lmfao, he really was looking for any excuse to not blame the car, huh?
lmfao, he really was looking for any excuse to not blame the car, huh?
The real prank was the American education system all along 🥲
Thank you for sharing!! All of those Gboard videos are absolute gold lmfao
OP, you need to check out Path of Achra!
The game is fantastic in its own right, and I don’t know if it’s directly related to any Arabic mythos/lore or if it’s just one person’s inspired creation, but there are tons of characters, cultures, gods and elemental powers to check out that are all along the lines of what you’re looking for I think.
It bothers me so much that they’re claiming the machines to be GDPR-Compliant. If you wanted to have the screen activate when someone walks up, a light sensor alone would do the trick, not fucking facial scanning technology!!
Holy fuck lol, phone calls are going to start sounding just like those huge copypasta bricks with emojis every 2-3 words
It’s actually an allegory about Adam & Eve and the creation mythos 😅 The last episode of the Evangelion series is not the true last episode, there’s actually a whole separate episode that goes over what really happens
What did you try to start them on? You’ve gotta get them hooked with the visual style first to get them used to the medium, so I always recommend stuff that would be more familiar to them. Stuff like March Comes In Like A Lion; Much more true-to-life and no sudden “surprises” like we know certain shows can do at particular moments 🙄
Yes, they’re relatively easy-to-digest suggestions, hence perhaps a frustration at the root of the OP’s question surrounding the attempts to draw your peers into something you enjoy.
Because of course Skydiving (for example) might be amazing, but you bet your ass I’m not looking into doing that all by myself lol
I will absolutely check this out, thank you! It’s this kind of recommendation that led me to rediscover home movies as well so I love that it keeps going lol
I’ve begun watching & falling in love with something very recently that I think will fall into this category for sure. An old adult swim cartoon called Home Movies.
Made by a lot of the same talent before Bob’s Burgers was a thing, the humour is actually insanely clever and progressive for it’s time & it still feels fresh to me watching it today. Definitely have already had a few laughing fits where I had to pause the episode for a while to catch my breath and I’m only 4 episodes in 😂
For being a simpler sort of design, it also has some good background gags too. Not to mention the comedian guest stars – Episode 3 had Emo Philips which was a delightful surprise, but episode 4 has freakin’ Mitch Hedberg in it! Took me by surprise for sure but it was also a nice little extra thing to hear him say some fresh lines.
That’s all I have to say about it for now, but every night now my partner & I look forward to watching a couple episodes before bed :) it’s a great time!
Earth: Now with a bright & delicious hard candy shell!
I’ll always have a deep love for the Caster from Outlaw Star!
Big beefy wizard gun with huge chonky bullets that shoot magic spells, what more could you want?
… melting SD card issue‽
Can OpenAI please get their dicks out of all the pudding‽ Jfc