Excellent. Thank you for the suggestion. I’ll take a look at Discourse.
Excellent. Thank you for the suggestion. I’ll take a look at Discourse.
I want to move my music discord to a forum platform. Can anyone recommend a good FOSS forum with good iOS/mobile app support? Some of the musicians are going to resist if there isn’t a decent, usable, mobile app. It’s been a long time since I set up a forum. Last one I installed on a server was phpBB!
This is exactly the reason these Natalists are “pro-forced-birth”. Childless adults are a threat because they don’t have to think about their minor dependents before revolting. They want everyone tied down with families so we can’t even consider getting off the wheel.
Yes… it’s the population that’s stupid. It couldn’t possibly be an area of ignorance for you. At a certain point, you might consider some introspection. Or at least consider not taking new knowledge and having to revise your world model as a personal insult. Not everyone thinks the same way you do. You’d do well to make peace with that.
The problem with the American government trying to propagandize us against China is that there is currently nothing that they can say about China that is not effectively the same or WORSE in the United States.
But China spies on their citizens…
Yeah, that’s the NSA.
They can’t Google Tiananmen Square. They don’t want people knowing their history…
We’re trying to ban history books right now because we don’t like that white people look bad during the slave trade.
But China doesn’t have freedom of press…
All of our press sources have been bought up by billionaires who also contribute enough campaign contributions to effectively own all of our politicians so that they can control which laws are passed as well as control the narrative surrounding those laws.
China doesn’t have freedom of speech…
The United States is officially banning a platform on January 19th that is used by millions of Americans to communicate and share ideas!!!
But China has massive amounts of human rights violations…
Forced birth is a war crime that is happening in America RIGHT NOW. Child marriage is legal in the United States right now. Our prison system is legalized slavery. There is a reason that we have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. It’s because it’s legalized slavery. The 13th amendment to our constitution says “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” Convenient for a nation that imprisons black people at more than FIVE TIMES the rate of white people.
China is condoning/committing a genocide…
That’s fucking laughable. Smile and say that to America’s indigenous peoples. Say that to Palestine. Say that to Congo. Say that to Sudan. Fuck it… Say that to ANY COUNTRY in the global south.
But the working conditions for the Chinese people are terrible…
We haven’t raised the minimum wage in 15 FUCKING YEARS! The minimum wage is still $7.25 per hour, meaning you could work a full time job and still only make $15,080 per year. BEFORE TAXES!!! With basically no guaranteed benefits. And on top of that, the government is actively banning an app that is a secondary source of income for people.
There is really not much we can say about China right now, in a negative light, that we cannot find some equivalent here in the United States. And on top of that, at least China has universal healthcare. At least China has public transportation. At least in China, they’re not having their kids shot to death on a daily basis. At least in Chin/ they have managed their homeless population. Do you know how we manage our homeless population? We throw the In prison. We take our veterans and turn them into slaves. In China they give them temporary housing and a job.
I’m not going to sit here and condone the awful shit that China is doing and I do not have any desire to live/suffer there, but if you wanted American citizens to actually believe that we are better than China, then maybe we should actually fucking BE BETTER THAN CHINA.
I’m going to miss TikTok. Some of the smartest, kindest, most generous people I’ve met in my whole life, I met on TikTok.
I can see why it’s “former”.
Double plus ungood!
Nobody is touching my library of RCA CED Videodiscs.
Or this guy, and his delicious toenails.
… With a pocket full of shells.
Devil’s advocate: “If you copy it, the [original] owner doesn’t lose anything…”
They loose the right to distribute it or not distribute it to who they choose. As the owner, it’s technically their right to deny access to the work, and you are taking that right away from them.
I’m not a shill, and I am never going to be a customer of big media. If I can’t get it without charge, I’d rather go without. But, I am taking that right away from the owner. I sleep ok.
The confidence with which you make this factually incorrect statement is mind bending.
This one: https://hub.docker.com/_/nextcloud/
I’ve always run Nextcloud as a docker behind an NGINX/Let’s Encrypt proxy and login sometimes takes over a minute, even if I access the Nextcloud docker directly without the proxy. It’s a very frustrating experience to use a self hosted Nextcloud.
New’Tron and Distor’Tron are very clever names.
The Swasticar!