ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • It’s just a stereotype.

    I need you to be honest - do you not know what stereotypes are, or do you not know what racism is? Stereotyping is one of the conceptual parts of racism, so saying it’s not racist because it’s a stereotype is like saying pizza isn’t Italian because it’s from Naples.

    stopped being used offensively several decades ago, and was then repurposed into being a praise of sorts.

    Could you give me sources for when this happened for “ricing” and “ricer”? Because there are a lot of people in this thread telling you that it’s still offensive, and I’m pretty sure they know a little bit more than you about racism.

  • not exactly how I phrased it

    Yeah, no shit buddy, and your “gist” can be pretty forcibly rejected by reading these, which use some form of the term without defending it:

    Citation needed, as they say. I only saw car bodies being modded.
    body modifications. […] I only saw car bodies being modded.
    body modifications. […] bodies being modded.

    Bold of you to assume I have smth against groups of ppl based on their race

    So it’s not that you have anything against asian people, you just think it’s ok to use a term that origtinated in saying japanese people eat so much rice they even run their cars on it. Uh huh. Would you defend the N-word on the basis that it’s a commonly used word and you don’t understand why it’s so bad?

    just an assumption you’re from the US

    Extremely unsafe assumption, but newsflash - your ancestors don’t need to be the specific ones who invented a racism for it to be racist to act like them. If you copy someone else’s racism you are still the one being racist. You’ve been told multiple times by multiple people that the term is racist, but you’re arguing it’s not racist because you don’t know how it’s racist. Have you maybe considered you’re just not very smart and need to study racism a bit more? Maybe learn what this whole “microaggression” thing people keep talking about it?

  • the “wrong” ones that used the “r-word” happened to be blocked

    I’m sure you can find enough examples of the word rice, ricing, and ricer to put two and two together and realise the “r-word” isn’t what got them blocked.

    there is a comment from another mod that explicitly tells they’ll remove stuff using that.

    No it doesn’t, because that hasn’t happened.

    nor is it derogatory in its current form

    Are you really not able to put together how transferring a term used to deride body modifications (using ethnic associations) to UI modifications is derogatory? Do you think it magically lost context somewhere along the way, the history of the term just disappearing into the aether?

    I’d also like to play along and give you folks another (and, arguably, a more worthy) which hunt target

    Stop trying to worm out of this you wretched little shit. Defend using that on the site and you’ll also get your comments removed, but we’re talking about your racism right now.

  • Are you telling me that you have so little understanding of slurs and their use that you think people are getting banned for saying using the word rice? You cannot be serious. How dare you think you have the intelligence to hold an opinion.

    I know what you’re arguing you fucking dunce, I just told you you’re wrong. There are plenty of slurs that aren’t as bad as the n-word, you’re not allowed to use any of them. And b) doesn’t matter. You don’t use the n-word even if a black person “gives you permission”, because that makes you a fucking racist.