Oh please! I’d love to see Big Oil shrivel and die just like our societies and very planet have under their influence.
Oh please! I’d love to see Big Oil shrivel and die just like our societies and very planet have under their influence.
So glad I found this alternative. reddit, mods are psychos and the average user not much better
It’s Russia, or Iran or China or even our “ally” Saudi Arabia. So really, it’s time to reset the clock to pre 1989. Cut Russia and China off completely, no investment, no internet, no students no tourist nothing. These people mean and are continually doing us harm and we still plod along and some unscrupulous types become agents for personal profit. Enough.
Not sheading any tears for a MAGAT that got popped attending a fascist wanna be dictators rally.
This is why I refuse to purchase or consume ANY food products from China. There system can’t be trusted period.
really? I highly doubt you followed any of the health guidelines and probably chaffed at them “muy freedumbs” etc. I lost two elderly family members to jackasses like you , specifically my cousin who went somewhere where the HA said don’t, scoffed, caught covid symptomatic, came home, infected my aunt and uncle (both late 70’s early 80s for sure) and killed them withing a couple of weeks. he still goes to therapy. So no…i don’t believe you can “protect yourselves” especially if you scoff at expert direction, that just makes you an idiot, but don’t worry you are legion because basically idiocrasy was prescient not a comedy.
siege? what trying to protect the public from a pandemic is “under siege” but armed organized groups taking over border crossing and the ambassador bridge isn’t a “siege”? have i got that right sport-o or do I need to break out the crayons and sock puppets ffs?
Invocation was totally necessary because the check and balances didn’t do their fucking job, there rest is semantics, we were under siege as a nation to a very small minority. Fuck that noise, I hope King and Leech go to jail and those Cotts assholes too.
So tell me, those OPS officers who refused to carry out their direct orders from the Chief of Police have been fired right? right? That whole thing smacked of foreign funded alt right operations. I am extremely critical of Trudeau but he did the right thing, these guys were at best duped assholes and at worst foreign influenced agents. Oh and a special eff off to the right wing conservatives who tried to get vote milage from this shameful display.
So did I hear that the US is considering letting “contractors” take Ukrainian contracts? Blackrock would ruin these morons!
Canada is 5 corporations in a trench coat masquerading as a country…CN/CP is one of those. Or Canada is the matrix where we are blood hosts to these same corporations, no real choice or competition and backhanded “service” and products at best compared the non matrix world…we still haven’t found our Neo to set us free yet.