Could you import the column in as text to preserve it?
Could you import the column in as text to preserve it?
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2024 lol. Maybe senior dev is an overstatement, he was just more senior than me. He also left a database where the main table had one varchar, freetext column that users wrote multiple fields into because it was a ‘simpler user experience’ . Was a pain to extract all those fields with regex…
Lmao. I once had a senior dev put database passwords into documentation, and then was about to email those out to interview candidates with the passwords ‘blacked’ out. I caught it quick enough before it could be sent thankfully.
Yea at that point just cook it yourself lol
Yea it’s way too optimistic to presume these companies will not lash out in their death throes. They’d destroy as much as possible on their way out.
They probably eventually plan to bring back forced labour. They ‘deport’ people, and when that’s too arduous, they’ll round them up in camps and make them work their ‘sentence’.
I don’t think they actually stupid enough to deport their low wage vulnerable workforce when they can just further exploit them.
Jesus christ it must be painful working for such a massive moron.
R and tidyverse is really amazing, the syntax is so natural I rarely need to check the docs on anything to quickly do basic data transformation/plotting. Definitely more intuitive than pandas (and I learnt that first).
Lmao, it’s funny how most of these use cases rarely stray from the stereotype of ‘I can’t spend an hour focusing on something and learn so I’ll take a shortcut instead’.
Meanwhile at work all chatGPT has caused is misery as it makes people think they’re expert programmers now while I have to debug their shitty code. Do they learn? Nope, just repeatedly serving up slop.
It’s white phosphorus if I’m not wrong. Used for ‘spotting targets’ aka committing war crimes.
RSS is in no way simple to regular normies.
Seems like a really roundabout way to do this, surely a unit test (no pun intended) would’ve been a better solution?
There are a tonne of apartment balconies that are just afterthoughts by the developer though. I see plenty that are narrow to the point of being useless, or 30 floors up with no enclosed overhang which just generally feels kinda terrifying.
Yea, talk about overcomplicating a simple task.
It really puts your suspension of disbelief to the test, and all the characters are terrible. I actually thought the netflix show was better than the book because the characters were alot more relatable.
Or uh, idk, tax them properly and you achieve the same outcome without any killing.
Not that it’d ever happen though.
I love using Wednesdays to clear leave (I know, not the best day in terms of utility for holidays and stuff) as you essentially create a new Friday. Work is so much more bearable.
I mean it’s still unique to the US. Plenty of other, poorer countries have better healthcare.
But… bash snippet extensions already exist. The only difference is maybe it doesn’t auto name your variables for you. I’d take that over non-deterministic LLM outputs.