Writing mods and server plugins for counter strike 1.6 is what got me into it.
Writing mods and server plugins for counter strike 1.6 is what got me into it.
Fox Television Studios not cancelling a show right as it starts to get good challenge.
I jokingly suggested a similar crusade against sprints, because the nature of my team’s work isn’t prohibitively time-boxed either.
Wasn’t expecting the people sitting on that zoom call with the power and influence to make such a change to actually agree
Thanks for that!
Dunno, but I would like to know more about your lamp
Chaotic neutral on my work desk, lawful good on the gaming desk. Priorities.
That’s not a hot take. That’s a damned gospel and I am singing baritone.
Rejected an offer because the work spaces for developers were even worse than open plan.
I am incredibly curious to learn more
“I’m in this post and I don’t like it”
I recently re-read the book and had a similarly traumatic episode from all the managers over my career that read the book and somehow took the wrong lessons from the dysfunction portrayed.
Jira itself is just systematic negging. Change my mind.
(Ok I’m being kinda sarcastic here but not by a lot)
The other common problem is a non-Manager - a “manager” who doesn’t talk to you and doesn’t know much about what you’re working on. They just want to check a dashboard, see all green lights, report to their managers that the light is green, and collect their pay check.
I know this person. They were a manager. They were my last manager. Thank the compiler I got moved to a different team when the org realized said manager had no idea what they were doing, shuffled some seats around and removed this manager from the company.
None of your objections so far have come close to resembling good faith rebuttals. Or even good ones.
We have eyes, we’ve read the tweet, we (I would hope) know what invoking rm -rf /
does. Presumably the context alone there and reading the room here should be enough to clue one in why one would find it specifically cringeworthy (even if I would probably use a tamer way to describe it-personally), and why perhaps one would in the exact same vein just find things funny for different reasons, or just find different things funny altogether. How is it hypocritical to acknowledge the humor in a joke while pointing out that the same joke carries an uncomfortable truth to it? Sometimes those are the best jokes (best of course being subjective)
Of course, I got the joke straight away and merely chuckled. Not necessarily my brand of humor, but hey, you buy the premise, you’ve bought the bit.
I hate that when I want to automate something thats super easy in the GUI and it takes AGES because there is no equivalent to what I’m doing in the GUI
glares angrily at Azure CLI
I got your next drink.
I think where you messed up is trying to date other CS majors. True love comes from dating the Comparative Lit majors. And when that doesn’t work, accounting.
Coincidentally also works for career changes.
Staring down the long barrel of this right now.
But don’t worry it’s just an MVP 🙄
I’ll take the paycheck.
Convince me this isn’t just training someone’s pet algorithm the same way we’ve all been trained to accept training the CAPTCHAs.
WAKE UP COMPILERS (It is a fun game though)
https://selectstarsql.com/ is one I point folks to quite often