Trump has no authority over the Palestinian people and/or territories.
Trump has no authority over the Palestinian people and/or territories.
Probably why you carry all that fuel around with you.
She is pondering to her male fanbase. Edit: *pandering
You might have some issues with one of your intervertebral discs. Go do a checkup just to make sure. Might catch it before it evolves into a bigger problem.
At home: Knives Out In a cinema: Bad Boys 4
It’s just a gimmick, a new “feature” to justify higher product prices.
The only country that can legally bomb schools in 2024 with no repercussions.
And if anything, the whole talk about AIPAC these days has taught me that influencing the US political process from foreign countries is… not that bad.
Phase 1: It’s not happening at all
Phase 2: It’s happening, but it’s a natural process
Phase 3: Ok, it’s happening and it’s your fault
Phase 4: ???
Also the hacksaw extends his reach by 50 cm so he could have grabbed the phone with it.
Big companies are doing this so they can sell their product on the Chinese market more easily. The number 9 is associated with death in China.
In the Balkans, whenever people rise in peaceful protest against a corrupt goverment, that particular government sends 50 or so crack heads to join the protests and start demolishing stuff, so that an overwhelming police force can then disperse the legitimate protests. I’ve seen it play out times and times again.
I have recently come to the conclusion that there are cognitively functional people with a sound mind that believe that it is not possible to know anything for sure. Like, it’s not possible to know if the scientists are telling the truth. We just have to take their word for it. Why not stick to the thousand year old belief system then? It has better apologists, armed with an experience of hundreds of years of demagogy and dogma regarding fending of criticism of said belief system.
It’s the only skin that prevents you from killing yourself.
This is just morbid.
Do the people in Germany know this? Because I’ve heard that the media there only focus on Hamas in this conflict, and I think that this is an dishonest approach to reporting news. And why is it important what Germany thinks you say? Because, as the most populous and economiclaly active country in the EU, it is very influential in the policy making of EU.
It’s already happening.
Now do Kazakhstan - Ukraine and Bosnia - Belgium.