Sleepy dads unite!
We stand united!
I’m just resting my eyes!
It sucks that I watch a series on streaming at night, resting at my bed, just to fall asleep and while the episodes keep running on autoplay, so when I wake up I had skip some chapters, and then I have to “rewatch” them later.
I have to stop auto play for my podcasts for this reason. You can stop autoplaying the next episode on Netflix too if it helps: On an iPhone, iPad, Android phone or tablet: From the Netflix app home screen, tap the profile icon or More . Tap Manage Profiles. Select the profile you want to edit. Toggle the switch next to Autoplay Next Episode to turn the setting on or off. Tap Done.
Can confirm. I am a sleepy Dad! I mean I’ve got narcolepsy, so I was always destined to be sleepy Dad.
I used to tease my dad when I was a kid. Now that I’m the same age as he was, I regularly rest my eyes in front of the TV.
Hmm? What time is it