Thanks guys for your comments. I think the problem here is that I am late-middle aged and I’ve been using AutoCAD 2000 for 25 years now. If you are younger than me, you will understand when you get older =)
Thanks guys for your comments. I think the problem here is that I am late-middle aged and I’ve been using AutoCAD 2000 for 25 years now. If you are younger than me, you will understand when you get older =)
See- now I would love to be able to run something like Autocad2000 (Yes I know it’s OLD) on Linux. I learned Autocad for 2d drawings when I was young and still use it today. For modern 3d stuff, I use FreeCAD (open source). I design my own circuitboards and always find autocad more useful for this. This is why I run a dual boot linux/windows-7
Term “Bryan” is blocked. Search “luke *ryan” instead.
Super proud to see that someone has the mentality to do this!
Am I the only one around here that wants to see them burn in hell just out of principle?
Don’t be a newb. Learn the command line and use yt-dlp.
I have been using Freetube since October of 2023 even know there are browser based blocking options. I just like it so much better. The only thing (and this is minor) that bothers me, is I fall asleep a lot of times with videos kind of running in the background and my laptop goes into ‘auto suspend’ after sometime. I normally have a linux terminal window in the background and I run a command to make it suspend after 45 minutes when I lay down. When I wake it back up I have to hit “ctrl + r” for a second to re-load the video other wise it does not like it. This is on top of the 10 or so seconds it takes my computer to wake up from suspend and get an IP address on my network again.
well… it doesn’t. Mass bends space-time which is the reason why things appear to fall. Einstein figured that out a long time ago.
can I ask- what kind of OSTs? I have about 5000 individual OSTs, composed of games mostly from the 80s and 90s.
I’d like to do the same, however on VLC (in Linux)… is there an easy way? (sorry for my ignorance) EDIT: I found a tutorial and tried to open a random youtube video, I think I may be missing a codec or something. When I click play nothing happens, but I think it i accessing the video since I can see a thumbnail. I think this is a problem on my end.
I usually watch youtube (well via Freetube) on 480, maybe 720 when I am paying attention and 360 when I am laying down. I prefer these small file sizes because I can skip left and right in the video time with the arrow buttons like the file is local and not online. I haven’t pirated a movie in years (I would not want to watch anything new) but I download a lot of old racing from the 80s and 90s and it is already 480p, so as long as it is in english, not black/white I am happy.
me too but back in october of 23… works so much better than youtube for me even if ads weren’t the reason
There are lots of terms. I discovered this because there is an older song I like that has his vocals over some trance - it is by Chicane called “don’t give up”. I also found Chicane is blocked. This causes a streisand effect for me where I will purposely search for and share items that are censored regardless if I like them or not.
Years ago there was a thing called CINAVIA causing problems copying DVDs… or maybe it was blue ray? Did this get beat ?
Years ago I sold my TV (the big kind with the heavy back) and my DVD player on craiglist for 5$ usd each. I only watch video via a 30 inch monitor connected to my linux PCs. It’s nice having full control over my hardware. I would never buy a “smart” tv out of principle.
Upvoted - if you want to do cool things… learn how to use the command line interface. It’s what separates the men from the boys…
It rolled out to me yesterday (Firefox/Linux/ublock in the midwest USA on comcast) and the “fix” instantly “fixed” it… but I still prefer Freetube.
I started using freetube for linux a month or so ago. This is so much better than native youtube. The entire interface is smoother, I get less “loading” moments (none really) and it does not try and constantly reduce my resolution by “auto adjusting”. No ads, no BS. Just better all around.
And this is fine, because you’re using your cash to “screw the system” which I hold utmost respect for.
I use yt-dlp in the linux command line environment to download a playlist of thousands of videos of retro video game music. I can have it download the audio, convert to mp3, and only process the stuff that I haven’t downloaded (if I update the playlist and add new stuff). It’s very powerful.