I wonder if you will ever stop blaming voters for a party so shit they let Trump win.
I wonder if you will ever stop blaming voters for a party so shit they let Trump win.
There was one shot at helping the people of Palestine, that was the Democrats.
They refused to listen to voters and instead took in billions of lobbying from Zionists.
The only blame lies solely on Kamala and her greed. Imagine thinking stopping Trump was less important than making money.
tried to stop Trump?
That’ll get you banned from .ml
Brazil’s going at it too.
While simultaneously praising this as a good thing.
How are you going to call from a coma?
Senior general population*
I don’t like sand. It’s coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.
Davinci Resolve - Video Editing
Blender - 3D Modelling
Darktable - Photo Editing
Keira - Digital Art
Are some I use frequently.
Shit he’s got a big forehead under that hair. Someone’s combing over to hide the loss.
So anything coming from Israel’s government without proof is now trolling?
“What’s up Doc?”
Typical authoritarian China.
Hope this company told them to pound sand.
Democrats are evil scum, no one should be voting for them.
This senseless death is so tragic.
Well it’s obviously hard for Kamala or else she wouldn’t have weaseled around answering the question.
the harm and propaganda it causes will still exist for users who are unaware.
What a terrible idea.