Yes, that’s what I said. I’m not defending capitalism.
Yes, that’s what I said. I’m not defending capitalism.
Socialism and communism, in theory, are structured to prioritize the needs of the people over profit or power. That slogan captures that ideal beautifully. However, history shows that the implementation of these systems falls short of their ideals. Issues like bureaucratic inefficiency, corruption, or the consolidation of power within ruling parties have led to systems that still reward the powerful or productive, just in different ways. I’d argue that the challenge isn’t the system itself but the difficulty of designing any system that fully aligns with such principles while addressing the complexities of human behavior and societal needs. Capitalism embraces it while socialism and communism pay lip service to ideals while also committing the same sins in practice. My point that it’s not exclusive to capitalism remains.
within a capitalist society
Besides slavery, I cannot think of any successful societal system to date that did not prioritize rewarding the productive and/or powerful. Not saying that you’re wrong, just that it’s far from exclusive to capitalism. (The bar for “success” here being a society that exists over many generations)
So, if you want to be a registrar, it is a considerable responsibility, cost, and effort. It also doesn’t solve the original problem. Users will still go to companysite.com because that’s what they think it is. Trying to tell users to go to companysite. would be damn near impossible without giving a quick DNS 101 lesson. Also, your SEO would be fuuucked. Good luck selling that to any exec. As for your concern with the Internet choosing to go with delegating domains, it’s actually critical to how we run DNS. Imagine if every single lookup had to contact the root servers. Every single email. Every single ping. Icann would have to be the size of Google. This also means that requirements for being a tld would be significantly reduced which would greatly compromise the Internet if any of them went rogue.
Hm, so to explain the problem better: I work for a large organization that has many sites. Part of that is managing all the names. We have over 500 domains and 75% of them are defensive domains. For example, if I have companysite.com then I also must have companysite.net and .org and .co and so on and so forth. They all redirect to companysite.com
how do gtlds make your work much, much harder??
Since you’ve shown vague interest in my field, allow me to elaborate!
gtlds add a ton of complexity to managing DNS. Every new gtld means more configurations to deal with, which makes things way more prone to errors. On top of that, they make monitoring and security tougher since we have to constantly watch for threats from an ever-growing list of domains—more phishing, more typosquatting, more headaches. It’s also a pain when systems don’t play nice with certain gtlds, leading to random bugs or outages we have to troubleshoot. And let’s not forget the user confusion. People are used to .com or .org, so we end up fielding extra support requests, trying to explain what these domains even are which means I have to explain repeatedly to executives to NOT use some gimmicky gtld for their new site. When users are upset because “thewebsiteimanage.hot” is a porn site, thats a huge problem. Defensive domains are a nightmare and get worse every time a new gltd is created.
A lot of people have uneducated opinions on gtlds, but as a professional DNS engineer: fuck gtlds. They’re literally corporate cash grabs that make my work much, much harder and actively make the Internet worse.
This ain’t the war thunder forums, pal
Oh, look, a post on Lemmy about Windows. I’m excited to engage in a unique, nuanced discussion about the topic of the post!
So glad I’m not on Reddit where people just repeat the same predictable thing over and over then jerk each other off.
(I use Linux too. But I hate seeing copy+paste Linux shilling on every Windows post. It’s preaching to the choir and uninspired.)
We’ve had thousands of troops stationed in the tel-aviv base for decades… This isn’t anything new. That’s why it’s a click bait headline
Human: rearranges words and phrases they have learned over the course of their existence 😙👌 masterpiece
Computer: rearranges words and phrases they have learned over the course of their existence 😡 plagiarism
Exactly! Back in my day, people used to fill up my gas for me and carry my things up to my hotel room. Young people are getting lazy and entitled! Corporations need to make them work harder. Makes it hard to humiliate the poors if they make ME do the work.
Better to have ads pushed down our collective throats than let collectivists have us by the throat. An ‘unregulated’ market lets us choose whether or not to use them, instead of justifying their necessity to avoid censorship.
The most secure & economical option is to never go outside
As a network security expert, I’ve got that on LOCK
Thank God for cars. Imagine riding public transport and getting felt up/robbed/harassed. Glad we can all agree on this Lemmy 👍
Obviously this is the worst of both worlds, but it’s a weird flex to support cars.
this is a comic man, you might be reading into it more than the artist intended… I was bullied in high school by a single, lone dude lots of times.
lol whoops. I do like the idea of that tho.
Partners are the stupidest fuckers on the planet. I won’t name names, but I have sicced my governance team on fucking http (NO S) websites, usage of certificate pinning, public-facing databases! (Protected by a shitty 2000’s-era username+password login interface) transferring credit card numbers in CLEAR TEXT. I swear I’ve seen every possible idiotic move from partners.
Sometimes people wear things for themselves.