Three decades I’ve had this name and only now am I noticing that.
But it’s a perfectly cromulent word.
Feels weird giving stories like this an updoot.
Hire an accountant.
🔔 ding ding
Valuable! Have some Lemmy gold! 🥇
Be sure to invert it twice, to be extra secure. 🔐
As long as it’s not also your password in reverse!
One more point on Bitwarden - when the top password managers were being hacked/exploited, Bitwarden was keen to fix what appeared to be vulnerabilities in an extremely timely manner. I don’t remember where I read the article but it still fared best out of all the other managers out there.
It may have been ars technica, I don’t remember.
Illl be watching this too - I have bitwarden, managed - but I don’t use a subscription currently.
How about your login name? Hopefully your string of binary means something to you so it’s also memorable!
+1 for Bitwarden here. One day I will go down the self-hosted route.
Yes, I have noticed tin particular he “animé grunt” where even a silent expression or a gasp would do.