“It would be a good value if the value was good, but it isn’t.”
“It would be a good value if the value was good, but it isn’t.”
In the US, a conductor is the one who checks tickets, makes announcements, and delegates tasks to the crew to help ensure things keep moving on time.
The locomotive engineer is the one who is “driving” the train. They run the engine and communicate with dispatch and traffic control to keep them informed where this particular train is fitting into the overall juggling act,. They also make every effort to keep things safe (watching for signals, obstructions, etc.).
I’m not 100% sure if the terminology is different outside of the Us.
(Source: My father is a 3rd generation locomotive engineer.)
FANTASTIC reference! This movie is so funny and awesome, and it seems to have completely disappeared from pop culture. I never understood why Conan looms so large in our collective memory, but this movie totally vanished.
I’m a Darn Tough sock devotee. Same deal as you. I didn’t want to spend the money for a long time, then I finally shelled out for 8 pairs. This was many years ago, and still wear them daily. I’ve since added a couple more pairs.
You might be talking about Never10, made by Steve Gibson over at GRC.com. It has since been updated and renamed InControl. It now also works to prevent unwanted Win11 upgrades, as well as other things. https://www.grc.com/incontrol.htm
I loved Sigur Ros when they first broke the scene around 1999. I thought it was so beautiful, and angelic, and weirdly transcendent. I wondered what beautiful poetry was being sung in this mystical Icelandic language I did not speak. Then, I learned that it’s not Icelandic. It’s not anything. It’s a made up language that means nothing. It shouldn’t really bother me, but I felt like I had been tricked, and haven’t been able to get past it.
Thanks for this tip. I hadn’t heard about this before, and it sounds like an interesting thing to add to my tool chest.
so if you browse youtube that can go via a country that does not allow ads.
Can you tell me more about this? I’ve never heard about that this is a thing, and it sounds like a good thing to known
I bet people love working with you…
Thank you for providing a starting point! Jumping into a long-running show can be daunting. I’m going to check this one out.
Bingo. Why did I begin to stink when I hit puberty even though I showered twice daily and lived in a temperate climate? This person makes it sound like no one would stink if they simply never start using deodorant, when the reality is that people start using deodorant because they realize that they stink without it. For centuries, people around the world have used perfumes to cover their BO before (and after) deodorant became available. Why would they need this if they simply don’t use deodorant?
I also know a woman who swears that you never actually need to wash your hair. Your head will stop producing as much oil and you’ll naturally have beautiful hair. She is a lovely, smart, confident, and attractive woman, but her hair is greasy and stringy AF.
Thanks for your feedback, Kit. You may be glad to realize that I had already done exactly what you suggest I should have done, which is recommend that OP get checked out. Have a great night!
Welcome to Lemmy!
You might want to look into getting checked out for ADHD. Someone close to me was diagnosed as an adult a few years ago, and your behavior overlaps somewhat with their behavior. Many hours of making schedules and charting plans, but a strong mental block with putting plans into action to actually get things done. It’s more common than you’d think.
This is the way.
Sure. It depends on the work. I only reference the quote when it is applicable.
These aren’t necessarily my favorite quotes, but they are the two I find myself referencing almost daily in my work life.
“We never seem to have the time to do it right, yet we always seem to find the time to do it twice.”
“You can save hours of planning with weeks of work.”
When I purchased my first woodworking equipment, I was thinking much more like an engineer than a craftsman. I pretty quickly found that wood is a fairly forgiving material, and being off by a few thousandths on a table saw isn’t usually a big deal. But, it depends on what you’re building and what other tools you have.
Don’t talk about Usenet.
Don’t — talk — about — Usenet!
Guys… you’re all breaking the first two rules of Usenet…
I can’t think of any problems I’ve faced in over 3 years. I have an app on my phone that I can use to temporarily disable my Pi-hole if I need to do some testing, but I don’t know if I’ve ever had a situation where the Pi-hole was the source of a problem. Definitely not a maintenance headache. I run an update on it every now and then, but only because I see a notification that there is one, not because there’s something going wrong.
There are so many other reasons to lose patience with some of my coworkers, tech illiteracy is nowhere near the top of the list. If anything, I like helping people with tech.