That was a hard upvote, man. You 100% just stole 20 seconds of my time. On the other hand, I wasn’t doomscrolling.
I mean, im not saying that isn’t an abomination, but it probably also doesn’t suck…
Amazing that you just had that one ready to fire.
I dont think thats new. I havent fucked with windows in like 3 years and I remember also being annoyed by that.
Im 45 with nothing in the bank. I’ll die hard and homeless probably. Real shit. All good though. Today we feast.
I use Luke Smith’s script https://muttwizard.com/ to set up neomutt usually. Or Thunderbird. I have tried to get mutt working many times on my own and at this point I honestly dont think that I am smart enough.
I think I misunderstood your position. Here is mine. Disney wont provide stimulating entertainment for many grown people. ThATS it. Im done talking about it forever.
Yeah, they have a ton of stuff like that. Im not a Disney spokesman even though I sound like one in this thread. I think its a shitty company if im honest. If you are looking for a TV babysitter you could do worse., though
Gaston would have no fucks to give about this, I feel.
Oh my god, I didnt even realize where I was. No wonder nobody is on my side. Godspeed, pirates, and thankyou for your service.
Well no, im assuming most people subscribing to Disney know what they are getting. Mostly old stuff with some new series based on their properties. I liked Loki, bit that isnt the point. My point is you as the consumer have the right to tell Disney to fuck right off and if enough people do it, they will compromise and you still wont be happy because that is what compromise feels like. Personally, I still havent seen all of the Marvel movies yet.
I mean, it is a lot of stuff. If you have seen it all and you ate waiting for Pixar or marvel to crank one out then… wait. Dont re-up for a year.
Yeah that is actually pretty reasonable.
Oh shit. I would give you my usual “Sorry for being a dick, I had a few too many last night” but that was actually kind of inspiring. In this case I’m glad I drew something beautiful from tour soul by being a douche.
I get it, but maybe dont post just to be posting? The internet misses you, but it will get along OK without you for a day or two while you think of something relevant to anything.
The point is to make you think about climate change and act according to your own conscience. But yeah, unfortunately she is big famous now.whether she intended it or not, once she shows up it’s all about Greta.
Well when you put it that way…
Slightly inaccurate but quite funny.
The apology link was worth the initial frustration.