Fair enough, I haven’t seen it yet. Also didn’t really notice how Decaprio heavy the list was until your comment.
Fair enough, I haven’t seen it yet. Also didn’t really notice how Decaprio heavy the list was until your comment.
No particular order. Also, it’s movies that I watched, can’t speak on essentials that I might be missing.
It’s kinda hard to make a list on essentials tho. Because your personal taste obviously plays a big role. I can’t see my girlfriend liking more than 10 percent of those…
Schindlers List
No country for old men
The grand Budapest hotel
The big Lebowski
The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers
Star Wars (the original one)
Requiem for a dream
Pulp fiction
The good, the bad, the ugly
The lives of others
La vita é Bella
All quiet on the western front (1930 version)
The dark knight
The Truman Show
2001: Space odyssey
7 Samurai
Princess Mononoke
Boyz N the Hood
The Godfather 1, 2
The Matrix
Clockwork Orange
Shutter Island
Kingdom of Heaven
Wolf of Wall Street
Honorable mentions because they are popular and everybody always talks about them (I like a lot of them, too. Don’t consider them essentials tho):
Fight Club
Harry Potter
Return of the King
Rest of Star Wars (whatever people consider the good ones at last)
Saving Private Ryan
Django Unchained
Toy Story
The Lion King
How about chess? I know you said you are not really looking for video games, but chess to me is a bit different to video games.
I had a similar problem to you a few years ago during Covid. I was very stressed and lonely and didn’t know what to do with myself. I am completely addicted to chess now. To the point that I play for like 4-8h a night sometimes. Time passes fast, especially in the shorter time modes. And if you are looking for a more low stakes, slow paced distraction you can play correspondents chess and think about your next move for 1.5 hours.
Bonus: if i tell people that i play chess for over an hour every day, they often assume i am a genius, even tho I’m just a 800 elo idiot like most people
People in western nations are largely responsible for climate change. Someone in Syria won’t be flying around the world and buying new clothes all the time. But they will be the ones hit the hardest by climate change, so they will likely either die or become refugees trying to come to the west.
Also, a lot of our western wealth is based on exploitation of those nations (through colonialism and later capitalism or wars). So if westerners don’t want people from poor countries to come to the west they should help those nations to recover from that exploitation.
Furthermore we need to do these things, because a bigger influx of desperate migrants will steer western politics even further to the right. That’s never a great thing and will lead to more inequality and possibly the collapse of our democratic systems.
Finally to your point about migrants being more criminal. That is largely a result of worse economic circumstances and outlooks. Improve their chances and watch the crime rate drop.
I know, but no one cares who’s responsible at the moment. What people care about is that they read a new article about Boeings planes endangering passengers every 3 days. So while Delta is most likely at fault, Boeing is gonna take the hit to the company image. That’s why I was specifically speaking about the Boeing PR team. Those guys and the crisis managers won’t be able to catch a break for a loooong time.
I agree with your comment, even though I have no idea on the technical aspects. What I can weigh in on is crisis management, especially communication.
Boeing needs to take control of the situation and actively start communicating and showing that they are working on fixing this thing. In Situational Crisis Communication Theory you would call it a rebuild approach. They tried denial, they tried downplaying, it’s not working. A rebuild strategy is usually the last resort, as things like admitting your mistakes and fixing them are rarely appreciated by investors. Furthermore it’s usually a huuuuge cost to do a recall on that scale. But Boeing need to show the public that they are actively working on improving the situation, to earn back their trust. So at least a partial recall should be considered.
You’re exactly right in your first paragraph about the news. The media and the public are very sensitive to Boeing quality issues rn. These articles won’t stop unless one of three things happen. Either Boeing gets their shit together and gets some effective crisis management and communication done, the company goes bust, or something else turns up in the news that replaces this. The third option will be the most likely, but it will also haunt them forever. It’s like that exploding galaxy note 7 situation. There were articles about that for every new generation of Galaxy Note, despite Samsung doing pretty well in investigating the issues. And while the following Note phones sold alright, the whole thing was a significant loss of trust and money for Samsung and enabled competitors like Huawai to catch up.
What they do right is having a duopoly with Airbus, and great military contracts. So investors know that even if things are shit rn, they will probably get better again.
Furthermore, while I agree that Boeing probably will not go bankrupt over this, the valuation sometimes is not a great indicator of what’s going on internally. Enron was worth over 60 billion. Half a year later they were at zero. Now I’m not saying Boeing is nearly that bad, but they are in some trouble for sure.
Working for Boeings PR department must be absolute madness right now… imagine having to somehow excuse all those fuck ups and every week there is a new one
I know the general gist of the situation. Low spending from domestic households, real estate bubble, excessive government influence on industry scaring investors, and so on.
My problem with it is that most headlines make it sound like it’s all gonna implode spectacularly tomorrow. The articles themselves usually paint a more reasonable picture of the situation, similar to your comment. But most people don’t read the article. They just see the headline over and over.
Feels like I’ve been reading headlines like this for at least 3 years now. If it all finally comes crashing down, it’s gonna be a big one I guess.
It’s the most popular and most hated newspaper in Germany. I would put it at a similar level as Rupert Murdoch’s shit rags.
They usually have dubious journalistic standards, write exaggerated headlines and harass their targets. They also constantly badmouth progressive or environmental causes because their shitty publisher, Axel Springer Verlag, has a very imperialist neoliberal agenda that they enforce in all their publications. I blame them in part for the popularity of AfD, even though they don’t directly endorse them (as far as I know).
You misread. They got scammed into paying 10$ shipping for a supposedly free product that will never arrive.
There is an evolving porn meta? My friend would like to know more about this…
Most carmakers get heavily subsidized. All the German ones for example. It’s a big industry and states like to keep their brands competitive.
I banish thy bad breath with the power of Colgate
Usually I’d agree with you, but Snyder said in interviews that there weren’t any demands from the studio for cuts. He just wants to make an R rated version and Netflix likes the publicity from having a Snyder cut. It worked for DC, so they use it as an advertisement to generate buzz around the movie.
This kinda makes it sound like Abercrombie and Fitch back in the days… guess they still miss the smell tho
Thanks for the answer, definitely is an interesting perspective! I’ll look more into the masks. And I wholeheartedly agree on the part about reactionaries using these kind of strategies. Something just throws me off about the weird folksy way we see a lot of these guys… be it Daddy Elon or Uncle Bill or Cowboy Jeff, framing them as quirky characters in the reality tv show that is our news media distracts from the real issues that each of those guys represent.
Can you give me a summary why character masks make this cutesy billionaire shit ok?
I’m not confident enough in my knowledge about Marx‘s ideas to be arguing about that.
I think I got a grasp on the basics, capitalism creates societal positions like owners and workers, and Bill slipped into the mask of an owner.
But to me that does not mean that humanizing the billionaire class is a good thing. I’d rather say it makes it a worse thing, as it takes away incentives for lower classes to change the system and get rid of the owner class. How do we get anywhere close to equality if people see good ole Bill and Daddy Elon, instead of the ruthless oligarchs that they are?
But like I said, I don’t have a good grasp on this theory so would be happy to be corrected/have it explained to me ;)
We might have that here, but half the people I know work jobs that still expect them to be on call all the time and would get in serious trouble if they turned of their phones during busy periods. So while yes, in theory it’s great, our toxic work culture seems to cancel it out quite well.
I always tell those guys they should quit it or sue the fuck out of those assholes, but no one ever does -.-