A lot of those people are pro-facist, they just want a leftist facist regime instead of the right facism we got.
A lot of those people are pro-facist, they just want a leftist facist regime instead of the right facism we got.
Truth doesn’t feel good. People want to feel good.
Psychologically it’s not different than biology in the sense that people don’t want to work out and eat healthy… they want to be lazy and eat energy dense food.
Yep. Anger and egotism are proven my studies to basically be like taking a hit of cocaine. It gets people off and they get addicted to it.
Bingo. This is the fundamental disconnect I encounter on a daily basis. All anyone wants to do is lecture me about how they are right, and I am wrong if I think different than them. And if you don’t give into them they simply start insulting or shaming you, hoping they can emotionally abuse you into compliance with their beliefs. Or they just think you are evil and divide the world up into hyperbolic terms.
That isn’t how you learn or win people over to your side. All it does is promote ignorance & alienation, and that’s what we have an overabundance of in our current society.
I’m apparently old-fashioned/out of date, but I went to college to learn how to understand, assess, and communicate with other people… seems like that is no longer what people are taught or at least, no longer value it.
That sounds like you have a mental health problem.
Depends on how badly he fucks up the country.
We won’t get legit progressive reform until there is another depression or world war.
Yes. Democractic establishment throws elections away rather than tries to win them. And frankly the professional elite base of the party is more than happy with it and thinks if you disagree with them you’re an uneducated sexist/racist.
It’s also far less effective than building a strong politician coalition, as Trump and his supports did.
Frankly if I went to a MAGA rally I’d probably feel more accepted and welcomed than I by my fellow Democratic voters. And this is why Trump got so many votes this time. His supporters are enthusiastic, energized, and generally welcome to anyone who is angry and upset. Democrats kept chiding the voters they should be so lucky to have a black female president in such a great economy and if you weren’t supporting them you were a bad person.
Frankly as a white guy from a working-class background, all the D have done for me is alienate me for 20+ years now. And tell me that I should vote for them anyway.
Ok, you’re right in this sense. However, I meant beaten badly in the sense of expectations vs. reality. If you followed any media, it was supposed to be a slight edge for Kamala, or at least a good chance for an upset. In the end the R’s got president, senate and congress. And the outcome was clear after the first few hours, unlike something like Gore vs. Bush.
Most telling move IMO is how they sidelined Tim Walz for being ‘too radical’.
All he was doing was talking facts and smack. Democrats can’t have that! It’s not decent!
Funny thing about most leftist activist groups is they won’t take a hard stance because they are afraid it will dry up the money spigot by ‘looking bad’.
And of course the virtue signalling and purity tests that inevitable result in them become taking fascist stances towards groups they don’t like.
Western world is still pretty much the only place where homosexuals aren’t. Rest of the world… murdered pretty regularly. Asia, Africa, South America, middle east, are all FAR less ‘progressive’ than Western democratic countries.
lol they were fine with it as long as the queers were whores and such. they could not be citizens.
only people who had any power in Rome were male roman citizens, and the wealthy ones at that.
and lots and lots of folks blame the downfall of Rome on it’s ‘decay’ of allowing homosexuality and such
human brains are dumb.
takes a lot of effort and work to train your brain to not be dumb.
just like it takes lots of effort to keep your body fit and healthy.
cognitive biases are very very hard to overcome for highly educated people, let alone uneducated ones.
Dude, plenty of Democrats in their 30s who say they are progressive are raging bigots and support racist policies.
They are just quiet about it. They aren’t saying crazy racist nonsense on tiktok, but if you talk to them about issues like housing or schools… they make it very obvious what they think. Using polite language, of course. Black people are great, as long as they don’t live near them, or go to the same school as their kid goes to! These are the same people who are NIMBY because they don’t want ‘people who haven’t worked as hard as I have’ from living near them.
queer and black people don’t have money. those other groups do.
if all the sudden queer people were billionaires, you can sure as shit bet they’d be promised political power. in exchange for their money. they’d be running corporations, in political office, etc.
it just turns out that it’s mostly white dudes who have all the money, and some white women, and the occasional random other non-white person has it. in USA at least. obviously different in other countries.
Because the right offers people stability, authority, etc. People like that.
They don’t like left because it’s too vague and complicated to understand their points of view.
Trans people = bad is a lot easier for the average person to understand, than explaining to them what a transsexual person is and isn’t, and the various types of trans/queer identities. That shit requires a dictionary of trans terminology and hours of time to understand.
they are popular because they provide simple answers to complex issues.
People like that. Esp younger folks.
Just like the alt right is so popular with them, because it gives them simple answers.
Left doesn’t have simple answers. Wants you to listen to a college course type of lecture on every issue… people don’t care about that. They want a simple soundbyte they can emotionally respond to. Left is very poor at that… there are some examples, but they dont’ really get much traction outside of leftist/socialist circles.
it’s mostly that it is social wedge issue that drives up ratings, outrage, and politicians can grandstand about it. And make up crazy bullshit about kids being forced to transition by evil doctors or something.
and therefore we can ignore real issues in the country while the media/pols rant on about total nonsense that affects hardly anyone and mostly isn’t real or relevant to trans people or any people at all.
not even. 1950s we had this idealized version that everyone was heterosexual, owned a home and had strict gender roles.
That shit is now all blown apart. And for most folks the complexities of it all are beyond understanding.
And it cuts both ways. I don’t care about other people’s genders and identities, but boy they care about mine. Gotten plenty of sexist slurs from queer/trans people based on my gender and lots of shitty assumptions. I’m bi, but I ‘present’ as a heterosexual dudebro, and it makes non-gender conforming people angry at me for some reason, also many insecure straight men and women. Only people who don’t seem to care are people who are bi, or secure in their sexuality. Way too many people feel the need to do that though.
participation in local politics is one.
a handful of loud people can deeply impact your local town operates…