That’s not how brackets work?
That’s not how brackets work?
when I drink you drink we drink
But generic type syntax is a feature exclusive to Typescript while typeof
is a JavaScript thing. You’d never get Pie[Pie[T]]
as a result from a typeof
check. (Please excuse the square brackets; seems like the markdown parser here isn’t quite right and it keeps messing up the angle brackets)
Also, it’s typeof foo
not typeof(foo)
in js
factoid actualy just statistical error. average palestinian eats 0 pieces of bread per day. Breads Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 190,000 each hour, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
Fun fact: 'ß'.toUpperCase()
is ‘SS’
What is this from?
There are some cases where any
must be used instead of unknown
but they usually involve generic constraints and seem more like a bug than intended behavior
Is “gorror” a term? It should be
Fwiw Linux is way easier today than it was a million years ago. Honestly I find it simpler to use than Windows.
No no, 10 base 512 lines of code
They can connect via USB so you can do things like perform a clean shutdown when it loses power
Someone’s trying to smash a stack
That’s the problem
We already have bacteria that eat plastic
I fucking love Kago
He ate them, that’s why he was so big. He lost (passed?) them and is now skinny