump.

            • @[email protected]
              16 days ago

              Lol you think grimes turned him conservative?

              you literally have no idea what’s going on. Go read.

          • @[email protected]
            -116 days ago

            If (b) is your argument then you should have no problem today with Tesla. If you have a problem today, you cannot use (b)

            (A)…I’m pretty sure you’re agreeing with me but with a disagreement tone? “There were plenty of signs” “should have noticed them”…yep, we agree.

      • @[email protected]
        -4518 days ago

        While I think this is a fair opinion for all recent swastikars, I know several people who bought a Tesla a decade ago when it still seemed like a positive. They all abhor Musk but are not in a financial position to trade in their paid-off cars for anything else.

        Why are you saying that it is okay to support Nazis if it is not financially feasible to do otherwise?

        • @[email protected]
          2918 days ago

          It means we live in a car centric society and trading in their car wouldn’t allow them to have a reliable daily with which they can go to work

          • @[email protected]
            -4018 days ago

            It means we live in a car centric society and trading in their car wouldn’t allow them to have a reliable daily with which they can go to work

            Or in other, more precise words:

            “It is okay to support Nazis as long as you believe you require their products or services”

            What a terrible thing to say.

            • @[email protected]
              1718 days ago

              Don’t be a prick. People have to take care of themselves.

              That said if your tesla is vandalized- but not damaged - then oh fucking well, get over it.

            • @[email protected]
              1617 days ago

              If it’s bought and paid for, how does it support Nazis?

              How does trashing a working vehicle fight Nazis?

              • @[email protected]
                -717 days ago

                Parts and repairs cost money. Then there are subscription fees. Not to mention all of the free data you give the fucker simply driving one that get transmitted to the company.

                • @[email protected]
                  217 days ago

                  Who do you think provides those parts and repairs? Teslas generally don’t get repaired at 3rd party shops… You’re advocating for creating business and generating revenue for Tesla

            • @[email protected]
              18 days ago

              Are you going to donate a reliably daily to those who can’t afford a reliable daily to get by after they get rid of this Tesla?

              In a car centric society, a reliable car is needed to get to work so you can have income to pay your bills and put food on the table.

              If you’re willing to lose your job and income to feed yourself over a car, especially one bought before Musk stopped hiding his shittiness, go ahead.

              It’s easy to ask others to sacrifice for your cause, it’s another to ask others when you don’t know anything about their life.

              Don’t put words in my mouth

              • @[email protected]
                717 days ago

                A car that was bought and paid for years ago is not supporting someone who had only really gone off the rails in recent years. Drive it or not, Tesla has already been paid. I guess you could argue parts or charging might continue to support Tesla, but that’s marginal. Most people charge at home, and parts often come from wrecked cars as well.

              • @[email protected]
                -817 days ago

                Are you going to donate a reliably daily to those who can’t afford a reliable daily to get by after they get rid of this Tesla?

                In a car centric society, a reliable car is needed to get to work so you can have income to pay your bills and put food on the table.

                No one needs a car, there are other options. The majority of people get to work without a personal vehicle.

                If you’re willing to lose your job and income to feed yourself over a car, especially one bought before Musk stopped hiding his shittiness, go ahead.

                It’s easy to ask others to sacrifice for your cause, it’s another to ask others when you don’t know anything about their life.

                It is easy, and more cost effective, to not own a car. I don’t own a car. My partner doesn’t own a car. Almost everyone I know doesn’t own a car. Every single one of us get to where we are going without a problem.

                Musk was always shitty. Supporting him was always a shitty thing to do.

                Don’t put words in my mouth

                I didn’t. You said what you said, and what you said is “It is okay to support Nazis if it is not financially feasible to do otherwise”.

                Your excuses are almost 100 years old at this point, and falling on deaf ears.

                • @[email protected]
                  517 days ago

                  I live in suburbs and I have never been able to get by without a personal vehicle. You are lucky to be able to get by without a car.

                  I never said to support Nazis. Ever.

                  Someone who doesn’t follow the news as much may not have been aware of Musks philosophy until a few years ago. They might have bought it previously.

                  I’m saying you should not have to sacrifice your life in the short term. Rather, you can take more time to find alternatives that wouldn’t lead to loss of main income.

                  So yes, you put words in my mouth.

            • @[email protected]
              517 days ago

              How are you even accessing Lemmy from your completely sustainable hut in the wilderness?

              Or are you saying it’s okay to support the destruction of the planet as long as you require infrastructure?

              • @[email protected]
                -817 days ago

                How are you even accessing Lemmy from your completely sustainable hut in the wilderness?

                Or are you saying it’s okay to support the destruction of the planet as long as you require infrastructure?

                It is laughable that you thought this was an argument.

                Go read a book.

        • @[email protected]
          17 days ago

          If they’ve already bought the car Elon already has their money. Buying another car because we now know what a piece of shit Elon is, doesn’t change that.

          • @[email protected]
            -617 days ago

            Parts and repairs cost money. Then there are subscription fees. Not to mention all of the free data you give the fucker simply driving one that get transmitted to the company.

      • @[email protected]
        217 days ago

        I’m not sure that would work on the cybertrucks “”“bullet proof”“” windows, they are laminated, and this trick typically only works on tempered glass.

      • @[email protected]
        117 days ago

        Man I don’t understand what I read but everything in that makes no sense.

        How do you crush a commercial spark plug to get something you can throw

    • @[email protected]
      -417 days ago

      It is actually disturbing how many people here are okay with supporting a Nazi.

