Haha that’s it? Your hill to die on is how funny people find “gravy seals”. You’re right, I’m an asshole. I’m cool with that. You are an idiot tho. I’m not surprised you blocked a vegan guy on here, that’s the way! Fucking redneck.
Haha that’s it? Your hill to die on is how funny people find “gravy seals”. You’re right, I’m an asshole. I’m cool with that. You are an idiot tho. I’m not surprised you blocked a vegan guy on here, that’s the way! Fucking redneck.
Looking at your comment history I’m right. You cheesy fuck. Do you have a red hat? I think you might. Hope you enjoy your meat lovers pizza as you try to wax on about vegan and atheist activism. That’s some real alpha shit.
What? I wasn’t even chatting to you. You don’t know who is or isn’t the asshole here or even if there is one. 1 misinformed idiot makes a broad generalization, I challenged them and then you come to their rescue with whatever point your are trying to make? Trump is a fucking loser making broad generalizations based on bullshit and lies. Which, on a small level, is the same as whatever idiot I was arguing with was doing - hence, the mention of the likeness.
If you are saying that I’m soooooo terrible that I put people off of using trump as a slur and or insult, you are on the wrong side of history.
You know if you do the same for “atheists protest” tons of shit pops up too. Even ones without Megan Kelly. You position is so flimsy and yet you still are digging in. You are a reply away from “do your own research”. Embattled ideology always comes with protest. The absolute unmitigated smugness that one group of people are more annoying than another based on their ideology is problematic at best and at worst, you are a pube away from wearing a red hat and diapers.
Can you name a “vegan” protest?
How do I make it sound like that? All they do is cry and moan! They are the absolute worst of the fit-throwers. But way to dig deep into my comment for a complete nothing burger.
Get real. Every single group that lives outside the heteronormative, christian nationalist banner has fit-throwers. Saying that there aren’t those atheists but certainly are those vegans is as dumb as any other half-baked argument out there.
You got me at first!! Hovering over that down arrow hahaha
Power Washing Simulator- pay me!!! Wooo
Oh thank you so much for reminding me that “99.9%” of any group is “good. You accuse me of missing context? Hello! How is a sweeping generalization like this not missing the context? The notion that you have the “knowledge” to talk shit about anything YOU ARE NOT is my fucking point. That is the context. Just the fact that you mentioned the pizza and then thought it was clever to say it was delicious just shows you are a discount internet troll that has a par-boiled idea of life but thinks what you have to say is important or thought out. You are full of shit and while you have one salient point about all American presidents being corrupt and murderous, the fact that you can spend even 5 words defending trump Shows that somewhere, deep down, you’d sell it all out for you piece of capitalism’s pie.