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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 21st, 2023


  • To that point, lets be real, even the united states doesnt really care about new mexico. Crimea in this argument has actual economic value.

    Honestly any square foot of what russia has stolen from Ukraine has so much more economic value in comparison to new mexico, its hardly a realistic comparison.

    I get what you are saying. But taos vs a warm water sea port is such an insane comparison. Its so much worse. Albuquerque? Let em have it. Santa fe? Please.

  • Not true. As unhappy as i am to say it, the united states in a trade war only with china could actually have a net benefit. To add to that, a multilateral trade war against china could actually change economic advantages on a global scale that have a real positive impact.

    However, a trade war from the usa against canada, mexico, china, taiwan, and whoever else our supreme leader trump decides, whilst taking his mid morning dump. Yeah, thats not going to help anyone.

    Lets be clear. I dont hate china or their people. But the influence they have on an economic scale is impressive. And an authoritarian economy is not who any western country wants in control of global trade. Their advantage is gaming the system. When you can force your people to produce what you want, when you want, and prop up your economy artifically to make up the difference, you create a power dynamic that capitalistic powers cant legitimately deal with without extra measures. And those measures that prop up that economy are paid for in poverty and blood.

    Tarriffs are a sword when a scalpel would be better warranted. But it can be effective if used properly.

    On the long term. A trade war is a legitimate means to an end. If used properly. But in this case. Yeah. Its going to hurt everyone for no real gain but the pockets of oligarchs.

    This time you are right. More suffering, more expenses. Thats how it goes now. No net benefit. So once again, make us pay. So that this doesnt happen again until our grandchildren have forgotten this lesson and need a reminder.

  • He sounds like hes trying to demo what he wants to happen in other places. Normalise the conversation, break the standards. If its part of the dialogue now, it isnt that far fetched if it happens in the future. “We can do it too” “they did it first”

    Its not subtle. Its a game plan. Its disgusting, but that is exactly whats happening. Same as when he said that the king of england should dissolve parliament. That wont happen, but saying it out loud unfortunately gives it merit. If its part of the conversation, its going to have opinions. Opinions that used to be only said in shadows, can now be said in public. And then they can be pointed to as justification.

  • I dont dissagree. But for the rest of yall here, the point stands.

    Foreign policy is nuanced, multi layered, and gives no shits about your morality. Any of you that boil down the issue to palistine vs israel or race or religion, have no idea whats going on. Two state solutions are just to placate you while wholesale slaughter happens.

    This is about power and maintaining it. Always has been. And american, or western dominance in the region as a way to maintain what little peace exists, and not let our adversaries seize that control, is the end sum game.

    Im not saying its right. But superpowers and governments do not care about your moral hangups. A hundred thousand dead “someone else” vs a major strategic location means nothing. Appalling, sure, but there is a brutal logic to it.

  • My closest superstore an hour drive away. 60 miles. The closest grocer is 12 miles. My closest international airport is 1.5 hours away. It is also the closest regional airport. 85 miles. The closest national park is 3 hours. I live 6 miles from my closest town.

    There are no passenger trains, busses, or taxis. Or uber.

    Rural america is empty. And spread out. We get along fine, but public transit will never exist here. Cars are the only way.