Username checks out
Would recommend, its way better than before.
Or 5 minutes and you pull your hairs out 😂 then reinstall because you screw up something without any idea how to fix it.
Im dead! MS-DOS vibes
Came for this. Thanks stranger.
Someone on that page commented:
“It was always open source. They just bought the company who created* and maintained, it, moved the devs over to their own fork and closed down the original, graciously allowing the wine team to maintain their own fork of the old code, as if they needed a permission, lol. It’s a good PR move (also for Wine, mind you) but nothing else.”
I bought a cheap win11+office 2021 combo on the net and use a VM. Its not the easiest way but it works…
Québec? Username checks out. 😅😂
My nose is bleeding 😪
I thought I was eating an onion… Nope.
Omg. Calibri… Didnt catch that the first time around lol
Its not against you, dont worry. Its against shady NordVPN business practices.
But aPpLe CaRe AbOuT pRiVaCy