Fuckpoop is one of my favorite combinations, but one that should be forbidden is snortable poop
Fuckpoop is one of my favorite combinations, but one that should be forbidden is snortable poop
“There once was a brave knight named Luigi who slew the evil wizard…”
I’ll see if I can find the write up, but the app was reverse engineered and it did collect an alarming amount of personal data that an app wouldn’t normally be allowed to. Also their algorithm has been criticized for ways it serves political content
This is what came up first and had comment from the person who reverse engineered it.
I don’t know this for sure, but I think it’s something along the lines of certain record companies can pay to have their artists played more often than others so when you start a playlist on shuffle it’s biased toward those higher “tier” songs. I think caches also plays into it to a degree, but it’s definitely not just an issue with a lack of randomness. I think they do the same thing with the “AI DJ” which will play completely irrelevant songs to your tastes in a small group and then go back to normal at intervals. “Hey this is your DJ X, you just heard Kat Stevens so now I’m gonna play Kendrick Lamar (which you’ve never once played willingly) and I’ll be following that with a few other things that are currently being promoted”
OH MY GOD That movie caused me so much enotional damage as a kid
Spotify’s shuffle technique: play the same 5 or 6 songs in a row on a given playlist every time you play it on shuffle despite the literal hundreds of ither songs to pick from
Bad Rats
I stopped at getting an associate’s degree. I’m happy with my career and I really don’t want to go through any more schooling so I’m sticking with it.
I never knew there was any other way until just now lol
Nothing like the old wine/butter aisle
My mom did. She smoked cigarettes since the 80s and quit in 2012 with vape. She never smoked a single cigarette after that
My dog: " That’s my guy! I love the guy. I wonder if he’ll pull the rope if I bring it to him…"
More like “AI Company guarantees Free Advertising From Silly Articles”
She looks like if someone microwaved angelina jolie like a peep and set her tits from stun to kill
Oh yeah absolutely, he’s extremely good at what he does, but he was working at a company that was absorbed by microsoft and essentially just fell through the cracks for 2 or 3 years until he went to a new company.
I knew a guy who worked at microsoft and basically did all of his work for the week in a couple of hours and then spent the entire rest of the week playing VR
Right? My immediate thought was just that is is awful communication and everyone would have a better time if they just said something in either scenario
I don’t think he’s been vocal one way or another about piracy, but i wouldn’t be surprised if he appointed a fresh group of jackoffs with something to prove