Leap year creator
That’s Julius Caesar. Sort of…
Leap year creator
That’s Julius Caesar. Sort of…
00:00:00 is the 1st second of the day. 23:59:59 is the 86400th second of the day. That’s 24 hours.
Greed and gluttony have been pervasive throughout history. I have no idea why you would think they were recent phenomena.
It’s a New York thing
New York the state or NYC?
That is a belief that existed and maybe some still believe it, but I don’t think any large organizations would consider that canon. It’s generally considered a heresy, called Marcionism.
the mirror is reflecting the light emitted by the lamp better than a wall will do.
Will it? Maybe. You are making the assumption that specular reflection is better at reflecting than diffuse reflection, but that is a false assumption. It depends on the reflectivity of the wall and the mirror. A white wall can reflect more light than a mirror.
This is the third eruption in the same place in the past two months, if ‘a volcano erupts near Grindavík, Iceland’ was on your bingo card it should have already been marked. And having ‘any volcano erupts’ on a bingo card would make the game too easy since there are about fifty volcanos erupting at any one time.
Which part do you think he breached?
There are two articles in this post. The title you complain about is from the one you didn’t read.
There is already a Japanese airbase about a mile away from it. The airbase was the first to confirm the new island.
Japan’s Maritime Self-Defence Force’s air base on Iwoto Island (previously known as Iwo Jima Island, the site of a major Second World War battle) confirmed the emergence of the new island last week after personnel heard a loud explosion that sent sand and ash flying high into the air.
double it and
add it tosubtract it from what’s left
So then the recommendation should be ‘never boil filtered water in the microwave, and never boil filtered water in a new pot on a stove’, not ‘never boil water in a microwave’.
Edit: or maybe ‘Never boil filtered water in a glass or ceramic container’ that makes it clear that the method of heating is irrelevant, it’s the condition of the water and container that is important.
I’ve boiled water in the microwave thousands of times, it’s never been superheated. It’s does not easily happen in a microwave.
Every time I’ve seen someone test out this microwave myth, they use distilled water and a new container.
Exactly the same as water being superheated in a microwave, no nucleation sites.
There’s nothing special about a microwave that will superheat water. You can superheat water on a stovetop, but nobody ever says not to boil water on a stove.
They are selling for what they are supposed to be sold for.
deleted by creator
Are you looking at the price in other currencies? Because all the US ones are $15
The anno domini (AD) dating system started in 525. The concept of zero did not make it to Europe until the 11th century.