Just wait until OP learns about us taking horse paste during covid
Just wait until OP learns about us taking horse paste during covid
Do the people complaining in those countries have more free speech and involvement in politics than the people from other countries?
I’ve never seen the lights like this glued in. The lights have studs in the back, they go through a hole and you put a nut on them.
Those lights are bolted in, there’s no adhesive. There’s probably a seal but that’s to keep water from getting into the tailgate.
It’s not on them. They don’t pay to fix your wreck, it’s the other way around. It’s part of the wreck that wasn’t noticed when it was being fixed. It happens, and it can’t be helped unless they park it outside and let it rain and then check it and nobody does that.
If insurance paid for the wreck, get with the insurance company to pay for a new one. If you paid for the wreck, you could have paid for it when it was fixed but it wasn’t noticed so you pay for it now.
Do they sell them? My local library holds a book sale every so often (6 or 12 months, not sure). Books are usually $1 for a novel up to $3-4 for a textbook sized book. It’s always packed. Some people bring carts and fill them up with dozens of books.
I pay quarterly so I don’t get hit with a big bill at the end of the year
Should be called Everything Is A Toilet Seat Day
I used to joke with a friend that we should start a business selling rulers that were inaccurate so that there was about 1/2 to 3/4 inch between the inch marks. We could have been rich
No but if you’re looking to sell it, I need to do some measuring that it would be perfect for
Don’t judge those who can’t afford Axe Body Spray
Probably. I don’t remember what that exact fragment came from. I was using apocryphal, maybe wrongly, to mean non-canonical
The Bible doesn’t say anything about Jesus’ sexuality, let alone preferences. In fact what it does say could lead you to virtually any conclusion.
First, there is zero evidence that Mary was a prostitute as mentioned elsewhere. She was just a follower of Jesus. Biblical scholar Bart Ehrman tells about a fragment of a manuscript of an apocryphal gospel that says “Jesus loved Mary and used to kiss her on the…” and that’s where the fragment is broken off. Our dirty little imaginations could come up with anything to finish that sentence but the lost part probably says something stupid like “forehead.”
There was “the diciple that Jesus loved” who is once mentioned sleeping on Jesus’ busom. The diciple isn’t identified but the disciples were supposedly all men.
When he was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, a naked boy was seen running away.
So, we can draw any conclusion we want. The clear answer is probably boobs because he was really into missionary stuff.
Yeah, no problem. Most ham radios are set up to use 12 volts so they can be installed in a vehicle. They don’t need a lot of power. But if you’re using it at home with normal 120v power (from the power company or from a generator) you actually have to get a power supply to feed it 12 volts. This is a cheap one: https://www.amazon.com/Regulated-Converter-Interface-Amplifiers-TOPPOWER-PS1330A/dp/B0CZP5C2PY?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&smid=A5JF8YGI5RMR2&gQT=1
You could also hook it up to a 12v battery and use the generator to charge the battery.
I didn’t mean to imply one was better than the other, just that someone interested in getting into it should know it’s not all the same.
I actually prefer VHF/UHF, there’s just something about the mobility of it that I like so much more. But I live in an area where storms or tornadoes are the main threat, not hurricanes. If we have a disaster, we just need to coordinate, or maybe ask for help from the next town.
If something widespread hits us, I know guys who often get up at 3am because some HF band is supposed to be open. I’ll let them handle that.
Something that should maybe be pointed out about ham radio is that there’s local ham radio (VHF/UHF) and there’s long distance ham radio (HF). People keep mentioning that ham radio can reach long distances, even other continents, and that’s true but that’s the harder, more expensive HF side of ham radio.
When you get your first ham license, you are limited to VHF/UHF bands and a little slice of the 10 meter HF band that isn’t very useful. Even if it were useful, most radios are either VHF/UHF only ($100-300, $30 for a lower powered handheld radio), HF only ($500 and up), or all bands (well over $1000.)
It’s hard to talk about range because it always depends on location, but VHF/UHF has a range that should cover your town/city and maybe enough to reach the next town, maybe enough to reach outside the disaster zone, depending on the disaster. VHF/UHF only needs a simple, cheap antenna that you can stick to anything and it’ll just work, more or less.
HF generally requires big antennas that take a lot of tweaking and/or other expenses to work right.
CB radio is very low power and limited range. I had a CB in my Jeep for offroading. It wasn’t an ideal installation or an ideal antenna, but it was basically what most people driving a normal vehicle and not really serious about CB-ing would install.
It was good enough for the trail where I was 100 yards from friends but going down the interstate listening to trucks, I was basically limited to trucks I could see within a half mile or so.
With a 2 meter ham radio, the most common band that even beginners can use, and a lot simpler to install than CB, I can talk 20 miles fairly easily, twice that to reach some repeaters in the mountains.
I would think Russia would circulate this to them
But to North Koreans he must sound like a hero
War Through the Ages by Lynn Montross
It basically tells you about every war ever, at least every one worth talking about. It was written in 1944 and revised in 1960 so I’m sure some of the information might be outdated but it’s still great.
12 Byzantine Rulers by Lars Brownworth
This is actually a series of audios that you can download for free. This is almost a history of the Byzantine Empire from beginning to end, but summarizes what was happening during the reign of less influential rulers and focuses on the reign of the 12 most influential. He’s also written books about the Byzantine Empire and other subjects that I’ve somehow never read.