i’ll throw some cheese in before the egg and call it a choad in the hole.
i’ll throw some cheese in before the egg and call it a choad in the hole.
I like my women like I like my chicken, with the skin on and the bones in.
some of my favourites
streets of rage 1 and 2 wave race 64 aerobiz supersonic platoon nes donkey country snes katamari damacy ps2 earthbound snes pictionary nes ristar genesis bomberman hero n64 castlevania 3 nes
Lord of the rings (1978)
Jason and the argonauts
once in a while when i download a disney movie, it triggers an email from the isp. i payed the fee tho so they need to shut up, in canada there’s a tax, or was, on blank cd’s that went to the entertainment industry to compensate for pirating. they charged me so i feel entitled to sail on.
hopefully the cult wont follow that choad. chode? chaude? fuck, these jerks are exhausting.