      There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism. You’re just masturbating in public here.

  • @[email protected]
    1017 days ago

    If you carry a piece of grit 120 and a dual barrel tube of clear epoxy, you can make your Tesla really stand out for a long time.

    If you have epoxy left over you can fix your squeaky doors by applying as much glue as you have along the door. That way the door will stop squeaking on account of it not being used as much.

    • @[email protected]OP
      1718 days ago

      Well, if you’re going to make a permanent mod to your Tesla, make sure to avoid cutting any of the numerous cameras that record what you’re doing all the time.

    • @[email protected]
      1017 days ago

      If you’re going to buy an angle grinder, and you value your eyes and hands, at the very least choose a brand that isn’t six random capital letters.

      • @[email protected]OP
        117 days ago

        I would advise against putting a swastika into the world. Nazis see swastika, nazi thinks friends are around.

        • @[email protected]
          216 days ago

          Naw, Inglorious Basterds makes a pretty strong case for branding the fuckers.

          I’ve also noticed there’s a disconnect in people who act like Nazis in actually recognizing their own actions as such. Show them a swastika or something blatant like that and their knee-jerk is to see it as adversarial, but they don’t connect the dots between Nazism and figures like Elon Musk - to the contrary, they fucking love that evil piece of shit.

          Forcing them to draw that connection by marking Musk’s products with Nazi iconography may finally fire off that neglected single neuron in charge of introspection: and that would be therapeutic for everyone.

  • Majorllama
    -917 days ago

    You people are lost. It’s only a matter of time before one of you gets hurt or killed because you’re defacing private property.

    You have absolutely no clue what their political beliefs are simply from the car they own. Half the Tesla’s I see every day during my commute have “anti Elon Tesla club” stickers on them. Some have stickers that say “I bought this before he lost his mind” or some other variation.

    I can guarantee you there are Tesla drivers out there right now that have no love for Elon but don’t have any identifiable stuff plastered all over their car. By vandalizing their car you’re just more likely to turn those people against you.

    I don’t drive a Tesla and I think Elon is a huge twat, but I think your plans on vandalizing random peoples stuff who you have no idea about is ludicrously insane behavior.

  • @[email protected]
    17 days ago

    Jeez, what did you harass innocent Russian US citizens when Ukraine was invaded too?

    Small mind, small dick energy. I’m not even a Tesla owner, if you do this you’re a straight up loser. If you really care, get a gun and find your real target

    • @[email protected]
      717 days ago

      While I get where you are coming from, the flawed logic is that cybertruck owners chose to support elon with their purchase well after he had shown his true colours (though tbf it has only gotten worse since then)

      So comparing that to people whose only support of Russia is the fact they were born there (which is out of their control obviously) is not exactly fair

      • @[email protected]
        -717 days ago

        Wait so suddenly the cybertruck owners all made their purchase after elon started doing shit? When did that happen? Either I missed that memo Or there’s no “logic” there you just made a giant assumption.

        The comparison is people who do this are automatically lumping giant diverse groups of people together over a thing that’s outside of their control. Noone who bought a Tesla made Elon act like a jackass, and if you’ve dumped multiple years of income into a purchase on something huge and important in your life like, oh I don’t know, a car? You can’t expect everyone to just sprint to the dealership, take thousands less than they paid and swap it out for a different car.

        So yeah, this is small minded kyles getting emotional at their parents and punching a hole through their wall.

        • @[email protected]
          517 days ago

          ??? The logic is pretty clear, cybertruck was first entered production in November 2023, and Elon has been doing his shit well before then. This is exactly why I talk about cybertruck owners specifically, because other Tesla models have been out much longer, so people may well have bought them before Elon started doing shit

        • @[email protected]
          317 days ago

          Wait so suddenly the cybertruck owners all made their purchase after elon started doing shit? When

          Literally, yes.

          • @[email protected]
            -317 days ago

            So every Tesla that was bought before twitter (when all this really started ramping up) those just didn’t exist huh?

        • @[email protected]OP
          317 days ago

          I’m doubtful people are buying cybertrucks if they aren’t very wealthy to begin with. Changing it out for a different car isn’t going to be a huge loss for them. Plus, yeah, cybertrucks only came out very recently after Elon showed his true colours.

          • @[email protected]
            117 days ago

            I don’t doubt it, I have financed a phone, saved up to buy fancy tech.

            Tech nerds are known for going DEEP into their passions. And I think people forget that not too many years ago the public opinion of musk was very different

            • @[email protected]
              317 days ago

              You know most people don’t take out a loan to buy a 6 figure vanity vehicle. If you purchased a Nazi truck, you had this coming

              • @[email protected]
                -117 days ago

                Base model is 80k I kinda wish I knew someone in real life who was bragging about vandalizing cybertrucks so I could go vandalize their car and listen to the fallout, jk I don’t vandalize people’s cars because I disagree with a ceo…

                Also keep in mind I think elon is a very stupid idiot face, have a good one!

                • @[email protected]
                  17 days ago

                  because I disagree with a ceo…

                  Is that what’s happening in the US right now? Just a ceo hanging out in the White House? No big deal… Call me when he does an overtly Nazi action on stage. Wait.

                • @[email protected]
                  017 days ago

                  Oh, I’m so glad that you only disagree with Elon and haven’t been personally affected by fascist takeover. Let me know once you wake the fuck up so we can have a real discussion on if it’s okay to vandalize vehicles owned by Nazi supporters.