It’s like a real life babelfish
It’s like a real life babelfish
I read that it was a 16 year old kid which makes it more fascinating
Check r/roms megathread stickied at top
It’s a slippery slope my friend
The NHL games used to show ads on the boards too. Assuming they still do.
Don’t steal from the rich
You get through to them. Just be prepared to wait a minimum of three hours on hold. It’s absolutely criminal.
The list of common misconceptions was really interesting. Thanks!
Everything is fine.
How the fuck does anyone get to be worth 12 billion dollars?
Try going to a trivia night at a local bar.
Underwater theme from donkey Kong country
Wash the Tupperware in cold water and it shouldn’t stain.
It’s like washing your car before going to the car wash
Facebook rarely if ever. Instagram every day. Threads never. Made an account and never opened the app again.
What are they charging these days for one of those?
Looks amazing!