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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I have nextcloudAIO running on a VM with 6 vcpu, 16gb ram. No issues with performance.

    The root partition is on an nvme drive, the data partition is on a HDD raid 1 array.

    That VM is hosting another few services like nginx proxy manager, Heimdall, and a few other things I forget at the moment.

    Never have any issues with performance

  • Mum. Since dad passed away early on 2024 I’ve been doing my best to care for her, but there’s only so much I can do.

    There’s no simple explanation, no simple solution. I do what I can, putting both love and logic into every decision, but I am still worried about the future she has.

  • Because even if this was implemented, rich assholes will find ways around it.

    That house? Oh it’s owned by an LLC that rents it from the company I own for $1a month, I then house sit as a second job for $1 a month.

    That car? Same deal.

    My internet, home phone, electricity, water, insurance and all other home expenses? Paid for by my company as part of WFH rules for executives.

    I also have regular business meetings in Hawaii and other overseas locations for business purposes.

  • SGGtoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    75 months ago

    Regarding the title thing. Lots of news sites will have multiple titles that get swapped at random. The different wordings increase the click through rate. You might not be interested in title 1,2 or 3, but title 4 gets you to click.

    But as for change logs for the actual article, none that I know of. The best you normally see is something like “last edited 5 minutes ago”

  • SGGtoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    305 months ago

    Stakeholders that want a payout will demand the data be sold to the highest bidder.

    And other companies will probably be interested in said data and willing to buy.

    I would like for it to be destroyed as well, but capitalism going to capitalism.

  • SGGtoMemes@lemmy.mlIt's just a formality really
    465 months ago

    Yep, companies give “unlimited PTO” because it’s a way to actually reduce the amount of PTO employees take.

    Give them 20 days PTO/year? They’ll take around 20 a year.

    Give them unlimited PTO? They need to justify every bit of PTO, so probably only get to take 4 or 5 for important days.

  • If a school provides a device to a student to take home there’s two possible outcomes.

    1. They provide a managed device, and with any management tool, there’s a way to invade privacy, intended or not.

    2. They provide an unmanaged device and get sued by parents for letting their"innocent snowflake" access unwanted content.

    In both instances there’s something to legitimately complain about, but I still say the first option is the better one. The problem comes with oversight and auditing on the use of those management tools.

    Not to mention that even with the second option of unmanaged devices, invasion of privacy can still occur if students are stupid enough to use the school provided accounts (Google, 365,etc)