What do valid criticisms/grievances about Mastodon have to do with the poster being Elon?
What do valid criticisms/grievances about Mastodon have to do with the poster being Elon?
David Joyner in his article On Artificial Intelligence and Authenticity gives an excellent example on how AI can cheapen the meaning of the gift: the thought and effort that goes into it.
In the opening synchronous meeting for one such class this semester, I was asked about this policy: if the work itself is the same, what does it matter whether it came from AI or not? I explained my thoughts with an analogy: imagine you have an assistant, whether that is an executive assistant at work or a family assistant at home or anyone else whose professional role is helping you with your role. Then, imagine your child’s (or spouse’s, I actually can’t remember which example I used in class) birthday is coming up. You could go out and shop for a present yourself, but you’re busy, so you ask this assistant to go pick out something. If your child found out that your assistant picked out the gift instead of you, would we consider it reasonable for them to be disappointed, even if the gift itself is identical to the one you would have purchased?
My class (those that spoke up, at least) generally agreed yes, it would be reasonable to expect the child to be disappointed: the gift is intended to represent more than just its inherent usefulness and value, but also the thought and effort that went into obtaining it. I continued the analogy by asking: now imagine if the gift was instead a prize selected for an employee-of-the-month sort of program. Would it be as disappointing for the assistant to buy it in that case? Likely not: in that situation, the gift’s value is more direct.
NSFW warning, btw
. I like it so much that I’ve set a rule to replace commonly used fonts (Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana).
Known bug, NVIDIA says they are working on patching it by the next minor release:
Wdym they aren’t trying to fix it, their GitHub repo is very much active.
Though as for pure garbage, the app ain’t that bad IMO apart from the fact it’s made with React Native.