I’m late to this party, but I’m now curious. What happened to elastic and mongodb?
And what are the underlying economic conditions promoting that change?
Thanks regardless.
Dangling on a hyphen.
I’m late to this party, but I’m now curious. What happened to elastic and mongodb?
And what are the underlying economic conditions promoting that change?
Thanks regardless.
Same here. It simply comes from within. Everything now is so special because I’m aware how fleeting everything is.
Thanks for your comment. It resonated a lot with my experience.
You have a lot of good suggestions here already. My contribution will be like an upvote, sharing my impressions of the apps I’ve tried so far.
Both vger.app and thunder are very cool, easy to navigate, simple.
With Liftoff you have more control over the UI. It looks good and it’s very fluid.
All are very usable. All contribute to the lemmy experience, making it more fun to use and interact.
Good luck on your lemmy journey.
Beef. What a ride.
I’ve been messing with paru to gauge its functionality against yay.
So far I’m unimpressed. The cli display is somewhat tidier/neat. I like that. But when it comes to actually installing something, it’s less than stellar.
For instance, if I want to skip any confirmation, I can use the undocumented flag --noconfirm. But that only works if I’m passing the flag to install, -S. If, say, I’m searching for a package, simply typing paru <package>
, then the interactive menu no longer works. It simply exits with the message ‘nothing to do’.
yay, on the other hand, works flawlessly with the --noconfirm flag.
I noticed that paru has some upgrading/updating features that are nice. I might use it once in a while to upgrade/update the system. But that’s pretty much it for now.
Thanks for reminding me of paru! I’ve checked and I have it installed already. But I confess that I’m so used to yay that I completely forgot about paru.
Do you have any paru tutorial you recommend?
Also, Arch wiki.
All else is aesthetics.
Let me try to see if I get the logic here. So a company fires a lot of people, and then another company hires them.
These workers then are leveraged by the new company to do something similar to what they have been doing in the previous company. This allows the new company to create a competing product that seems to capture part of the previous company’s market.
But now the first company wants to sue the second company for… leveraging those recently dismissed workers?
One of those companies seem to be acting in a very strategically sound way, and it’s not the one which fired those workers in the first place…
Well, true. I may have gotten here though Reddit. But now I’m taken aback by what’s happening here.
I mean, the whole thing is open, FOSS developed, decentralized, being everywhere and at the same time nowhere? Call me crazy, but this in itself is awesome!
On top of that, I was greeted here by a community of communities where people are kind, helpful, full of beautiful and interesting insights.
So why would I be thinking of going somewhere else? I’ve posted more comments here in the past weeks than in the last ten years on Reddit. And I’ve done that because I’m genuinely excited with this setting.
So no, I’m not joining the herd moving to greener pastures. This field is green enough for me.
Here’s another 20+ years Linux user. I too feel I still not know what I’m doing. My computers have been up and running thanks to the blessings of the godly devs!