No, just a topper. Less expenses and most people can keep their current mattresses which is better for the environment.
(I’m with you just brainstorming, lol)
No, just a topper. Less expenses and most people can keep their current mattresses which is better for the environment.
(I’m with you just brainstorming, lol)
This is a troll, or somebody so rude that they would give a passive aggressive answer like that. Either way it is worthy of being ignored.
Look at this guy moving the goal posts. I travel through time all the time but now I have to be stable?
I went down that rabbit hole when I was trying to understand why the far right was interested in supporting Israel while simultaneously being anti-semitic and working alongside Nazis. Most people in the middle or left don’t understand how crazy this is. Many members of our government are literally trying to enact some biblical nestradamus bullshit to bring forth the end of times as described in the book of Revelations.
I’m a liberal Jew so it took a lot of reading to understand what the fuck they wanted end times to come for, but I guess it is so that they are then saved? As a non-Christian this seems weird and obviously cult-like but here we are.
I’m a big guy and the burger king whopper Jr meal was my go to when I worked near one.
100% is for me and my friend who tried it. I know how to lucid dream but I haven’t done it in 10 years because it is exhausting. I’ve never met anybody who actually knows how to lucid dream who hasn’t stopped for the same reason. You never hear of anybody doing it constantly.
For those interested, I just summoned something to read in my dreams. Magically operating a newspaper wasn’t enough to clue me in but not being able to read it was what made me become lucid. It took about 2 weeks of practice before I was getting more aware in my dreams.
Ah! I was wondering how such a seemingly simple hose had a corner on the market. Apparently it’s not a simple hose at all!
Certain missing police tapes are a good example. Why can they keep the school tapes from the people? Surely the suspect is dead.
Anwar al-Awlaki. Most things that I’m seeing about him are that he is the first US citizen targeted by a drone strike but I remember it being a big deal that he was the first US citizen assassinated at all.
And as much as I liked President Obama, he did set the precedent by targeting and killing a (bad) US citizen.
Last month. Court will probably see these texts. Lol
Good to know. I thought it would be a hopeless fight. I’m considering driving my car through boarder checkpoints multiple times to document that their “drug dogs” felt differently than the one at the Veterans Affairs that they use to harass veterans with cannabis because it’s federal land.
It died with “drug dogs.” I am currently fighting the department of veterans affairs federal police because they bypass the 4th amendment with a drug dog. They found nothing because I don’t do drugs, but the fake dog hits need to stop.
These are the people who attacked America on 9/11. They agreed to help Bush in his war so we didn’t attack them.
If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would say that the US worked with them closely before 9/11 and then enacted pre-written legislation immediately after the attack that our intelligence agencies knew was coming. Everybody in the middle was doing their job but our senior representatives never acted on the intelligence that was available. So now Saudi gets special treatment.
He is doing 57 months because he is serving for multiple crimes simultaneously.
Police who violate the law should not be allowed anything but the maximum sentence non-concurrent with other crimes.
But cops protect those who have power and those who have power. Don’t want to piss off the cops so here we are.
I hear you. I was in the army when 9/11 happened so I didn’t have a choice but to be involved in the response. I was ready to show how I had trained against the Saudis who attacked us so when all of the units plans changed to Iraq, my opinion about 9/11 and all of the ongoing US propaganda for it kind of changed.
Now it’s over 20 years later and after having deployed three times I have lost more of my friends to poverty and health related suicide (thank you, department of veterans affairs) I would say that the poor suffered more in 2008 then we did as a nation from that attack. America needs us to remember that small attack so that we can maintain endless wars in countries which are proxy, fights and training grounds for our soldiers. We shouldn’t be killing people. We should be focused on making sure the billionaires aren’t crashing the economy in cycles in order to profit from our endless labor.
9/11 should be remembered for the horrific act that it was, but the cult following that it turned into is wrong. How many people died in terrorist attacks in American history and how many people have had their liberties deprived by police, especially if they are the wrong color? Worse things are happening every day. We need to be distracted though.
The rich damned us.
Watching global climate change, we may only need this for a year before we all pass.
I have some around my house because I switched all of my cables to usb-C. I bought a six pack on Amazon.